Summary 1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#208 Semi-cide" a man is run over by a semi and cut in half, "#422 Construction Accident" a man buried alive in three tons of sand, "#92 Fang Banged" a man who fell on a poisonous rattlesnake and was bit on the chest, "#832 Lesbocution" a woman who is electrocuted by walking barefoot into an electrified puddle, "#125 Love Bugged" a reptile and insect collector who was bit by a black widow spider, and "#640 Tumble Die" a hospital repairman is caught in a industrial strength dryer. It also looks at the case of a paramedic who survived after he was hit by a runaway car at the Dayton Speedway.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Ron Perlman Alisdair Simpson Khyber Zaffarkhan Boyd Flinders
Genres : Comedy Horror Documentary
Release date : May 13, 2008
Countries of origin : United States
Language : English
Production companies : Spike TV Original Productions
Summary 1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#208 Semi-cide" a man is run over by a semi and cut in half, "#422 Construction Accident" a man buried alive in three tons of sand, "#92 Fang Banged" a man who fell on a poisonous rattlesnake and was bit on the chest, "#832 Lesbocution" a woman who is electrocuted by walking barefoot into an electrified puddle, "#125 Love Bugged" a reptile and insect collector who was bit by a black widow spider, and "#640 Tumble Die" a hospital repairman is caught in a industrial strength dryer. It also looks at the case of a paramedic who survived after he was hit by a runaway car at the Dayton Speedway.
Genres : Comedy Horror Documentary
Release date : May 13, 2008
Countries of origin : United States
Language : English
Production companies : Spike TV Original Productions