Summary 1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#504 Wel-Dead" an adrenal junkie is accidentally electrocuted by a welding machine, "#230 Trailer Trashed" a man poisons himself when he pours bleach in his mobile home's toilet, "#171 Nite Capped" a man is shot and killed by a bullet shot into the air on New Years, "#385 Sh*t Faced" a man with a throat operation dies after an alcohol enema, "#197 Dead Eye" a gym instructor accidentally impales himself through the eye, and "#319 Domin-a-Dead" a 32-year old virgin dies of an allergic reaction when he is put in a latex suit by a dominatrix.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Ron Perlman Alisdair Simpson Khyber Zaffarkhan Boyd Flinders
Genres : Comedy Horror Documentary
Release date : Feb 14, 2009
Countries of origin : United States
Language : English
Production companies : Spike TV Original Productions
Summary 1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#504 Wel-Dead" an adrenal junkie is accidentally electrocuted by a welding machine, "#230 Trailer Trashed" a man poisons himself when he pours bleach in his mobile home's toilet, "#171 Nite Capped" a man is shot and killed by a bullet shot into the air on New Years, "#385 Sh*t Faced" a man with a throat operation dies after an alcohol enema, "#197 Dead Eye" a gym instructor accidentally impales himself through the eye, and "#319 Domin-a-Dead" a 32-year old virgin dies of an allergic reaction when he is put in a latex suit by a dominatrix.
Genres : Comedy Horror Documentary
Release date : Feb 14, 2009
Countries of origin : United States
Language : English
Production companies : Spike TV Original Productions