Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA

Summary FRONTLINE investigates how the NRA uses its unrivaled political power to stop gun regulation in America. With first-hand accounts of school killings in Newtown and Columbine, and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, "Gunned Down" examines why, despite the national trauma over gun violence, Washington hasn't acted.

S33.E1 ∙ Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA

Directed : Unknown

Written : Unknown

Stars : Will Lyman Sarah Childress Priyanka Boghani Arun Rath



Genres : Documentary News

Release date : Jan 5, 2015

Countries of origin : United States

Official sites : Official Facebook Official Instagram

Language : English

Production companies : Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) GBH

Summary FRONTLINE investigates how the NRA uses its unrivaled political power to stop gun regulation in America. With first-hand accounts of school killings in Newtown and Columbine, and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, "Gunned Down" examines why, despite the national trauma over gun violence, Washington hasn't acted.


Genres : Documentary News

Release date : Jan 5, 2015

Countries of origin : United States

Official sites : Official Facebook Official Instagram

Language : English

Production companies : Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) GBH

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