Unknown person coming out of a roadside bar and sharply hit the road with a sporty car. Its behavior on the road leads to a tragic outcome.
WillBengers, who went on a fun camping trip with Sam's dad, head to a mysterious fox den, and the hunters attacking Mi-ho's family. Will they be able to save their father and friends and finish the camping safely?
In the future, an alien life form invades Earth and smashes through the world's major cities in one wave. The earth unites to fight back.
Geologist Hiroshi Ibuki is drilling in deep waters striving to uncover clues to the origin of the planet when he instead unearths a hitherto undiscovered colony of luminescent bacteria. Instead of adapting to their new environment the bacteria set out to adapt the world to their needs.
A 14-year-old boy, Arkana, must master the ancient Kancil super suit to save his kidnapped giant brother, Cakil, while dealing with his overbearing stepfather.