Pepero, Kana, Azteco and Chuchu are traveling from Ayacucho to Huancayo, when their donkey starts feeling sick. Then they encounter two merchants who are riding their horses. The merchants are armed with rifles and to demonstrate their fire power, they shoot on a group of monkeys that are on a group of trees. They wound one of them. Kana helps the wounded monkey, and they seem to be thankful for the favor. Pepero decides to look for a cure, which is a plant that grows high under the snows of Mt. Citac. Pepero calls Jupiter to get faster to his destiny. They reach the top of the mountain under a heavy snowstorm and with the help of the Golden Condor. Chyra, his chinchilla pet, digs under the snow and finds the plant. As they return to where the rest of the group is, a group of ferocious wolves spot Pepero and Jupiter. They begin to chase him. Pepero encounters the two merchants again and warns them about the wolves. They make fun at him, but shortly after Pepero departs, the wolves attack the merchants and kill them. As Pepero meets again with the group, he gives the plant to their donkey to eat them. Since the wolves are near, the boys build a bonfire and try to repel them with the burning logs. Since they're to numerous and the donkey is feeling better, they decide to ride away from them. Pepero and Kana ride on Jupiter, while Azteco and Chuchu ride on the donkey. As they escape, the donkey, weakened by the disease, stumbles and falls, dropping Azteco and Chuchu. As the wolves are about to attack them, a load of heavy stones fall on the wolves killing many of them. Pepero and the rest notice that the monkey that Kana had helped before and his group were the ones who rescued them this time.