Episode list

Angus & Cheryl


Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Everything Cheryl tries only serves to keep Angus's eyes wide open.
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Remote Control

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
A major soccer cup final and a top class skating competition are on TV at the same time, but on different channels - and there's only one remote control.
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Losing weight

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl notices that Angus is piling on weight and decides to do something about it. She supervises his slimming program while Angus does all the tough exercises.
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Radio Control

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus invents a radio control device that makes Cheryl obey every instruction he gives.
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At the Hospital

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl is in the hospital and Angus wants to show that he is the best nurse in the world ... as long as no one distracts him.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus wants to nail a few pictures to his wall and Cheryl wants to do the same. The trouble is that they are both using different sides of the same wall, and it's not very strong.
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Mixed Doubles

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Buddy and Amanda enjoy a pleasant evening in the park with ice-creams and little kisses. Angus tries the same thing with Cheryl, but she's no pushover.
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Snowball Fight

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
A snowfall in the city gets Angus and Cheryl competing with each other on snow and ice - but we all know how little snowballs can grow into destructive giants.
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The Scooter

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus decides to borrow Cheryl's sleeping bag so he can sleep out under the stars.
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In the Elevator
Has anyone ever broken wind in an elevator and tried to put the blame on you? For Cheryl revenge is a dish to be served cold and wearing a gas mask.
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Cheryl's Package
When Cheryl receives a huge gift-wrapped package from Angus, her initial reaction is to wonder what he wants. Is he asking her forgiveness or does he have some other crazy scheme in mind?
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Camp Fire

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus and Cheryl are out in the country pitting their wits against nature's forces. When night falls, they have to find some way of lighting a fire without matches.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus needs a toilet in a hurry, and all the boys' toilets are occupied. But when the call of nature is strong enough, he is not above using a girls' toilet, even if Cheryl is in there.
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Falling in Love
Amanda falls for the charm of Angus, so Cheryl has to come along and explain what boys are really after.
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Horror Movie

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl is glued to her seat with fear, but can't take her eyes off the movie. But Angus is waiting patiently for the right moment to show her how macho he is.
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Late Date

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus is getting ready for a date with Cheryl, but his luck turns against him. A fatal combination of buttons, buses, taxis and banks conspire to prevent him from arriving on time.
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A Hot Day

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
It's summer at home with a few friends, Keke the dog and just one electric fan. Soon there's an argument about the cool breeze from the fan, but it only makes everyone even hotter.
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House Work

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
As usual, Angus is looking for an excuse not to participate in cleaning the house, but this time Cheryl has found something to hold his attention.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
A whole group of friends are hiking in the mountains. Angus wants to play a trick on them by changing a few sign-posts round, but who will suffer the most?
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Pitching Machine
A girl hitting the ball better than a boy? Angus is really upset by this, and tries everything he knows to make Cheryl lose.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl is practicing her basketball skills when the ball gets stuck in the net. Luckily Angus is at hand ... to make the situation even worse.
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The Locker Room
Angus is getting dressed in the changing room while Keke shows what a lovable mascot he is.
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Heads or Tails

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus and Cheryl see a coin on the ground at the same time and have to decide who saw it first. Heads or Tails has never been so important in resolving a dispute between boys and girls.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl is about to call a plumber because she's got a leak, when Angus appears on the scene like Mr. Super Handyman. He is quite prepared to do a botch job whenever a leak appears but he ends up putting his spoke in the works .
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Bungee Jumping

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
A quiet day's fishing. Angus is busy showing off his sailing skills when a tiny fish makes him jump out of his skin. To make matters worse, Cheryl has just got her camera out.
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Bungee Jumping

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl stands on the bungee jumping platform looking absolutely terrified. Angus wants to play the macho man and teach her a few lessons in bravery...but he should check how far he has to jump before taking the plunge.
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Match Point

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
It's the tennis final and Angus is convinced he is going to win, whatever happens. He invents a remote-control ball for his match against Cheryl. At first sight it seems to work...but he obviously hasn't thought things through.
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Vending Machine
A vending machine which doesn't give you your change back? You ask for a chocolate croissant and you end up getting a foul-tasting piece of chewing gum instead?
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Preventive Injection
It's injection time. Whilst all the children line up in front of the nurse, Angus thinks up a 1001 ways to avoid having a jab.
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Teddy Bear

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
In the past, it was the boys who hit the target and won the huge cuddly teddy bear, and it was the girls who looked on lovingly and were delighted to receive the prize. In this episode, Angus and Cheryl upset the balance of things.
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Training Keke

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl teaches Keke to bring back the ball but Keke keeps on bringing back other weird and wonderful objects. What strange mystery is about to unfold?
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl lets Angus look after her plants. All he has to do is water them now and again which is an easy prospect unless Keke puts his paw in the works.
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Art Gallery

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus and Cheryl go on a school trip to the museum. They try and add some spice to the boring paintings and pathetic-looking statues without arousing the security guard's suspicions.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
The girls are trying to teach the boys a lesson and prove that Taekwondo is a sport where you have to use your head, and this is what Angus tries to do, literally.
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Scary Toilet

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus and Cheryl are camping in a woods. During the night, with all the scary sounds like owls hooting and twigs snapping, Angus feels the call of nature and has to go to the toilet....and Cheryl decides to give him the shock of his life.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus and Cheryl are fed up of only getting a couple of presents every Christmas when they always send Santa a long list of presents. So this year they decide to hijack Santa and make off with the contents of his sack.
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Cheryl's Birthday Party
When Angus comes home, he discovers Cheryl's having a birthday party. Everyone has brought her a present - but it had completely slipped his mind, so he has to sort something out quickly.
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Sleeping like a Log
Angus has to get up early because he had to run an errand - but he is still fast asleep. Cheryl will do anything to wake him up.
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Bug Hunting

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
There's nothing like the countryside for chilling out and relaxing. The problem is children will always try and compete with one another, wherever they are....
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Pretty Girl

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
When Angus and Buddy see Amanda parading around in her new outfit, they seem to forget they're with Cheryl and Francine and want to give her their hearts.
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Let's All Play Football!
Cheryl is trying to sunbathe in the park. However this is not as easy as it looks because Angus and Buddie are playing football right next to her. Will she end up joining in the game?
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus is spending a relaxing afternoon watching television and playing video games- but the phone doesn't stop ringing. Why isn't Cheryl there to answer it?
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Prelude to a Party
It's Saturday night. Angus is all dressed up and ready to go to a party but he's still got to wait for Cheryl to decide on the perfect dress, bag, hat and shoes...
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Shopping Spree

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
When Angus goes to the shopping centre, he doesn't expect to be Cheryl's lackey and have to carry all her shopping. What about going to a restaurant or having a go on a video game?
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The Voucher

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Cheryl is thrilled when she hears that she has won a prize with a gift voucher. Whilst she dreams of what she'll do with all that money, Angus starts sniffing around...
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Brand New Shoes
Angus has got a brand new pair of sports shoes. Cheryl's fed up of him refusing to go running or doing his best not to get them dirty, so she plots her revenge.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Angus and Cheryl are looking after Nina so they can earn some extra pocket money, but they have no idea how difficult it is to discipline such a hyperactive, naughty child.
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