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Anton Petrov

Circulatory Path - Heart Regions and Structure
Anton provides a basic description of the circulation of blood within the human heart. He notes the chambers and principle veins and arteries as shown in his diagram. He show the systematic flow of blood through the various parts of the heart.
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Evidence for a 36 Million Year Long Cycle Affecting Biodiversity
Scientists have been tabulating the biodiversity, number of species, of Earth over time. A recent trend they noticed seems to be related to seafloor spreading caused by plate tectonics. Aa a result, approximately every 36 million years sea level changes result in more shallow seas that favor the expansion of marine life.
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Gliese 710 - The Star That Will Enter Our Solar System
In a bit more than a billion years Gliese 710 will come close enough to the Solar System to pass through the Oort cloud. That's not close enough to alter the orbits of the planets but the Solar Sytem will also pass through the Gliese Ooort cloud if it has one.
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There are a lot of Gravitational Anomalies on Earth
The gravitation force at the surface of the Earth varies from place to place and time to time. Some of the factors that effect the gravity we feel are altitude, latitude, air pressure and the density of the material beneath your feet.
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Scholtz's Star - A Solar System Visitor 70 000 Years Ago
Schultz's Star is one of the many stars that have had a close encounter with the Solar Systen every couple million years. It likely disturbed the Oort cloud sending comets toward the inner Solar system which will arrive near earth one or two million years in the future.
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What Happened in Tunguska in 1908? New Study may have an Answer
In 1908 an earth grazing object, air bolide, created an explosion over the Kungusta river in Russia. The remoteness of the event prevented an investigation for over a decade which itself was cursory. One hundred years later the best explanation is that the explosion, though immense, was too small to be a comet or rocky asteroid which would have been completely destroyed. More likely an iron asteroid created a plasma fireball before before leaving the atmosphere and returning to space explaining the scarcity of meteor debris.
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18.6 Year Lunar Cycle May Dramatically Increase Floods on Earth
The orbital inclination of the moon relative to the Earth's orbit around the sun has a substantial effect on tides with a cycle of 18.6 years. The result is a periodic increase or decrease in coastal flooding. Although it seldom makes the news compared to the 11 year sunspot cycle the effect has been know for thousands of years and standing stone sites such as Stonehenge may have been able to track it.
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This is Not a Star Map, It's a Map of Massive Black Holes
In a huge effort involving hundreds of hours of observation and data processing time using Europe's Low Frequency Array 'LOFAR' radio telescope astronomers have prepared the map shown here of more than a million black holes. Most were previously unknown.
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A Star That Will Pass Within 0.065 Light Years of the Sun
Based on data form the Gaia Space Observatory three stars are expected to make close encounters with the Solar System in the next 1.5 million years. One, Gliese 710, is expected to pass through the Oort cloud. That sounds bad but it's happened many times before and is not serious to life on Earth. Some of the comets of the Oort cloud will likely get tossed about but the inner solar system is a pretty small target and the Earth is absolutely minuscule from that far away.
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We May Have Been Wrong About Major Pulsar Properties
Pulsars are neutron star with jets that point toward earth as it rotates hundreds of times per second. The mass and energy of a star larger than the sun is packed into a space about 25 kilometers in diameter. Astronomers have learned enough about these objects to now understand they are not simply large balls of neutrons. Quarks seem to play a big role in their interiors. And they often appear to be asymmetrical with x-ray hot spots and two or more jet that are not in alignment.
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Could Milky Way's Central Black Hole Actually Be Something Else?
Cosmologists believe that most galaxies have a supermassive black hole at their center. But at the center of the Milky Way there are some strange 'stars' referred to as G2 objects that seem to be stars orbiting the galactic center that become stretched out into more of a gas cloud before reforming into stars again. A recent proposal is that there is a large dense clump of dark matter along with or instead of a supermassive black hole in the Mily Way that is disrupting these stars.
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Signs of Powerful Recent Supernova in Ocean Deposits on Earth
A research team has identified the exceedingly rare isotopes iron-60 and plutonium-244 in core samples from the ocean floor. These isotopes are so difficult to make in nature that not even a supernova is powerful enough to do it. Scientists suspect they require a kilonova caused by the collision of two neutron stars.
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Most Accurate Star Formation Simulation Finally Provides Answers
A new simulation performed with Starforge has overcome some of the issues of previous software in simulating star formation. By including the action of stellar jets it produced smaller more realistically sized stars and accounted for the large quantity of left over gas from the star forming gas cloud.
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Woah! Giant Comet/Minor Planet is Approaching from Oort Cloud
c2014 un271 is a 300 km diameter object from deep in the Oort cloud that will come close to the orbit of Saturn in 2031. It is presumed to be a comet but due to it's highly eccentric orbit Anton speculates it may be extra-solar. A rendezvous with the object is tempting but with noting in the works yet it would be tough to send a probe to the orbit of Saturn within ten years.
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Something Is Slowing Down Milky Way's Galactic Bar Rotation
The stars in the Hercules stream in the MIlky Way appear to be in orbital resonance with the galactic bar. The metalicity of the stars indicates the star came from from the bar. Since they are no longer in the bar that suggests the bar is slowing down. The only explanation for the slowing at present in Milky Way in in a large cloud of dark matter.
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Venus Shows Signs of Never Before Seen Geologic Activity
Unlike Earth, Venus does not experience plate tectonics. This is important because this phenomenon is important for keeping the Earth's climate stable and habitable. But based on volcanic activity and deformations on the surface it appears Venus does have some geological activity. Several probes are in the planning stage to investigate.
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Huge Mud Volcano Eruption Creates a 500m Fireball in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan has the good(?) fortune of being home to nearly half the mud volcanoes on Earth. This is more than a curiosity as these sometimes release considerable quantities of explosive methane as happened in Azerbaijan in 1958 and 2021. They can also cause large mud flows such as one that destroyed an Indonesian town in 2006. But they are also of interest to Mars geologists since Mars appears to have many mud volcanoes. And since methane on Earth is generally associated with bacteria they may be a good place to look for signs of life on Mars.
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NASA Ingenuity Helicopter Achieves Another Mind Blowing Record
The Ingenuity helicopter embarked on its ninth flight with it's color camera back on. It traveled over some rough and risky terrain which turned out to be fortunate as the rover would have struggled to navigate it. But more important, it revealed some important geological features that the rover will investigate more thoroughly.
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Uncertain Future of the International Space Station, Here's What We Know
After 21 years in service the beloved International Space Station is getting long in the tooth. Several of it's modules are well past their projected life span and the repair list is growing. Further, its huge budget could fund a multitude of other space projects. It sounds like it has just a few years left and could be retired by 2024. Yet the US and Russia have both taken actions suggesting a longer term commitment.
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Turns Out, Mercury's Large Iron Core Has Unusual Origins
Mercury has the largest planetary core relative to its size of the four terrestrial planets in the Solar System. The conventional theory is that Mercury war originally larger and outer layers were lost do to asteroid collisions. A new theory hypothesizes that the sun's magnetic field may have kept large quantities of iron in the inner Solar System during planet formation.
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Ripples from Megatsunami that Killed the Dinosaurs Found in Louisiana
Petroleum prospectors recently discovered preserved ripples from the ocean floor that geologists have identified a waves from the megatsunami caused by the Chicxulub asteroid impact. That prompted Anton to explain the difference between a tsunami and megatsunami. Surprisingly, the Chicxulub megatsunami was not as high as those that strike Alaska and Norway every few decades and are virtually unnoticed.
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Earth Tilted on Its Side and then Suddenly Reversed 84 Million Year Ago
Earth's axis of rotation continuously changes relative to the plane of it's orbit due to procession of nutation just like the axis of a spinning top. Scientists recently announced a rare movement in Earth axis relative to its surface which is also know to have happened on Mars and some of the moons in the Solar System. The shift is thought to be to a major change in continental drift or perhaps movement in Earth's mantle plumes which may have activated the Deccan traps at about the same time.
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China Is Building a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor - Here's Why It Matters
The United States was actively working on a thorium based nuclear reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the 1950s. It had a number of advantages over uranium and plutonium reactor .but it was canceled because thorium has no military applications, e.g. bombs, except possibly nuclear powered airplanes. But climate change and the better safety of thorium reactors is reviving interest notably in China and certain private companies.
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Detailed Picture of Another Black Hole Uncovers Unusual Jets - Centaurus A*
The Event Horizon Telescope which recently provided an image of the black hole at the center of Messier 87 has now looked at Centaurus A galaxy. It provided high resolution images of astrophysical jets coming from the central black hole. The galaxy is believed to have undergone a merger and in falling gas spawned the jets as it reached the black hole.
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Never Before Seen Gamma Ray Burst Just Solved a Mystery
Of the several thousand gamma ray bursts that were observed there a appear to be just two types. One results from the collision of two neutron stars. The other from a collapsing star, collapsar, supernova. But not all supernova have gamma ray bursts. A resent study explains why.
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Unique Structure Found in a Galactic Arm of the Milky Way
The common perception of a spiral galaxy consists of two or more neatly defined spiral arms around a bright nucleus. But the arms are not always well defined. Flocculant spiral galaxies can be so clumpy that it is hard to distinguish the arms. A recent analysis has found some feathering in the Milky Way's Sagittarius Carina spiral arm suggesting the Milky Way may have some flocculation.
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Major Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion After Decades of Research
Two hundred huge, finely tuned lasers. One tiny little pellet of hydrogen blasted by all the lasers at once. Voila. Nuclear fission. At least a little bit. Little by little over the years in attempt after attempt the amount of fused hydrogen has been increasing until finally the National Inginition facility is on the verge of generating as much energy from the fusion reaction as all the lasers required to cause it.
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Earth Has Another Magnetic Field Cycle, That Has Major Effects
Recent research suggests a reason for the Late Devonian Extinction which doesn't have an obvious cause. Two cases of extended millions of years long weakening of the Earth magnetic field correspond with extinctions, one of them the Late Devonian. The researchers believe lack of a magnetic field allowed high levels of ultraviolet radiation to cause the extinction, an hypothesis supported by fossil evidence.
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NASA Tested Deep Space Atomic Clock for 2 Years, Here's Why
Navigation has historically been the driver of time keeping technology. Space navigation continues that trend. To that end the new Deep Space Atomic Clock uses Mercury ions to produce very compact device that is more accommodating to space missions where cargo space is at a premium.
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What China's Been up to with Tiangong Space Station - Major Updates
China recently (2021) launched its second crew of three to the Tiangong Space Station which is under construction. Their primary mission is to prepare Tiangong for the attachment of the second module. China has ambitious plans for other space projects in the next few years which Anton summarizes.
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Solar System Had a Huge Gap Explaining Why It's So Unique
You probably noticed a statistical anomaly in the Solar System of small rocky planets close to the sun, gas giants farther away and dwarf planets even farther out with nothing in between. There are also two very different types of meteors with different isotopic abundances. A group of scientists propose this clustering is due to gaps in the early Solar System's protoplanetary disk like we see in the rings of Saturn and protoplanetary disks imaged by Hubble.
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Nearby Black Hole Seems to Have a Very Strange Accretion Disk
A stellar mass black hole is exhibiting behavior previously seen in super massive black holes. Part of a binary system it is pulling gas from its companion star to create an accretion disk. The resulting X-ray emissions generated are so powerful they are reshaping or warping the accretion disk.
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Something Incredible DiscoveredaAbout the Iconic Miller-Urey Experiment
The Miller Urey experiment of 1952 demonstrated that a mixture of water, ammonia, methane and hydrogen would generate amino acids when subjected to an eclectic spark. A group of scientists in 2021 found that the silica in the glass reactors may have also played an essential role as a catalyst in dissolved form and by providing reaction sites at the dissolution locations on the reactor wall.
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Signs of a Tunguska Like Event, but in Chile and 12000 Years Ago
Scientists have found evidence of a third Tunguska like event in the Atacama Desert of Chile 12,000 years ago. As the area is now a desert with no fallen timbers, the evidence comes from several apparent impact sites comprised of glass and other material that matches closely with comet dust collected in space.
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Hubble's Grand Tour of Outer Planets Reveals More Mysteries
Pretty much all we see of the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are their atmospheres. And they change over the years. Astronomers have been following the changes with the Hubble Space Telescope for the past few decades. Anton shares the highlights.
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Early Life Helped Create Mountains on Earth in a Very Surprising Way
A recent study of mountain ranges found that marine life often proliferated as a prelude to the formation of the mountains. The authors postulate that the microscopic marine animal maybe the source of the graphite that is thought to lubricate tectonic plates when they collide. This result implies that Earth like mountains may herald life on other planets.
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Ejecta from Red Luminous Nova V838 Monocerotis Hits Another Star
Red luminous nova v838 is thought to be a rare contact binary star collision. The collision occur in 2002 and since it is a very rare nearby event astronomers have been following it for the past twenty years. In 2021 they learned that the star system was actually ternary rather than binary when the nova ejecta reached the third star in the system.
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Scientists Create Artificial Life That Reproduces in a Strange Way
Scientists have been studying primitive life by building assemblages of cells, essentially a synthetic organism, that behaves in an intended way. But the xenobot 3.0 experiment has taken this work a giant leap further. They have created an organism that does the job of building another organism similar to itself.
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Paper Explains Why Our Solar System Has This Strange Shape
The solar wind of charged particles from our sun, Sol, creates a bubble around the Solar system, the Heliosphere, that deflects highly energetic particles traveling through the interstellar medium. Recent research indicates this hemisphere is extremely convoluted rather than spherical with implications for interstellar particles that reach the Earth.
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What Could Produce an Explosion 100x of Supernova Power?
Between 2018 and 2021 astronomers observed four fast blue optical transients which are stellar events that released about ten percent of a solar mass of material at half the speed of light, much of the light in the blue portion of the spectrum. X-ray pulses detected in the fourth event lead astronomers to propose that a black hole formed within a massive star, quickly absorbing surrounding stellar gas leading to an explosion.
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Up to 170 Rogue Planets Discovered in Our Neighborhood
The leading theory of our Solar System evolution postulates that a large planet was ejected in the distant past and it is now drifting through our galaxy. Astronomers expect there are many such planets but they are hard to detect so few were known until a recent study using infrared images found a collection of 170 nearby candidates, many times more than theories predict.
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Incredible Discovery about the 1000 Light Year Local Bubble
When we look at the deep sky we find many clouds of gas and dust throughout our galaxy. So it stands to reason there are also voids. In a recent study it appears that our sun, quite coincidentally, is in the center of one. The study also discovered that several star forming regions on the edge of the void. The implications are many.
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Supernova that was Thought to be Impossible - Wolf-Rayet Star Explodes
Wolf Rayet stars are generally rare though starburst galaxies tend to have large numbers. The are recognized by the production of much more ultraviolet than visible light and a lack of hydrogen and sometimes helium. These stars are thought to collapse into black holes without a supernova when they exhaust there nuclear fuel. But astronomers have confirmed one of a few suspected supernovae.
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