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What to Do if Your Parachute Fails
There are lots of benefits to surviving a parachute failure besides just being alive though somewhat mangled. There are almost enough to make it worthwhile.
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10 Letters We Dropped from the Alphabet
Over the centuries English has changed and lost some once cherished, and some not, letters from its alphabet. Here are ten of these unfortunate letters that have disappeared, mostly, from the publications they once played an important, or not so important, part in though one, &, is making a comeback.
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How Diverging Diamonds Keep You from Dying
The diverging diamond interchange is an alternative way of directing multilane traffic through interchanges. It initially seems weird because it temporarily diverts traffic from the right side of the road to the left. But it reduces the number of collision opportunities (for four lanes roads) from 32 to 14 and makes some maneuvers considerably easier.
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