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Batman: Abyss

Marked by Another
In the premiere episode of this new animated Batman series, Zsasz goes on a rampage and the Dark Knight rushes to confront him. Little does Batman know that his latest pursuit of a carnage-happy madman is no ordinary offensive against yet another of Gotham's deadly undercurrents; no, this time the Dark Knight will be taking his first unwitting steps down into a mind-bending spiral that threatens to contort his ethics and thwart his sense of purpose. Is this void massive enough to negate even Batman's identity? Welcome to BATMAN ABYSS.
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Mind Cave

Sat, Apr 06, 2013
In the second episode of this new animated Batman series, our hero retreats to his cave to examine forensics that soon prove more taunt than testimony. But it's not the innocent blood spilt during Zsasz's episode one rampage that vexes the Dark Knight; rather, Zsasz's blood itself is the provocation. The chemical compounds Batman discovers therein reveal Zsasz to be a mere pawn to a pair of villains, his blood delivering their calling cards: Scarecrow beckons in the form of a more potent version of his old fear toxin, while Riddler demands attention with trace amounts of a new fear toxin antidote, found only in the bloody question mark etched into Zsazs's hand. Add an anagram into the mix, and Batman once again finds that detective skills can solve a riddle and yet resolve nothing. He now anticipates the involvement of a third formidable accomplice-one that often blurs the line between friend and foe. Which is she this time? Questions destabilize answers, and Batman tumbles further down into the abyss.
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Fri, Jun 14, 2013
Episode three of this new animated Batman series catches up with the Dark Knight en route to a showdown of unknown proportions. When he arrives at the Gotham Museum of Fine Arts, Batman finds that, as he suspected, he's not the only one who's been lured there. The temptation of a rare metal bracelet-containing a chemical compound that might relieve some of the effects of Scarecrow's new, amplified toxin-has also attracted the attention of Gotham's finest cat burglar. But it's not Catwoman's sticky fingers that worry Batman; something much more ominous than petty thievery is afoot. Someone meant for them to meet, and to fight. Although he's never been one to conform to a villain's plan, Batman indeed finds himself in yet another knock-down showdown with the lithe feline. But this time is different, and soon a scratch from the Cat will shred reality itself in BATMAN ABYSS.
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Terror Has a Face
Find Commissioner Gordon & company in the midst of a firefight at the Gotham Botanical Gardens. Gas masks soon prove useless against a toxin that not only permeates the surrounding air but, thanks to a hail of poisoned darts, penetrates body armor as well. As sanity begins to slip from Gotham's finest, the World's Greatest Detective himself has already crossed the threshold into madness. Up on the roof of the Museum of Fine Arts, the newly scratched Batman writhes in the throes of psychosis while Catwoman looks on, coming to the terrible realization that her claws had been tainted with toxin. In a nearby alley, a maestro of fright wields both a scythe and a master plan. The Dark Knight is right where Scarecrow wants him: in the dark. Batman, meet the abyss.
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In Darkness Lies
The Question and Alfred look on, helpless, as the Dark Knight goes to his darkest place. Although newly rescued from Scarecrow's prying clutches and delivered to the relative safety of the Batcave, there's no saving Batman from his own toxin-addled subconscious. A week of nightmares commences, and our hero wrestles with the mounting evidence that often he has not played the hero at all: In his rush to righteous glory, he's let villains live on to terrorize another day, and left dead and maimed children in his wake-all while playacting the life of a playboy. The slant of his off-kilter mind threatens to slide Batman irretrievably down into the abyss.
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Sat, Dec 07, 2013
Time to treat the inmates of Arkham Asylum to a two-for-one visit from the world's greatest detectives. The Question and Batman (the latter barely sober after a hellish week buried alive in his own toxin-saturated subconscious) find that all the usual suspects are in tip-top heckling form. Joker, in particular, is as attentive a host as ever. Dr. Harleen Quinzel, however, seems to feel safer with her patient than with his guests-but no matter, for the sleuthing expedition has already proven successful. The way forward comes into focus, and the Dark Knight assigns his allies to their places: The Question and Huntress are to stay close as shadows, while Harvey Dent is told to keep his distance, lest the psychological twists of the investigation threaten his recent rehabilitation and newfound control over his alter-ego, Big Bad Harv. Having told everyone else where they stand, Batman must once again face where he himself stands: toes on the edge of the abyss, and it's time to dive back in.
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Question Courage
Our hero is both in his element and out of his mind as he hunkers down in the Batcave with The Question and Huntress for a fear toxin training session. Never mind the long-awaited arrival of the rhodium chloride, a chemical compound with supposed antitoxin effects: Batman insists on honing his mental and physical agility on the juice before ingesting the untested treatment. Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse across town, another creature of the night is awakening to a pair of attendants: Catwoman's former employers have become her captors. Riddler emerges from the shadows to toss some bored malice her way, but it's Scarecrow who seems most affected by his partner's blasé attitude. Riddler's casual approach is making Commissioner Gordon uneasy, too. Riddles arrive on his desk, but their content hints at a waiting period, as if biding their time for a catalyst-for a bite from the Bat. The only one biting, though, is Harvey Dent. Eager to redeem himself after his bout of criminal insanity, anxious to win both his upcoming case and reelection as DA, Dent pumps Gordon for an inside scoop on the latest provocations from Gotham's villains. Gordon, though, withholds information from Dent, a resurrected but fragile ally. The Commissioner needs a confidant with dependable sanity, or at least one capable of ethical insanity. Back at the Batcave, the Dark Knight attempts both.
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Dementophobia on Trial
There's no rest for the wicked-or their pursuers. Riddler doles out mysterious final instructions to his accomplice before excusing himself to put the finishing touches on his master plan. Harvey Dent holds forth in a packed courtroom, attempting to neutralize both a notorious lawbreaker and any lingering suspicions that he himself is an incurable criminal. Scarecrow pilots a blimp full of fear toxin toward the courthouse. Catwoman, hooded and shackled, takes her place according to someone else's plan. Commissioner Gordon stands by with a veteran's wary vigilance. Batman awakens from his toxin-resistance training stupor to find a riddle waiting for him. The riddle's implications wait for no one: "If you're betting on me to fail, you pick heads and I'll pick tails." Dent may be unaware that a pair of villains aim to leverage his comeback trial into his undoing, and in turn leverage his undoing into bait for the Bat, but the masterminds have made sure that their ultimate target knows. Batman takes an injection of the antitoxin rhodium chloride, the Batwing, and Huntress. Now, to take the bait . . .
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Riddled with Fear
What does it take to satisfy as greedy a fear-monger as Scarecrow? A courtroom crackling with the breaking of minds is a good start. If a few of Batman's closest allies happen to be among the casualties, so much the better. For Catwoman, an overdose of fear toxin ought to be sufficient to both render her insane and, conveniently, inspire her to inflict maximum damage on her fellow toxin-sufferers. And who's that gorgeous creature crashing through the skylight? So nice of Huntress to drop by just in time to absorb the wrath of a batshit-crazy Cat. As for Harvey Dent-well, it shouldn't take much to re-melt his mind to match his face. And yet, gassing a captive audience within a monument to civic obedience isn't enough for a cosmopolitan villain determined to have that extra-special night on the town. But like any worthy mastermind, Scarecrow has a master plan: A blimp full of fear gas floats outside the courthouse doors. Even better, Gotham's endearingly misguided citizens have planned a parade a few blocks away. When this abyss opens wide, things don't just fall in-chaos spews out.
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The Last Riddle
SEASON FINALE What is the last riddle? To answer such a question, Batman brings The Question.
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