Episode list

Battlecast Primetime


Mon, Aug 13, 2007
In the pilot episode, lead hosts Dave and Raj throw the kitchen sink in with an explosion of special news announcements; Joe "KANE" Kucan stops by for another memorable appearance, Community Manager APOC gives you the hottest community news in his new "corner", and two highly competitive C&C players deliver the first BattleCast Primetime featured match, commentated and analyzed by our lead designers.
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Episode 2

Tue, Sep 25, 2007
BattleCast PrimeTime Episode 2. The team is back with brand-new exclusives on the new fiction surrounding Kane's Wrath as well as new gameplay footage, designer insights on the upcoming Patch 1.09, a behind-the-scenes look at the recent Leipzig Games Convention, another epic multiplayer battle between two top competitors, breaking C&C news, and plenty more.
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Episode 3

Tue, Oct 30, 2007
BattleCast Primetime has a ton of new behind the scenes footage from Kane's Wrath, an all new "The Five", another epic match between two new community players, and of course, more community action from APOC's corner.
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Episode 4

Thu, Nov 29, 2007
Battlecast Primetime Episode 4, David and Raj go in-depth on the XBox 360 version of Kane's Wrath. Plus, stars Natasha Henstridge and Carl Lumbly share war stories of working for the Brotherhood - and the maniacal leader himself shows up to challenge a WCG medalist against the top seed on EA's ladder tournament. And as always, we bring you more explosive action then you can handle with The Battlecast Five's explosive fan matches, developer commentary on our featured match, Apoc's Corner, Ask a Dev, and the Firing Squad.
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Episode 5

Sat, Jan 05, 2008
A brand new 45 minute BattleCast Primetime Episode 5 is finally here to kick off 2008. In this epic episode you'll witness the first ever multiplayer match for our upcoming expansion pack, Kane's Wrath. The new GDI sub-factions Zocom and the Steal Talons are also blown open with new gameplay footage of all their units, including the Mammoth Tank "Marv" epic unit. We've also got another explosive BattleCast Primetime feature match, all your favorite C&C 3 moments on "The Five", more community entertainment from APOC's corner, Dave and Raj, and tons more. Command and Conquer fans, ring in 2008 with this brand new episode of BattleCast Primetime.
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Special Update Edition
In this special edition of Battlecast Primetime, host David divulges some highly sought after Scrin sub-faction secrets from Kane's Wrath, and also brings you exclusive coverage of the C&C League season one tournament, answers your questions in Ask a Silverman, and alludes to something quite dramatic coming this month...well, you'll have to watch this new special edition episode to find out more.
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Episode 7

Fri, Feb 29, 2008
You're watching Battlecast Primetime - Humans beware. Producer Jim Vessella breaks down the alien race - check out the new Scrin subfaction support powers and upgrades - will we finally see the Eradicator Hexapod? Red Alert 3 Executive Producer, Chris Corry faces the firing squad and follows up on Red Thursday. Does Tanya make a comeback? And we have five great Tiberium Wars fan matches to show you in the last Battlecast Five before Kane's Wrath ships - did you make the cut? The C&C League is over - check out the explosive finale in our new segment, the Main Event.
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Episode 8

Fri, Mar 28, 2008
Kane's Wrath is out. Joe Kucan is in the studio for the final round of Kane's Challenge. Apoc's back in the corner, Amir returns to finally answer your Red Alert 3 questions, and the dev team announces a new gameplay mode for Kane's Wrath on the 360. Plus, the 5 returns with more explosive gameplay action, and we let YOU pick the matches in the Main Event - find out how. You'll even see Raj unleashes a little of his own wrath - watch the drama on Battlecast Primetime - Now.
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Episode 9

Fri, Apr 25, 2008
On the ninth episode of Battlecast Primetime. We show you all the steps in making a new Red Alert 3 unit from concept to creation to balance. Louis Castle, creator of the Sacred Green Crystal, joins us to reminisce about Red Alert 2. Adam McCarthy, lead animator on Red Alert 3, talks about art in the gaming industry - see how he animated his favourite new Red Alert 3 unit. Apoc's back in his corner, Amir's answering your questions, and we have 5 great matches in the Battlecast Five. And of course - David accepts Raj's challenge in The Main Event. Black's Big Battle - 2 MCVs enter, 1 MCV leaves. Who will win in the match Jason Bender is calling "A Noob Apocalypse"?
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Episode 10

Fri, May 30, 2008
We'll take you to Moscow and Hollywood for the Red Alert first look event and live-action cinematics shoot. David sits down with one of the actresses, Amir answers your questions in Ask a Developer, and Raj - gets to read the show open. Witness the FIRST fan-submitted grudge match in The Main Event. You voted, we delivered. Battlecast Primetime Episode 10, watch it now.
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EA3/Community Day/The Main Event
Ready for Red Alert 3, Comrade? In the eleventh episode of BattleCast Primetime, we've got exclusive gameplay footage of various Red Alert 3 unit profiles and support powers to whet your appetite, and live coverage from the recent EA3 event. Plus, Apoc's Army goes hands-on at Community Day, and YOU can decide the next Red Alert Idol. Also, more furious Kane's Wrath matches unfold in the BattleCast 5 and the Main Event.
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E3 Special

Fri, Jul 25, 2008
Battlecast Primetime is on location at E3 - We bring you you behind-closed-doors interviews on the hottest new titles, including Red Alert 3. The Sun has risen and it's time for the Empire to Strike Back. Producer Amer Ajami breaks down the newest faction in Red Alert 3. Plus, Apoc finds a new corner to report from and Amir Rao returns to answer your questions, direct from the show floor. We've got more Battlecast Action in The Five, and balance designer Greg Black goes in-depth on the Empire's Striker VX in Birth of a Unit.
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Leipzig Special
Convention in Germany. Battlecast Primetime takes to the live stage. Chris Corry gives the world its first look at Co-op AND the Red Alert 3 cast, Apoc coronates C&C's 13 year anniversary, and David and Raj play tour guide. Well bring you all the heavy hitters on the show floor, including EAs own Best Online Game of Show Warhammer Online. Made for the fans, BY the fans, this is one episode you WON'T want to miss.
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