The Reformatting
After escaping from new foes, Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Cheetor and Blackarachnia are given strange new bodies by a mysterious supercomputer.
7.5 /10
Master of the House
The Maximuls begin to understand and master their new bodies, only to find that Cybertron is now under the control of a old enemy.
6.9 /10
Fires of the Past
The maximuls attempt to recover the cybetron backup files only to find them wiped clean. Blackaracnia begins having flashbacks of her missing comrades and heads out with rattrap to find some answers. Megatron gives them trouble though when he brings three sparks back online to give his drones an edge.
7.1 /10
Mercenary Pursuits
Rattrap uses a transformation enhancer, with disastrous results. Optimus tries to persuade Tankor to join them, successfully until Megatron regains control.
6.8 /10
Forbidden Fruit

Fri, Oct 15, 1999
While patrolling, Optimus discovers a bat hiding in the shadows. At first he flees when Optimus tries to speak to him. At one point in the storyline, Jetstorm ambushes the Maximals and the new maximal must cooperate to save his life and at the same time, the life of his new friends.
6.6 /10
The Weak Component
On a recon mission Rattrap finally learns how to transform, but accidentally wrecks the mission. Humiliated and angry with his friends' reactions, he attempts to make a deal with Megatron.
7 /10
Revelations I: Discovery
Running from Vehicons, the Maximals find themselves in a giant spark extractor facility, surrounded by dead Cybertronians. When Thrust saves Blackarachnia, she realises that the sparks of their dead comrades are being recycled into drones.
7.1 /10
Revelations II: Descent
Cheetor takes over while Optimus communes with the Allspark. Tankor unwittingly reveals their recent history as Rattrap taps into his mind. Jetstorm attacks Blackarachnia.
7.2 /10
Revelations Part 3: Apocalypse
Nightscream fights to retrieve Black Arachnia's stolen Spark. Meanwhile, Optimus is able to contact Rhinox's Spark, but Rhinox deals him a major surprise.
7.2 /10

Fri, Nov 26, 1999
A startling discovery reveals a disturbing secret about Cybertron's past. And reviving Rhinox may have been a very bad idea.
7 /10
Techno-Organic War I: The Key
The Key to Vector Sigma transforms organic life into technomatter - and Tankor now possesses it. But if he's dead, how can he fulfil his own agenda?
7.5 /10
Techno-Organic War II: The Catalyst
Liquid from Cybertron's organic core nourishes the Maximal's orchard: Blackarachnia persuades Rattrap to let her use some to try to resurrect SIlverbolt's spark from within Thrust. But her belief proves false.
7.5 /10
Techno-Organic War III: End of the Line
Megatron plans to use the Vector Sigma Keys to transform everything organic, including the planet's core, into technomatter: Optimus will counter by unleashing Plasma Energy, which destroys everything technological. Will anything survive?
7.5 /10
Episode #1.14

Tue, Feb 08, 2000
Having destroyed his world, Optimus must face the consequences before The Matrix.
0 /10
Episode #1.15

Tue, Feb 15, 2000
Megatron survived, but is he still sentient? The Maximals meet a new transformer, a mysterious beast with a strange alternative mode.
0 /10
Episode #1.16

Tue, Feb 22, 2000
The Maximals attempt to infiltrate Megatron's former fortress, only to have their mission threatened by their supposed new ally.
0 /10
Episode #1.17

Tue, Feb 29, 2000
Nightscream still believes Noble to be his friend. Blackarachnia brings back Silverbolt, and together they head off to rescue Optimus and Cheetor, who have been captured by Megatron.
0 /10
Episode #1.18

Tue, Mar 07, 2000
Megatron infects Silverbolt with a variety of Hate Plague virus, which he then passes to the other Maximals.
0 /10
Episode #1.19

Tue, Mar 14, 2000
The perilous arrival of the powerful transformer Botanica may give the Maximals a fighting chance in their attempt to re-balance Cybertron, turning it into the technorganic world the Matrix desires.
0 /10
Sparkwar: The Strike
When Megatron resurrects the two greatest generals in Cybertron's history, Botanica - reluctantly - proves herself to be as good a warrior as a scientist. Optimus vows to rescue the captured sparks.
0 /10
Sparkwar Pt. Iii: The Seige
Megatron has been absorbing the sparks, intending to 'ascend' and become the most powerful, perfect being in the universe. Noble's sacrifice causes Nightscream to lash out, disrupting the process.
0 /10
Episode #1.23

Tue, Apr 11, 2000
Megtron's spark survived, and is forced into the frame of a diagnostic drone by Rattrap. Gathering Strika and Obsidian, the tyrant plans to regroup and continue towards his goal.
0 /10
Endgame: Seeds Of The Future
It takes a final, catastrophic battle and the ultimate sacrifice, but Optimus's Oracle-inspired vision of a balanced technorganic world may now be realized.
0 /10
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