Episode list

Bump in the Night

Made in Japan/Dr. Coddle, M.D.
Bumpy mails in a cereal box top for a free Turbo-Totro-Noid. A cute little robot arrives, disappointing bumpy. The robot eventually gets Squishy to help him get back to his family in Osaka.
7.7 /10
Gum Crazy/Baby Snail
Bumpy hates babies, no ifs ands or baby butts. Babies and Bump just don't mix. / Bumpy's gone gum greedy. He's chewed, spewed and swallowed every stick and wad in the house. And he wants more.
8.6 /10
Hide and Go Freak/Better Homes & Garbage
Poor Squishington, he's become an outcast, a refugee, another statistic in the ever-escalating problem of homelessness. / Bumpy and Squish play "Hide and go Freak," a game where you turn your head inside out, make you scariest face and frighten the bejeebers out of your surpris
7.4 /10
Sock It to Me/Comforting the Uncomfortable
Molly Coddle is a comfort doll extraordinaire. Yup, there isn't anything she can't comfort, or so she feels. "After all," she says, "it's my job." Unfortunately, Molly takes on more than she can chew (or comfort), when she tries to succor the impossible: the Closet Monster!! Will Molly survive? Only if Squish and Bump give her a hand. / Bumpy has a problem: he can't stop eating socks. He's a sockaholic!! He enlists the aid of his pal Squishington to break him of this terrible habit. But to no avail. When Squish finally puts his own life on the line in order to save Bumpy, and end is in sight - but whose end?
8 /10
Baby Jail/Night of the Living Bread
The tables are turned when strange radiations mutate a harmless slice of bread into a slavering, feeding-frenzied, piece of terror toast! / Mr. Bump is turned into a baby and sentenced to time in the Big Crib.
7.7 /10
Party Poopers

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
In which our main man Bumpy is chased, pummeled and forced to wear a tuxedo by the Cute Dolls in order that his friend Molly Coddle can go to a tea party she has her heart set on.
7.6 /10
A Sneeze in Time/Hocus Dopus
Squishington has a cold, and Mr. Bumpy vows to cheer his pal up by doing a magic trick" pulling a rabbit out of a hat! / Bumpy accidentally insults his best bud Squishington.
8.2 /10
Adventures in Microbia/Not a Peep!
Destructo is accidentally "programmed" to silence anyone making Too Much Noise. Unfortunately, Bumpy's throwing a party. It's obvious that either there's going to be noise, or Bumpy's gonna be trashed, or both. Much "fun" ensues. / Squishington has the cleaning jones. He is gonna clean every single germ out of his bathroom, if it's the last thing he does. And it just might be. When he and Bumpy shrink themselves down to the microscopic level to disinfect the germs mano-o-germo, things get pretty rough. A cute girl germ gets the hots for Squish, and he must fight off her amorous advances as well as the father of all germs, the giant killer amoeba, or he and Bumpy will be nothing but virus droppings.
8.2 /10
Penny for Your Thoughts/Farewell 2 Arms
When Bumpy wants money desperately, he gloms onto the phrase: A Penny For Your Thoughts, and begins thinking furiously. / n which Molly Coddle makes a "new woman: out of herself, piece by piece.
8.5 /10
I Dream of Silverfish/Story Problems
Oops! Bumpy has mistakenly eaten the Boy's homework and must brave a whole slew of dangerous story problems that involve out-of-control locomotives, the Closet Monster, and turning himself inside-out, in order to set things right. / When Bumpy finds an old smoking pop bottle, he's absolutely positive there's a genie inside.
0 /10
All You Need Is Glove/The Bowl of the Squishy Prince
Bumpy is after a particularly juicy sock. Unfortunately, an ambulatory glove is after the same sock. No way, no how is Bumpy gonna let some glove get his sock. / Squishington thinks that getting kissed by a princess will turn him into a prince.
7.6 /10
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