Parting of the Red Sea
The story of Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea is one of the best-known stories in the Bible, but did any of it actually happen? Scientist Albert Lin goes on an incredible adventure, hunting for clues amongst the most amazing sites in ancient Egypt. He uses the latest satellite technology to find the truth about what might really have happened.
7.3 /10
Sodom and Gomorrah
Albert searches the Holy Land (in Jordan) for the possible location of Biblical cities that may have been or inspired Soddom and Gomorrha. IN Jordqn, near the Dead Sea, Siddim -the name refers to the salt lake- fits the bill by age and even destruction by fire. He learns from Petra cities in such deserts could thrive on trade routes and ingenious irrigation. Geology shows the fire could result from an earthquake caused by the tectonic rift, which Ancient people would believe to be the hand of God.
7.5 /10
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