Episode list

Charles, Emperor King

El extranjero

Sun, Sep 06, 2015
Castile's new King sets foot on his kingdom for the first time and he is not welcomed. He declared himself king when the titular Queen, his mother Joanna The Mad, still lives. And he intends to rule without speaking a word of Castilian.
7.4 /10
La rapiña

Sun, Sep 13, 2015
The King knows his Flemish advisers only look for their personal interests. Feeling lonely, he finds solace in Germaine's arms.
7.6 /10
O César o nada

Sun, Sep 20, 2015
Germana telling Carlos that, yes, she is pregnant. Past the initial shock, Carlos actually seems quite happy about this -not so much his advisors, who want Germana out of the way. They want this so much that they send a letter to Carlos's aunt, Margarita, to do something about it. And her idea is to send Mercurino Gattinara over as Carlos's new chancellor, and let's be happy about this, because someone needed to teach Chièvres a lesson and it was about time.
7.8 /10
El imperio a subasta
Maximilian's death leaves the Empire throne vacant. Francis I and Henry VIII want it, but Margaret of Austria will be Charles' best ally in the race.
7.3 /10
Un reino en llamas
Charles is the new emperor, but his fight with Francis I is not over. Meanwhile Hernan Cortez and Moctezuma meet.
7.4 /10
El apestado

Sun, Nov 08, 2015
Europe unites against the emperor. Meanwhile, Isabella is determined to prove herself more than a mere queen consort.
7.8 /10
Educando a Felipe
It's been years since Isabella's death. While Charles is away from Spain, going from battle to battle, Philip is already a grown man.
7.9 /10

Sun, Jan 24, 2016
Charles V lives his last days in a monastery, sad and tired, accompanied by Francis Borgia. But life will still provide him with one last joy.
8.5 /10

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