Sun, May 27, 2018
Inside the NXIVM "self-help" organization accused of turning members, including Hollywood actors, into pseudo-slaves with forced branding and near-starvation diets.
7.5 /10
Children of God

Mon, Jun 04, 2018
Amy Bril recounts her childhood growing up in the Children of God, a group notorious for pedophilia and "religious" prostitution.
7.7 /10

Fri, Jun 01, 2018
Forced into child labor, physical abuse and squalid living conditions while growing up in the United Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad seeks justice for himself and the other children abused by UNOI and the teachings of its leader, Royall Jenkins.
7.5 /10
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary
Former "Moonie" Teddy Hose, tries to alert the public to a gun-obsessed Unification Church offshoot known as the Sanctuary Church of Newfoundland, Pa. Sean Moon, the charismatic leader and a son of the late Reverend Sun Myung Moon, preaches an extreme gospel featuring his father as "returning Jesus" and guns at the center of worship.
7 /10
Twelve Tribes

Mon, Jun 25, 2018
Despite their hippie persona and rustic community businesses, the Twelve Tribes have long stood accused of physically abusing children and subjugating of women.
7.5 /10

Mon, Jul 02, 2018
Many believed that when Warren Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison for child sexual assault, the problems within the FLDS community would be solved--the group would disperse and members would wake up and leave the church. However, when Jeffs was locked away, it left devoted FLDS followers like Norma Richter to face a subsequent humanitarian crisis alone, and forced to fend for themselves in a world they were once taught to fear.
7.4 /10
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