The goddess Rista summons a hero to help her in her hard mode video game world. The hero, Seiya, is exceptional in every way, but is incredibly cautious!.
Five children from the Real World have been called to the Digital World to acquire the "legendary spirits" and save the Digital World from one of the 3 Sacred Angels, Cherubimon, who has rebelled against the other two.
Taichi is preparing for a summer camping trip until he encounters a strange phenomenon that sweeps him up into the Digital World along with the other DigiDestined.
Dai is the only human living on the island and his dream is to grow up to be a hero.
A samurai must retrieve his 48 body parts that were stolen from him when he was a baby so he can defeat the 48 demons that were made from his body parts.
An animated series based on the popular children's toy "Digimon", in which kids raise and train electronic monsters to fight against those raised by other kids.