It's the Showa Era! Here Comes Enma! Demons Come Forth!
We meet a young schoolgirl named Harumi, along with the Demon Patrol. This battle squad is tasked with protecting the world from evil beings, which in this case means confronting the Mug Mugger, who's been stealing the faces of all Harumi's classmates!
6.5 /10
Bigger Is Better?
Harumi's vivacious teacher has been cursed, and it's up to Enma to find out why! After observing her very, very closely, he finds out it's the skeletal Skulliosis. They'll have to lure him out with a sexy decoy before dropping the hammer on him!
0 /10
Let's Crawl Our Way There
One day, the world comes crashing down - literally. Nobody on Earth can stand up, and people are forced to crawl everywhere. It's all the fault of Fall Down Boy, who was once Enma's friend. Now he demands Enpi's hand in marriage, but she has other ideas...
0 /10
Stop Them, Tengu-san!
While Heatengu and Frostengu deal with the super-dimensional super-beast, Enma eventually awakens his giant super robot just in time to square off against the tengutastic Geta Robo! And then TO BE CONTINUED! AGAIN!
0 /10
That's Got Nothing to Do with Me!
The Demon Patrol uncovers a plot between Heaven and Hell to absorb every living soul and use it as a power source - the Mandatory Murder Massacre. The Demon Patrol raises an official objection, setting up one massive final showdown...
0 /10
Until We Meet Again
And here it is! The Demon Patrol takes on Heaven's best in a series of winner-take-all bouts. Sadly, the Demon Patrol gets the snot beat out of them. But Enma unleashes his true potential, and then things just get completely bonkers! Seriously, it's nuts!
0 /10
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