Episode list

Hairy Jeremy

April Fools Day

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
April Fools Day has come, and that could only mean Chucklesaurus is out to prank Hairy Jeremy. Even when he was pushed to the brink of pushing Chucklesaurus off a cliff, and him ending up having to rescue him, it was Chucklesaurus who had the last laugh.
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Big Top Flop

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Hairy Jeremy rounded up the Eggheads in order to take part in his own circus, only for it to turn into a big flop once the Eggheads began showing off.
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Egg Head

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Hairy Jeremy finds and egg and hatches it, only to find it being a baby Dino Monster, crying for its mother, so he decided to return it to its rightful parent.
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Hide and Seek

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Arabella is bored and wants Hairy Jeremy to play with her, but only made him cross when she kept interrupting his nap. This made Hairy Jeremy guilty and decided to look for her, without realising that she all the while was playing hide and seek.
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Ice To See You

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Snow has fallen, and as Hairy Jeremy was wondering, he was insulted by Chucklesaurus for making a snowman that looked just like him. When he built a wood fire to keep himself warm, all of his friends were invited to share the warmth, except for Chucklesaurus, which he left to freeze overnight. The next day, Hairy Jeremy was so ashamed for what he has done, that he didn't notice the thaw that them thawed out his friend.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Hairy Jeremy is trying to take his nap, only to be disturbed by his friends. He then tried putting on his music, only to end up ignoring the warnings of Terry Dactyl falling out of the sky, and crashing on top of him.
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Road to Ruin

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Hairy Jeremy had an idea with the Eggheads to construct a Motorway in order to go to far away places, only to find the noise, the traffic, and the dust kicked into his cave far too much for Hairy Jeremy.
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Self Raising Flour
Hairy Jeremy has a venus flytrap growing in his cave, and a mystery of his food getting eaten when his back is turned, He had Arabella keep watch over his food, but when he saw his food gone and only her fur left, thinking his flower tried to eat her he kicked it out of his house. Third time he thought Arabella had eaten it, only to find that it was actually his flower that has now grown into a climber around his cave.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Hairy Jeremy took photos of all his friends, but try as he might, couldn't take one of himself. So he decided to create a board of his torso, in order to have his picture taken.
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The Big Fight

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Two Dino Monsters compete for champion in a fighting ring, with Hairy Jeremy only wishing to be one. The fight ended in a draw, and Hairy Jeremy took the winner's crown.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
A Dino Monster was following Hairy Jeremy, and while doing so was scaring Hairy Jeremy's friends. The reason when Hairy Jeremy found out, was that the Dino Monster was having toothache and wants him to help pull his tooth out.
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Zero Hour

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
The animals all thought Hairy Jeremy actually killed a Dino Monster, and actually hailed him as a hero, when actually Hairy Jeremy was trying to swat mosquitoes with his club and happened to be close to a Dino Monster that was actually sleeping.
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