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History Matters

What did Native Americans do during the Civil War?
The Five Civilized Tribes were the Native American's most involved in the Civil war and sided with the Confederacy. Many of their members feared retribution by the Union should the Confederacy lose and in that they were correct.
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Hiroshima: After the Bomb
Japanese leadership was caught unaware of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and remained in the dark since all leadership and communications facilities were destroyed. The relief effort was largely ineffective until the American occupation provided supplies, relief workers and coordination.
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Why did Britain Build Nuclear Weapons? (Short Animated Documentary)
Following World War Two the United Kingdom felt the need for nuclear weapons to remain relevant on the world stage. But the United States was reluctant to share information. However, British scientists had worked on the Manhatten project and succeeded in creating an nuclear weapon five years later.
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How did European Explorers Speak to Newly-discovered Natives?
SInce Europeans and Americans has never encountered each other prior to Comlumbus' voyages they had to go back to the basic when learning one another's languages. Wouldn't it be helpful to grab a few prisoners and let let them serve as interpreters once they learned your language.
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Why did the US give up the Panama Canal?
The Panama canal was an important strategic asset to the United States. But it became a politically hot potato as benefits to leaving it to Panama emerged toward the end of the twentieth century
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