Flying in the Air
Ash, clad in Sky Trainer wear, decides to do some training but complains about the lack of wind. Hoopa creates portals summoning all kinds of Flying-type Pokémon, including the Legendary Tornadus. They all use Gust, but it turns out to be too much for Ash, Pikachu and Hoopa and they're sent blasting off.
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Wake Up

Wed, Apr 29, 2015
One morning, Ash and Pikachu sleep through several alarms that are set to go off at 6:45am. Hoopa then summons Loudred, Exploud, and Noivern who use their sound-based attacks to wake Ash, creating a shockwave that sends the tent flying. Pikachu, still asleep, then accidentally uses Thunderbolt on Ash and Hoopa.
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Ball Pickup

Wed, May 06, 2015
Ash and his Hawlucha are training. Ash throws Poké Balls at Hawlucha and Hawlucha kicks them back. Hoopa provides the Poké Balls by letting them appear through portals. However, suddenly a Voltorb appears from one of the portals. It hits Ash, and when Hoopa starts laughing, Voltorb attacks it. Voltorb then uses Self-Destruct, leaving Ash, Pikachu, Hawlucha, and Hoopa deep fried.
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Heated Battle

Wed, May 13, 2015
Ash and Pikachu are facing off in a boxing ring. Suddenly, Hoopa appears and summons a Blaziken. Seeing this, Ash and Pikachu get more fired up than they already were. Because of that, Hoopa starts to summon more Fire-type Pokémon. It summons a Slugma, a Rapidash, a Magmortar and a Heatran, who use their Fire-type moves to set Ash and Pikachu on fire. They start running around with fire on their tails and Hoopa laughs at them. Then, out of nowhere, Hoopa is roasted with another Fire-type attack. It falls down to the ground as the Pokémon who did this, a Moltres, flies by.
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Shooting Star

Wed, May 20, 2015
Ash and Pikachu are looking at a sky full of stars and suddenly a shooting star flies by. Next, Hoopa appears and makes a whole bunch of shooting stars appear. Ash makes a wish, but as he does so, a Staryu crashes down on him and Pikachu and sends them flying. Hoopa starts laughing but then gets blasted off by another Staryu.
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In the Dark

Wed, May 27, 2015
Ash and Pikachu are walking through a dark cave. Suddenly, Hoopa shows up and lights up the cave by summoning multiple Litwick. Because Ash appreciates this, Hoopa starts summoning more Litwick. Their light is so bright however that it wakes up nearby Noibat, Noivern, Carbink and Sableye. Ash, Pikachu and Hoopa start running as they are chased by the angry cave inhabitants and are finally blown away by the Pokémon's combined attacks.
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