Berti is homesick on her first day of kindergarten. Radish tries to prove he's a great explorer by finding all the stickers for his classroom "passport."
Berti makes a self-portrait but can't decide whether to give it to her Mami or Papi. Rose rests in the Chill Zone, but her friends worry she'll miss all the kindergarten fun.
The kids spin a wheel to get a classroom job, but Berti doesn't like the job she's assigned. When Albert, the class guinea pig, goes missing, the kids look everywhere for him.
Berti doesn't want to get her new sparkly sneakers dirty, so she refuses to play at recess. Berti loses her special scarf at school and then spots it...on a second grader.
Berti doesn't want to donate her favorite book to the class book drive. Ms. Moreno lets the class turn a gigantic cardboard box into whatever they want.
Berti and Radish pretend to be twins for the day. Jamil is Student of the Day, but he doesn't have time to fill out his special poster because all of his friends need his help.
Ms. Moreno dresses up in a witch costume, but the kids think she's a real witch. The kindergartners go pumpkin picking, and Berti picks a lumpy, bumpy pumpkin.
Kenji is excited to play his trumpet until he gets on stage and freezes. Berti brings rice with pigeon peas to the food fair but worries that her friends won't like it.
A muffin goes missing, so the kindergartners play detective to figure out who took it. Abigail plans the perfect birthday party for Albert Applesauce, the class guinea pig.
Radish swallows an apple seed and worries that an apple tree will grow in his tummy. Berti and Rose open a bracelet shop but struggle to make bracelets for everyone.
Berti is excited to visit her aunt in Santo Domingo until she learns she'll miss Fun Friday. Kat copies every single thing second grader Carly says and does.
The kindergarteners write a song and sing it for the whole school. Tej brings his favorite dinosaur toy to school but doesn't want his friends to play with it.
Radish is afraid to tell Jamil his Boot-brella invention doesn't work. All of the kids are trading fruit erasers, but Radish wants them to play with his leaf collection.
Berti and Radish try to get the Winter Walrus to do his magic and make it snow. The kids celebrate all the winter holidays with Albert Applesauce, the class guinea pig.
Rose can't figure out how to draw a star for her outer space project. Kat is excited to be the first kid in class to lose a tooth, but Jamil's tooth falls out first.
Radish eats too much cookies and develops a bellyache, which limits his actions on doing the things he loves. Berti bosses everybody around, causing them to not want to play with her anymore.