Episode list

Klutch Academy

The Countdown Is On
Rich helps to build up the players' confidence as the never-ending media circus swirls around them, the pressure of the NBA draft looms, and Scottie prepares for the combine.
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Coming Up Klutch
Rich helps to build up the players' confidence as the never-ending media circus swirls around them, the pressure of the NBA draft looms, and Scottie prepares for the combine.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pro Day provides the prospects with high-profile media exposure, and with a couple of days until the draft, the players return home to spend time with friends and family.
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Night of Dreams

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
All the hard work and training of Rich's protégés reaches its conclusion at the 2021 NBA Draft, where the players' nerves take center stage and careers are exalted to the professional level.
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