The Reluctant Revolutionaries
Introduction of the major players, life as British colonists, the Stamp Act, The Declaratory Act, the Boston Massacre, taxation without representation, The Boston Tea Party.
8 /10
Blows Must Decide
The Coersive/Intolerable Acts, military reinforcement of Boston, the first Continental Congress, the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, loyalists and the Olive Branch Petition, Common Sense, The Declaration of Independence
8 /10
The Times That Try Men's Souls
The British army arrives under General Howe, Washington's formation of an American army, division of colonies as patriot or loyalist, the defense of New York, fall of New Jersey, The American Crisis, the crossing of the Delaware River and the Battle of Trenton.
7.5 /10
Oh Fatal Ambition!
Benjamin Franklin appeals for French assistance, Gen. Burgoyne's incursion from the north and the fall of Fort Ticonderoga, the war in New England, the Battle of Brandywine Creek, the Battle of Saratoga and Burgoyne's surrender, America signs a treaty with the French.
7.8 /10
The World Turned Upside Down
The French alliance, Gen. Clinton's campaign in the south, the siege of Charleston, Gen. Cornwallis's strategy to conquer the south, Benedict Arnold joins the British, French troops under Gen. Rochambeau reinforce Washington's army, Gen. Nathanael Greene reclaims the south, the Battle of Yorktown, the British surrender.
7.5 /10
Are We to Be a Nation?
Creating the new nation, Washington resigns his commission, Noah Webster standardizes American English, Shays' Rebellion, the Confederation Congress, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison envision a new system of government, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and formation of a central government.
7.9 /10
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