Episode list

Los Súper Pérez

Episode #1.8
Tue, May 01, 2012
  • S1.E8
  • Episode #1.8
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Episode #1.9
Tue, May 08, 2012
  • S1.E9
  • Episode #1.9
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Episode #1.10
Tue, May 15, 2012
  • S1.E10
  • Episode #1.10
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El génesis (segunda parte)
The origin story of Los Súper Pérez continues as they return to Mexico City after their trip to Michoacán without knowing Poncho brought a magical stone with him.
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El ladrón de azoteas
The Pérez family start discovering their new powers, and Poncho and Natalia decide to use them to stop a burglar.
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Tío Eustaquio al rescate
Costilla orders to start a crime wave in Mexico City, the Pérez family is ready to stop them as they start their careers as superheroes, hiding it from the mother who wants them to stay put.
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El maléfico payaso Bombín
The Súper Pérez face their first super villain as they fall into a trap set for them by Bombín the clown, and Martha finally finds out what her family is up to when they need her help.
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Doble vida

Tue, Apr 17, 2012
After a weekend fighting crime, the Pérez family tries to return to their daily activities as they fight with exhaustion.
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