Episode list

McHale's Navy

An Ensign for McHale
Ensign Charles Parker - Newly assigned to the 73 Crew, as Executive Officer - Is Binghamton's last hope to tame McHale and his 'pirates'. Though Parker is unwelcome, at first, McHale sees potential in the young Officer, and orders his Crew to shape up, so that Parker won't be shipped out.
7.5 /10
A Purple Heart for Gruber
Trouble follows, when Gruber - In competition with a hometown neighbor, for the greatest War Hero - Is awarded a Purple Heart, for a small cut on his finger, which he got while doing laundry.
6.7 /10
PT 73 Where Are You?
Virgil loses the 73, and McHale and The Crew must arrange for a replacement, before they can take a week's R&R trip to New Caledonia.
7.5 /10
Operation Wedding Party
McHale, Molly, and The 73 Crew must practice some trickery, to keep Binghamton at bay, while they arrange for an against-the-rules wedding for Christy and his fiancee - Lieutenant Gloria Winters.
7.4 /10
Who Do the Voodoo
Urulu puts a curse on Binghamton, when Binghamton refuses to arrange for monetary compensation for damages inflicted on Urulu's island, by the Navy's 'cannon boats'.
7.5 /10
Three Girls on an Island
A 3-Sister Singing Act is stranded on a deserted island, and McHale and The 73 Crew have an ulterior motive when they volunteer for the rescue mission. But the girls, having had such experiences, in the past, are wise to their plan.
7.3 /10
McHale's Paradise Hotel
While out on a recon mission, McHale and the 73 Crew discover a deserted plantation, which they turn into a party house, where they can enjoy themselves, when not on duty. But their activities draw the attention of both the U.S. Navy, and the Japanese.
7.4 /10
The Day They Captured Santa
'Santa' McHale must practice some psychological warfare, when he, the crew, Binghamton, and a war correspondent are captured by a Japanese patrol, while on a mission to bring some Christmas joy to the children of a nearby orphanage.
7.9 /10
Beauty and the Beast
When a Photographer with an attitude is assigned to the 73 Crew, McHale and The Boys must work up a plan to get rid of her.
7.3 /10
The Captain's Mission
Ashamed of his desk job, Binghamton assumes command of the 73, during McHale's absence, and takes it out on a combat mission, so that he can have a war story to share with his battle-hardened fellow Officers.
7.4 /10
Send Us a Hero

Wed, Jan 16, 1963
Parker and the Crew scheme to get McHale chosen for a War Bond tour of The States, but, when they find out that they won't be included, they must cook up another plan, to get McHale off the hook.
7.2 /10
The Captain Steals a Cook
Gruber has been selling Fuji's Polynesian dishes to the Taratupa personnel, and trouble develops, when Binghamton - Having sampled the delicious food - Insists that it be served at a dinner for a visiting Admiral.
7.2 /10
The Ensign Gets a Zero
Under the impression that Parker is an Ace Gunner, Binghamton wagers one of his most prized possessions that Parker can out-shoot an arrogant Captain's best gunner.
7.3 /10
The Big Raffle

Wed, Feb 06, 1963
A lovely French girl agrees to help the guys out, in a plan to raise expense money for the birth of Christy's child.
7.5 /10
The Natives Get Restless
Binghamton angers some of the native islanders, then must make amends with them, in order to make a good impression on a certain V.I.P., who is due, soon, for a visit.
7 /10
The Confidence Game
Fed up with a lack of respect from The Crew, and low on self-esteem, Parker puts in for a transfer. But complications develop, when McHale and The Boys work up a scheme, to try to make him change his mind.
7.3 /10
Six Pounds from Paradise
A new Navy Directive - Which states that all overweight Combat Officers are to be shipped out - Prompts Binghamton to see that McHale puts on an extra 6 pounds - Enough to put him over the limit.
7.5 /10
Washing Machine Charlie
Complications develop when McHale and the 73 crew go after a Japanese pilot known as 'Washing Machine Charlie' who has been attacking the Taratupa base on a daily basis.
7.4 /10
Nippon Nancy Calling
Binghamton suspects McHale and the 73 Crew of consorting with the enemy, when a Japanese radio announcer broadcasts personal details about Binghamton that only someone close to him would know.
7.5 /10
One Enchanted Weekend
While mixing business with pleasure on an island plantation, Parker must pose as a Frenchman, in order to avoid capture, while he reports details on a Japanese radio-jamming operation.
7.7 /10
The Mothers of PT-73
A mix-up with a dictating machine brings a big, but poorly-timed Mother's Day surprise for Parker, Gruber, and Tinker.
7.6 /10
HMS 73

Wed, Apr 10, 1963
Binghamton devises a deceitful plan to have McHale chosen for the position of Liaison Officer, at British Fleet HQ, in Australia. Parker and The Crew unwittingly help McHale to get the job, then must scheme to get him off the hook, when they find out that they won't be going along.
7.4 /10
A Wreath for McHale
With McHale and his Crew presumably killed in action, publicity-hungry Binghamton plays the part of the grieving Commanding Officer, when a War Correspondent comes to Taratupa, looking for a big story. But, when McHale and the Crew turn up very much alive and well, Binghamton must cooperate with McHale, to work up a cover story.
7.5 /10
Portrait of a Peerless Leader
Thinking that a visiting Personnel Officer has come to appraise Binghamton for a possible promotion and transfer, McHale and the 73 Crew put on a show of their very best behavior. But, when they discover that the real reason for the Officer's visit is to appraise McHale for a possible transfer, they must quickly become the most incompetent PT Crew in the South Pacific.
7.9 /10
Instant Democracy
Binghamton needs help from Chief Urulu and his Tribe, to modify the Taratupa airstrip. Urulu - Angry over a bad deal with Gruber, involving Navy property - Flatly refuses. But, after some lessons on Democracy, from McHale and Parker, Urulu changes his mind, and drives a hard bargain with Binghamton, for the services of his Tribe.
7.2 /10
Camera, Action, Panic
When a Combat Photographer is assigned to the 73, to get some footage of the Crew in action, Gruber borrows his movie camera to use in a money-making scheme. Then, when complications develop, McHale and The Boys must work up a plan to avoid trouble for both themselves, and the Photographer.
7.4 /10
Alias Captain Binghamton
McHale and The Boys scheme to get rid of a troublesome new member of the 73 Crew, and, in the process, wind up in big trouble. But, the new Crewman - Who happens to be the spitting-image of Binghamton - Turns out to be quite useful, in a complicated plan to get them off the hook.
7.8 /10
Parents Anonymous
McHale and The Crew take in a young orphan girl, and go out of their way to make a happy home for her, on their island. But their extraordinary behavior arouses Binghamton's suspicions, and he uses the situation to have the 73 Crew sized up as possible 'Section 8s' by some visiting Psychiatrists.
7.5 /10
McHale's Millions
During a mission to investigate the crash site of a Japanese transport plane, McHale and The Crew recover 4 million dollars in American cash. Thinking that it's counterfeit, they return to base, where Gruber later trades it to Chief Urulu, for some native trinkets. But, when they find out that the money is real - Stolen by the Japs from a bank, in The Philippines - Gruber challenges Urulu to a winner-take-all poker game, to get it back.
7.1 /10
The Hillbillies of PT-73
Willy is deeply saddened, when he receives a letter from his Tennessee girlfriend, telling him that she is about to marry another man. So, McHale and The Crew throw a big 'Hillbilly Hoe-down', to cheer up their heartbroken friend, which is attended, unexpectedly, by a Congressman from the Naval Appropriations Committee.
7.4 /10
The Monster of McHale's Island
McHale and The Crew are stuck with a spoiled-brat Admiral's Son, who causes quite a bit of trouble for them, noting every violation of Navy regulations for a report to his Father - The Area Commander. But McHale is soon fed up with the little jerk, and straightens him out with a bit of his own brand of Navy discipline.
7.2 /10
Uncle Admiral

Wed, Jun 26, 1963
Binghamton makes Parker his personal aide, in the hope of impressing Parker's Uncle - An Admiral on the Promotions Board. But the Admiral is uncomfortable with the fact that his inept Nephew also functions as a Combat Officer, and orders Parker to pack his bags, for a safer position, in The States. He changes his mind, however, when he sees how dedicated McHale and the crew are to ENS Parker--after they put themselves at risk to rescue him in the Bay during an air raid.
7.5 /10

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