Episode list

Other Space

Into the Great Beyond... Beyond
Young Stewart Lipinski is made captain of an exploratory space mission into space...his older sister Karen is made his second in command, and is none too happy about it. When their ship and crew stumble into a different universe with no way home, Stewart and Karen have to figure out their differences in order to survive.
6.5 /10
Getting to Know You
In an attempt to raise the morale of his frightened and fudge-riddled crew, Stewart initiates a bonding session that devolves into ice-breaker games. When Karen discovers that one of the crew members is actually an alien who's implanted memories in their heads, they play a high-stakes game of Mafia to weed out the intruder.
7.5 /10
The Death of A.R.T.
The crew prepares a video to broadcast to anyone that might be listening in space. ART gets knocked off the ship and then saves the crew when a planet starts to form around the ship.
7.5 /10
Ted Talks

Mon, Apr 13, 2015
Tina finds a way to get dumped by her Earthbound boyfriend despite having no contact with Earth. The ship turns out to be infested with spyware, but not the way you would think.
7.6 /10
Trouble's Brewing
Kent, Art and Natasha demand human privileges, but a coffee maker hijacks their robot revolution and takes over the ship. Meanwhile, time distortion turns Tina and Michael's half-day mission into a year-long ordeal on a barren planet.
8 /10

Mon, Apr 13, 2015
With the ship trapped in a lightning storm, Karen struggles to persuade the crew to limit their power usage, while Stewart learns to pilot the ship manually with help from Zalian. Meanwhile, Kent attempts to re-educate Natasha, who has been reduced to the mental age of a child after the first lightning strike.
7.8 /10
First Contact

Mon, Apr 13, 2015
An alien appears in Stewart's dreams, but only seems to communicate if Stewart's dreams are erotic in nature. Stewart enlists both A.R.T. and Zalian's medicine cabinet in a dark, humiliating journey to make first contact. Karen slaps Michael in a rage over his tryst with Tina, and has to go undergo HR arbitration, overseen by an un-objective Tina.
7.8 /10

Mon, Apr 13, 2015
The crew makes contact with an alien at long last, but this historic moment is cut short when they realize they have a chance to make it home through an interplanetary ripple. Stewart and Michael decide to stay behind to learn more about the alien's culture, only to be underwhelmed - when they return, Karen chews them out for their mistake. Meanwhile, Tina uses Zalian, A.R.T., holograms, sedatives, and magnets to give Kent and Natasha their first and only date. Both groups are ripped from their activities by a series of shocking revelations about the universe, the alien and their chances for survival.
7.4 /10
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