Why are so many B-99 bombers from Hibiscus Air Base crashing or simply disappearing? Colonel Price comes up with a terrifying explanation, but will anyone believe him?
An over-the-hill heavyweight boxing champion who suffers from the ravages of years of head trauma is exploited by his manager, despite the efforts of a compassionate young woman who tries to help him recover his self-respect.
Morris Sizeman is a successful garment manufacturer in New York City. His son, Harold Sizeman, returns from the Korean War with new ideas about human rights, believing that the quest for wealth is the cause of the world's difficulties.
Johnny Marr's fiancee is killed by a whiskey bottle thrown from an airplane. Marr seeks revenge by killing the loved ones of the passengers on the flight.
A down-and-out vaudeville comedian, Buddy McCoy, becomes a successful silent movie star, but experiences tragedy in his personal life. May Marley is an alcoholic friend who Buddy tries to help.
Industrialist Eddie Hanneman learns that his sons do not wish to take over the business that he has built. Son Johnny aspires to be a jet pilot. However, his sales manager, Paul Fletcher, does wish to take over the business.
A true story, it follows a pastor and his wife through forties beginning with one biological child, Donny. But the upheaval of the war years results in a number of mixed raced children that the Doss family adopt until they have 12 children.
Some racetrack Johnnies are talking between races when one wonders if you can hynotize a horse into thinking it's a champion. The idea sets in motion a series of hilarious events.
After World War III a small group of people live in the desert. A young man tries to run away, hoping to find other communities of survivors, but is told by the elders that he must stay and marry the group's only young woman.
An unemployed actor, Lionel Amblin, is hired to kill a young girl before she reaches her 25th birthday. He becomes curious to know why someone would want her dead, and begins an investigation of the girl and her friends.
Sammy Hogarth, a vaudeville comedian who now has his own TV show, is a ruthless egomaniac who demands instant obedience from his staff and heaps abuse on those in lesser positions than his. His most vituperative behavior, however, is reserved for his weak-willed brother, Lester, whom Sammy has hired as his assistant but whom he really uses as his whipping boy.
A gunfighter is terrorizing a small western town. The townspeople finally pool their money to a hire another gunfighter to drive him out of town. The townsfolk thought they had it bad until they handed the reigns over to the new terror. Pooling their money again, this time to hire Jeffers to get rid of Dancer.
A romance on the high seas revolving around the comely widow of a shipping magnate, and her growing love for a handsome young political prisoner who is scheduled to be put to death when the vessel reaches its destination.
Four nuns, led by Sister Teresa, begin a treacherous journey across the Arizona desert in 1870. Their faith enables them to deal with the challenges of nature and the hostility of their fellow mankind.
Just after World War Two ends, an American woman takes in a Polish war orphan boy, a concentration camp survivor. But conflict arises when her husband, a returning Air Force bomber pilot,hates the boy and his psychological baggage.
Broadway legend Helen Morgan 's life as told by her mother, from her early start in second rate speakeasies to star of top rated shows and owning her own club. Also seen is her poor choices,such as her affair with a married man, her short marriage to a much younger man, a court fight over an adopted baby and her fatal descent into booze addiction.
A successful young man announces his recent engagement, only to be forced to reconsider his future following the sudden reappearance of a girl he has loved for years.
The captain of a U.S. Cavalry unit rescues two wives of slain traders who were being held hostage by hostile Native Americans but then is faced with a mutiny among his own men.
Mae Doyle comes back to her hometown a cynical woman. Her brother Joe fears that his love, fish cannery worker Peggy, may wind up like Mae. Mae marries Jerry and has a baby; she is happy but restless, drawn to Jerry's friend Earl.