A council of "war-free" worlds debates whether to allow the war-like and self-absorbed Earth to join. They eventually decide to give Earth a chance and send Prince Planet to fight cruelty wherever or whatever it is.
Prince Planet is involved in a fantastic confrontation! The mischievous Martian magician, Warlock, tries to steal the treasures of Avadon, and is met head-on by the master of ancient magical secrets, Ajababa! When the evil Zortil, successor to General Skulla, sends his robot giant Thud to the aid of Warlock, a battle of earth-shaking proportions takes place! Can Prince Planet save himself and Ajababa, the good magician, from Warlock and Thud?
The unbelievable Flying Octopus threatens to stop airline traffic completely! And when Prince Planet goes out to fight against it, he faces the merciless Madame Whiplash and her cruel gang of cutthroats. But only a few hundred feet separating a train with Diana aboard from disaster, can Prince Planet repair the bridge in time? Can he defeat Madame Whiplash?
In this adventure, Prince Planet falls into the shadow of a terrible giant dinosaur. The monster threatens to destroy the entire world, and it does not seem possible to stop it! The fury of the prehistoric monster causes terror in the hearts of brave men. Even Ajababa, with his magic, cannot fight it! And then they find themselves face-to-face with the evil Dragonites, who intend to conquer the world! Prince Planet never was in such terrible danger!
In this adventure, Prince Planet meets the powerful warriors of the Dum-Dum empire, an ancient nation in the depths of the jungles. The Dum-Dums are joined by the Martian fiend Warlock, as they attempt to conquer the world! And the first target of their vicious attack is the Prince Planet Ranch, in the far West! Attacked by the terrible Freeze Beam and trapped by Warlock, Prince Planet finds himself in terrifying danger! Can he escape? Will Warlock finally defeat him?
Prince Planet and his friends land on Mysteria Island, where the stone statues they see everywhere turn out to be more than just statues! They are robots under control of the evil scientist, Dr. Slidge. Prince Planet must fight an army of stone robots to rescue Diana who is captured by the fiendish Dr. Slidge. Can Prince Planet overcome the uncanny scientific weapons on Mysteria Island? Can he rescue Diana?
A jet plane carrying Diana Worthy's father, the beloved Pop Worthy, is forced down by the evil Amoeba gang, to begin Prince Planet's next adventure -- with the world's greatest biologist in the hands of Sulupod, the leader of the gang, and the evil Warlock returning to try once more to destroy Prince Planet. The brave boy from Radion has his hands full. And then he must fight the giant lizard, Gianticus! Can Prince Planet overcome such odds?
Prince Planet faces the deadly threat of Shaberia, the strange plant that thrives on cold and devours living creatures! Originating in the frigid wastes of the Antarctic, the monstrous vegetable threatens all of life on Earth! Can Prince Planet withstand the freezing touch of the terrible Shaberia? Can the powers of the pendant overcome the awful strength of the mother plant, in the Antarctic wilderness?
Prince Planet clashes with Protan, the special agent from star planet Tri-X, and the notorious Black Cat gang! He meets Protan in combat, and they have a fight to the finish! Can Prince Planet defeat this wicked, clever enemy from outer space?
A train carrying a load of gold is robbed by two master criminals named Porker and Dr. Dapper. Dr. Dapper has invented a special magnet, that will attract only gold! He calls it "The Gold Picker"! Prince Planet and his friends are determined to bring Porker and Dr. Dapper to justice -- but to do it, they must overcome these two large criminals, their organization, and Prince Planet's old enemy, Warlock! Can they do it, as they face The Gold Picker?
In this adventure, a rocket carrying food to a satellite is destroyed by a meteorite! The food is radioactively contaminated and it lands in the Sahara Desert! Giant atomic termites develop from the food and threaten not only the people of the desert, but Bobby, his friends, and the entire world! Can anything stop these devastating flying monsters who devour anything that stands in their way? Can Prince Planet and his friends survive the attack of the atomic termites?
A strange rocket from outer space brings terror to the Earth. Out of the farthest depths of galactic darkness, from the great star planet Brutus, comes the cosmic monster to be known to the people of Earth as Elementus. Spawned in the radioactive wilderness of outer space, Elementus absorbs energy and grows as it is attacked! It is this seemingly invincible enemy that Prince Planet must face. Can the brave lad from Radion win a war in space, against such a monster?
Prince Planet tries to solve a series of weird jewel robberies, and comes face-to-face with two fantastic machines, and three terrible opponents! A vicious comedian, the evil Dr. Grumm, and the Martian madcap, Warlock, form a team that tries to eliminate Prince Planet by using weapons that have never been used before -- a paralyzing ray and a memory viewer! Dan Dynamo and Prince Planet are both captured! Can they escape? Will Warlock finally win?
Prince Planet and his friends become specimens in a zoo, on the planet Gargon! Captured by the Flying Collector Disc, they must face the awesome giants Golom and Carnivore on the strange planet of their captivity. And then, they must escape from their cages, and destroy the evil Gargonians. Can they do it? Or is Prince Planet destined to end his days in a horrible cage?
Prince Planet must stop the evil international criminal Count Lucifer from stealing a mountain, and conquering the world! Lucifer makes a deal with the cruel King Sulam of Saladar, a tiny kingdom isolated from civilization -- to use their kingdom as a base for world conquest! But King Sulam demands one of the Rocky Mountains (o.k.a. Mt. Fuji) as payment. Count Lucifer, using the fantastic Oladayuan Omniship, sets out to get it! Can Prince Planet stop a man so powerful he can steal a mountain?
Prince Planet is involved in the fantastic case of the flying horse, Pegasus, and the terrible space pirate, Captain Kidd! Diana, Ajababa, and Dynamo are captured by the fiendish buccaneer, and face the terrible fate of being sold into slavery on a far-away planet. Prince Planet, coming to the rescue, is trapped, by a huge explosion that renders him helpless. Can the brave boy from outer space recover in time?
Prince Planet goes on a deadly trip with Ajababa -- who is not really Ajababa! He finds himself on the planet of terror, Hydra, in the galaxy of the Dogstar, facing monsters beyond human comprehension. With the dictator of Hydra planning to conquer Earth, and the false Ajababa attempting to betray him, and the appearance of Warlock, the Martian troublemaker, Prince Planet is in terrible danger!
In this adventure, Prince Planet finds a strange ally, Convertible Robot #9 -- the robot that could assume any shape at all! The evil Mark Malice plans to steal the plans for Robot #9, and sell them to a foreign power! And Prince Planet stands in his way. The unscrupulous Malice will do anything to continue his cruel career. And when the boy from Radion loses his pendant, it looks like Mark Malice will win! Can Ajababa save the prince, or will Mark Malice destroy Prince Planet?
In this adventure, Prince Planet meets the man from Saturn. After making a forced landing on Earth, Orbeon the Centurian is captured by the evil Dr. Frost, and tortured. When Orbeon escapes, he declares war on all the Earth. Meanwhile, Dr. Frost lets loose his terrible karate robot against both Prince Planet and Orbeon! Caught between two such destructive forces, can Prince Planet survive?
Prince Planet, thanks to his mother, comes back to Radion. But it is a fiendish plot for Warlock, the Martian troublemaker, as the one who has come for him, and not his mother! Taken to the planet Zakrab as a prisoner, Prince Planet is in the hands of the evil General Crustacean -- who plans to conquer the Earth! Can Prince Planet overcome Warlock and the tremendous implacable army of crustacean robots?
The great space freighter Paragon, loaded with gold, is lost in the fantastic wilderness of outer space! In this adventure, Prince Planet is involved in a deadly race with three escaped galactic criminals, to find the lost ship. When the evil trio, Carver, Bludgeon, and the cruel and heartless leader, Gillin, capture Prince Planet, it looks as if there's no hope. Can he possibly escape the viciousness of the man without a conscience, Gillin?
Dan Dynamo fights a hand-to-hand battle with Kang, the giant robot gorilla! When the insidious Martian Warlock becomes Agent 7 - 0 - 0, and the Pay of Roldan, Prince of Synchron, Prince Planet has the fight of his life facing him. Can the remarkable boy from Radion defeat a whole fleet of flying saucers? Will he fall victim to the terrible Kang?
In this adventure, Prince Planet must break his word to Diana after promising her that he would not use the force of the pendant again, because the use of force is evil. He does use it after all, because, faced with the terrible Devil Fish one one side, and the Iron Shark on the other, he has no choice! And even with the help of the fantastic pendant, can Prince Planet win out against evil men and undersea monsters? Can he escape from the terrible curse of the Sword of Zangar?
Professor Lightburn invents a fantastic new rocket, and he and his son make plans to test it -- but the cruel minions of Doctor Karlo are on the prowl. In this adventure, Prince Planet is faced with the problem of the robot thugs, who walk the cold winter nights doing deeds of cruelty and evil, in the service of greedy Doctor Karlo. Will Professor Lightburn ever test his new rocket? Will Prince Planet rescue his friends from the time bombs set to go off, at midnight?