Episode list

Sabrina's Secret Life

At the Hop

Mon, Nov 10, 2003
Cassandra asks Harvey to a school dance only to find that Maritza beat her to it. When Sabrina hears, she is crushed. She thought Maritza was her friend. What she doesn't know is that Maritza, overhearing Cassandra tell Tiffany and Margaux that she was going to approach Harvey shortly, decided to ask Harvey out on the spot and "un-ask" him later, so Sabrina could then ask him. But Cassandra turns Sabrina against Maritza, and now Sabrina is not speaking to her former pal. Maritza's feelings are hurt, so Maritza decides to keep her date with Harvey. Meanwhile, Cassandra plans to ruin Maritza's evening with a series of embarrassing events - like turning her spaghetti-strap dress into real spaghetti, turning her lipstick into crazy glue - you get the idea - and all with Sabrina's collusion. At the last moment, Sabrina finds out the truth and has to save Maritza from Cassandra's spells, even though it means letting her have a wonderful evening with Harvey.
5.5 /10
School Spirit

Mon, Nov 10, 2003
It's fundraising time at both of Sabrina's schools. Sabrina bites off much 'more than she can chew' and decides to win top sales at both schools, simultaneously at the same time. And she does, working herself ragged, pounding on every door she can find. She's the hero of the day! But when the Upper-School cookie dough gets mixed up with the Under-School cursed ecto-plasma from the nether region - comical chaos ensues. Greendale citizens are undergoing straaaaange transformations and Inhabitants of The Realm are packing on a few extra pounds around the hips. With Salem's questionable assistance, Sabrina retrieves every last ounce of the plasma and switches it back with the cookie dough. Except one last batch, which went to the sweet old lady down the street, who now has fangs and wings and is flying off into the moonlit night...
6.8 /10
I'm a Slave for Who?
Sabrina's tired of sharing Harvey with all of his extra activities: sports practice, science club, after-school job at the local market, etc. But when she casts a spell making her Harvey's top priority, she gets more than she planned on: Harvey quits all his other activities and follows her around like a love-sick-slave-puppy-dog. Heck, he'd quit school except Sabrina's there. Harvey can't talk about anything except her; he can't make a decision without consulting her to make sure he's doing what she wants, etc. Sabrina never thought she could get enough attention from Harvey, but his new obsession is driving her crazy. Now Sabrina must find a way to make Harvey like her less --but not too much less.
6.2 /10
Putting Off

Mon, Nov 17, 2003
Sabrina knows there's a big assignment due at school - a term paper on a world conqueror. (She chose Attila the Hun, thinking he'd been given a raw deal by history; she's going to tell the true story.) But she keeps putting the assignment off and putting it off and putting it off. All her friends are getting their work done, but Sabrina keeps putting it off, putting it off, until finally, it's the day before due day. Sabrina freaks. She can't put it off any longer. With no time left for research (the library's closed), she uses Hilda & Zelda's Incantation book (strictly against house rules) to conjure up Attila so she can interview him for the report. Alas, Attila doesn't want to be interviewed. When starts to like the modern world, he doesn't want to leave. It has such a... mellowing effect on him. But Cassandra doesn't know of Sabrina's problems - only that Sabrina has a great historical strongman interview in hand. So just when it looks like Sabrina is doomed, competitive Cassandra sets aside her previous work and conjures up Genghis Khan for her own report. When the two ruthless conquerors meet, they get in an argument over who was the nastiest and suddenly all Greendale is at risk. Sabrina and Cassandra must reign in their conquerors to save the town (and keeps good notes so they can ace their reports).
0 /10
Just a Rumor

Sun, Nov 23, 2003
Using typical teenage bad judgment, Sabrina starts repeating a rumor she has heard from Tiffany & Margaux. It's a fairly hurtful sort of rumor about one of their classmates. When Sabrina sees how hurt her classmate is, she suffers a bout of remorse. When somebody starts spreading rumors about her, she gets downright militant. She asks Hilda & Zelda, rhetorically, where rumors come from. They answer, The Rumor Mill - metaphorically, Sabrina assumes. But no, this is a real thing, located in the Netherworld. When Sabrina learns it's Cassandra who gotten all the rumors started, she sets out to find this Rumor Mill - so she can start some rumors about Cassandra. The Mill is located along a remote mountain stream in The Realm. When Sabrina tries to manipulate its controls, the thing goes a little crazy. It starts cranking out absurd Rumors right & left, (physical manifestations of the Rumors, little weird winged insect-like things.) It's up to Sabrina to stamp out the Rumors before they do real damage.
0 /10
Green Eyed Monster
Sabrina is obsessing over the whole romantic triangle thing with Harvey and Cassandra. Salem and Chloe each advise her to stop being so insecure and jealous, but she just can't help herself. Sabrina overhears a conversation between Cassandra and Harvey that convinces her that Harvey likes Cassandra more than he likes her. That afternoon, in potion class, she accidentally creates a potion that makes her jealousy come to life - a living embodiment of the old green-eyed monster. Sabrina's rampaging jealousy threatens to destroy the high school and the town, unless she can figure out how to get control of her emotions.
0 /10
Lather, Rinse, Repent
Sabrina's move to high school with its more demanding physical education classes has forced her to dash from the showers to her next class with her hair a disaster. With help from her aunts, Sabrina concocts an herbal hair conditioner that does help with her fly-away frizzies. However, Sabrina's still not satisfied with the results. After putting up with Cassandra's put-downs, Sabrina adds a 'little magic' to her hair brew. The result: Sabrina's hair instantly looks magnificent. In fact, Sabrina's hair looks so good that Cassandra 'helps herself' to some of the homemade stuff. Now Cassandra's hair looks even more wonderful than usual. When Tiffany and Margaux beg for some of the 'secret stuff', Cassandra obliges. But the results aren't exactly what anyone expected: mortals Tiffany and Margaux turn into werewolves! Cassandra is forced to confess her 'borrowing' to Sabrina. But Cassandra is all huffy: this is all Sabrina's fault! If Sabrina hadn't messed with magic in the first place, none of this would have happened. If Sabrina doesn't help Tiffany and Margaux, then Cassandra's going straight to her Aunt Enchantra! Even though they work at arm's-length, Sabrina and Cassandra struggle to return Tiffany and Margaux to normal. And they better hurry, since the full moon is waning, and there's evidence that Tiffany and Margaux will be stuck as werewolves forever.
8.3 /10

Mon, Dec 01, 2003
Down in the Netherworld, anticipation is building for a witch-specific holiday (like our Valentine's Day or Halloween - like Mardi Gras, with everyone wearing masks). Sabrina has looked forward to participating all year, but days before the event she's struck down with a nasty head cold. Her aunts order her to bed, but she just can't stay put. She sneaks out and goes to the Netherworld, and has a grand time (even though she's sneezing and coughing the whole time). When she reports back to school, she discovers that Mr. Snipe and Ms. McGrooney aren't feeling very well. When Ms. McGrooney sneezes in magic gym class, she freezes herself solid! Frantic Sabrina puts two and two together, and realizes that something must be very wrong down in the Netherworld. She grabs a reluctant Salem and goes to investigate. She discovers that the entire Netherworld has been infected by her half-mortal cold. All over, people have frozen solid. Even Enchantra is afraid to leave her room in her castle because she may be next. With so many witches out of commission, an Enchantra, isolated, some strange, nasty creatures within the Netherworld, usually docile for fear of the power of the witches, start wreaking havoc. Sabrina has to figure out a way to cure the frozen folks of the Netherworld and handle the nasty creatures. And she must face the consequences when her aunts find out what she's done...
7.2 /10
Living Her Dreams
Sabrina is having a tough week. Cassandra, Margaux, and Tiffany are being a pain at school. Her aunts blame her for a mess Salem made in her room. Even reliable Harvey seems to be ignoring her (a misunderstanding). So Sabrina takes a break and tries out the Doors of Dreamland in the Netherworld. There (for a price), a witch can live out her fantasies. Sabrina chooses to be a "warrior princess," admired and feared, and totally in control of her glamorous life. Doubles for Cassandra, Margaux, and Tiffany appear in her fantasy as "miserable peasant girls," her aunts are royal castle cleaners, and Harvey is a captured prince, locked away in her dungeon until he pays proper tribute to her. But the "ride" is over far too soon, and Sabrina has to go back to real life, where nothing has changed. Sabrina misses her fantasy world and works frantically to earn enough witchly credits for a return, and she goes back to her fantasy. When she returns, Salem warns her that she can't live forever in Dreamland - it's not real. It was made for fun, not as a place to escape your real responsibilities. Sabrina doesn't want to listen and works all night to be able to afford another trip. Friend Salem has to find a way to get Sabrina to see the bad side of this fantasy obsession, and to remind her of all the good, fun things and friends she has in her real life.
5.8 /10
Teacher's Pet

Mon, Dec 08, 2003
Sabrina is shocked when Salem shows up at the witches' academy one day, and tries to hide him from the faculty. Salem puts up a fight, and finally reveals to Sabrina that he's the instructor in a class on the History of Warlocks. At first, Sabrina's pretty smug about the whole thing. She thinks she'll ace the course easily, since Salem's teaching it. Because of this, she doesn't do the work, talks back to him in class, etc. To her shock, Salem starts to be stricter with her than with anyone else. Not only that, but she thinks he's favoring Cassandra, of all people. Salem and Sabrina have a huge argument, and he leaves home, going to live in the Old Warlocks' Home, located deep in the wilds of the Grey Area. She goes after him, and after a scary adventure in the wild region, finds Salem and apologizes, promising to treat him with the respect due a teacher. Salem returns, and Sabrina aces her final exam in his class, mainly due to her experiences at the Old Warlocks' Home.
0 /10
Pet Peeve

Sun, Dec 14, 2003
Sabrina wishes she had a pet. Oh, Salem's okay as a pal, but as a loving furball, he doesn't cut it. So when Sabrina opens the door and finds a cute little hamster curled up on the doorstep, she immediately takes him under her wing. The little guy seems to love Sabrina, but is terrified of Salem, (rightly so, because to Salem he's just snack food.) However, Sabrina promises the hamster, which she names Spunky, that she'll protect him and give him a good home. Salem doesn't like the sound of that. He's suspicious of the hamster. He senses there's something not quite right about him, and whatever it is, it's raising Salem's hackles. Salem's suspicions are confirmed when two Netherworld police-witches show up at the front door wanting to know if he or Sabrina have seen a Gremlin that escaped from prison in the Netherworld, and somehow got through the gates to the mortal world. Sabrina is not sure what Gremlins are, and the police-witches explain: small, ill-tempered, rat-like creatures whose whole existence revolves around making mischief. Nope, haven't seen one. But Salem isn't so sure-it doesn't take a major spell to make a rat look like a hamster! After the posse leaves, Salem decides to keep a close eye on the new guest. Not close enough! Things start going wrong-and all of them seem to be Salem's doing. When Salem confronts Spunky, the hamster shows his real colors-turning into a rat right in front of him-but not in front of Sabrina, who refuses to believe Salem's story. So Salem goes to the Netherworld police and tells all. But when the police-witches come to call, Spunky invokes the Sanctuary Clause-Sabrina promised to protect him and give him a home, and since she is half-witch, they can't touch him. The police-witches go away empty-handed, and Salem and Spunky are at war. Things escalate until the mischief becomes malicious, and finally Sabrina has had enough. She tells Spunky he has to go. But he i
0 /10
Half There

Mon, Dec 15, 2003
Sabrina's cauldron blows up and splatters Cassandra with purplescent slime... and when she tries to clean it off, every place it touches her, it turns her invisible (for a short time). Sabrina's comment that she always knew Cassandra was only "half-there" doesn't help things, either. But when Cassandra makes the best of it -- using the invisibility slime again and again to cheat in school, spy on Sabrina, get cozy with Harvey, etc. - Sabrina decides to fight fire with fire and slimes herself invisible. But when the spell slime starts to not wear off as planned, Sabrina and Cassandra must call a truce and work together to find a cure before they're never able to come back!
0 /10
Matchmaker Sabrina
Sabrina finds a forbidden spell book on Mr. Snipe's desk and casts a spell to make him fall in love with the first person he sees - which turns out to be Ms. Magrooney, not her! Comic chaos ensues as the lovesick Mr. Snipe pursues the horrified Magrooney across campus. Sabrina desperately tries to undo the spell, but only manages to make things worse when it makes Magrooney fall in love with Snipe - while making him fall out of love with her! Sabrina must turn to Enchantra to set things right, and learns "you can't hurry love."
0 /10
Sabrina: Part Two
Hilda & Zelda have been warning Sabrina about using magic she's not ready to use. Sabrina promises she won't, but she doesn't exactly keep that promise. Thanks to some spells that go awry, Sabrina ends up with a week's worth of detention - in both schools for the same days. Sabrina sees only one solution - to create another version of herself. Unfortunately, Sabrina II turns out... not... just... right... There's a screw loose somewhere in this doppelganger. In fact, it soon becomes clear, she's the bad Sabrina. To make things worse, Cassandra finds out and, thinking Sabrina is up to something, makes her own double (Cassandra II), which of course turns out to be a painful, problem causing goody-goody. So as the good Sabrina tries to make amends for past transgressions, and the bad Sabrina is out there committing more of them, the two Cassandras get in the mix and make things worse. Sabrina and Cassandra (each horrified at the "opposite" version of them) must together find a way to reverse the spells and set their reputations straight.
0 /10
Spell-ing Bee

Sun, Dec 28, 2003
It's Witch vs. Witch in the annual spell-a-thon, and Sabrina is determined she is going to cast the biggest and best spell of all. But she gets a little carried away and unleashes a gigantic rock demon (built out of rock, but with the personality of a "rocker") that threatens to destroy Greendale and expose the hidden Witch Academy to the mortal world. Cassandra and the two Witch Academy teachers (Mr. Snipe and Mrs. Magrooney) must band together with Sabrina and Salem to stop it.
0 /10
Best of Show

Mon, Dec 29, 2003
There's a dog show in Greendale. Cassandra has a stunning entry. Margaux and Tiffany are helping her train and show it. Harvey has a nice little dog that he is entering as well. Sabrina decides to help Harvey so she can spend time with him, but also so she can beat Cassandra. But Cassandra's dog is so good looking and so talented that Harvey is almost ready to give up before the big day. Sabrina starts to wonder if something is wrong. She and Salem spy on Cassandra and discover that Cassandra's "dog" is really her evil rabbit Mephista, magically transformed. Sabrina then talks Salem into turning himself into a dog so they can beat Cassandra & Mephista, and the stage is set for a raucous, spell-filled, combative dog show. In the end, two witches' fake dogs take each other out - leaving Harvey's modest little dog to win the prize.
0 /10
Food 'Tude

Sun, Jan 04, 2004
Sabrina is given cafeteria work for two weeks (all students rotate through). She's cramming for a big test coming up in Ms. McGrooney's normal English class, and she's started a crash diet for school pictures soon. Surrounded by food, she tries to distract herself with her studies, but falls behind on the pan-washing detail. Finally overwhelmed, she casts a spell on the pots and pans so they clean themselves; she continues to cram for the test. But when she finds herself reaching for a snack, she controls her urge and sighs, "Croutons are my enemy. And so are cookies, and cheese..." Unfortunately, her complaint 'turns into' a spell, thanks to the magic already running the pots and pans. It's not until she returns to the cafeteria later that she discovers the foodstuffs have morphed into a literal army (like ants). And while they're small now, they're just starting to grow, threatening the entire school. Sabrina's confident she can handle the problem, but her crash diet is making her weak and fuzzy-headed. It takes help from her aunts to realize that a balanced diet is the right way to go, and she ultimately is forced to 'make peace' with the cookies, and croutons, and cheese. Also, when Ms. McGrooney learns about this latest stunt, she assigns Sabrina to extra cafeteria work - but this time, no magic!
7.8 /10
Baby Makes Three
When her Aunts go away for the weekend, Sabrina sees it as the perfect opportunity to throw a party. That is, until her Aunts hire a babysitter. Through a chain of unfortunate events, Sabrina accidentally turns her babysitter into a baby.
6 /10
Hot Item

Sun, Jan 11, 2004
While shopping with Sabrina, Maritza ogles a necklace that Cassandra buys. Knowing how much Maritza wants it, the unkind young witch uses it to taunt Maritza. While traveling in the Netherworld with the witches' academy, Sabrina finds a "rock" that she sneaks home even though she is not supposed to take souvenirs. Surprisingly, the rock is an egg that hatches into a jewelry-stealing baby dragon that Sabrina names Baby D. While figuring out how to return him to the Netherworld, Sabrina brings him to school where Baby D steals Cassandra's necklace, and Maritza gets blamed! After Maritza gets in big trouble, Sabrina discovers that Baby D took it! To make matters worse, he won't give it back! Luckily, Alchemist Al, who is very familiar with these shiny-grubbing dragons, appears from the Netherworld to help. They must hurry to return the necklace to Cassandra and Baby D to the Netherworld, or Baby D's mother will come to earth looking for her baby! The two problem solvers remember the dragon's fondness for cookies, so Sabrina casts a spell that turns an ordinary cookie into a heavier, stickier treat. Baby D tries to fly away with this monstrous cookie, but it is too heavy and he becomes stuck to it! Sabrina returns the necklace to Cassandra's locker where Cassandra finds it and unwillingly apologizes to Maritza. Sabrina and Alchemist Al return Baby D to his mother apologizing for not realizing that taking something so small could ever cause so much trouble.
0 /10
What's in a Name?
Sabrina and Cassandra bicker their way through another potion-making assignment at the witches' academy. Their arguing causes them to spill the entire vial of Salvia Muscaria: an extremely rare herb! Mr. Snipe sends them to the Netherworld to replace what they wasted, but instructs them to stay out of the Grey Zone! Worst of all, they are supposed to work together. The girls defy the instructions and search with their respective animal companions Salem and Mephista. After Cassandra turns Sabrina's legs to tree trunks and Sabrina has Cassandra swallowed and spit out by a dragon, each of the young witches try to build a bridge using their OWN magic. Cassandra succeeds but accidentally also creates a stick and stone monster that chases them into the Grey Zone (where Mr. Snipe told not to go). The Grey Zone seems like paradise until they are captured by an onerous Cyclops! When Cassandra insults his appearance, he strikes her ugly and decides to eat them! From their cage, Sabrina talks to the Cyclops and learns that he plans to eat them simply because Cassandra hurt his feelings. Sabrina explains that hurt feelings are no reason to be mean to someone in return. The group agrees to cook a TASTY substitute dinner for him, and because of their friendship, he shares his Salvia Muscaria with them. He even shares some seeds so they can plant their own! Mr. Snipe is impressed with their teamwork: they learned how to negotiate and not name call!
0 /10
Greendale Idol

Sun, Jan 18, 2004
At the witches' academy, the Sabrina and Cassandra learn about the dangers of using magic carelessly. After class, they hear that the Teen Talent Competition is coming to Greendale, and the winner gets to compete in the finals on television! Sabrina and Cassandra up the stakes and decide to compete-- without magic-- for a date with Harvey to the backwards dance (girls ask the boys). Both contestants worry about their back-up bands lack of talent. Without cheating per se, Cassandra enlists the help of her Aunt Enchantress to cast a spell. When Sabrina hears an angelic voice practicing at school, she assumes that it must be Cassandra using magic! Sabrina decides to cheat since it seems Cassandra did it first. Sabrina's spell makes everyone think she sounds terrific singing with her dissonant band! Almost immediately, people in Greendale begin acting strange; even Mr. Snipe agrees to fix grades for a bribe! In the midst of this madness, Maritza finds enough courage to also compete in the contest. The chaos worsens when Cassandra feeds Tiffany and Margaux (her band) magic "latte." While audience members riot and throw chairs at one another, the judges solicit bribes for the winning title. In the midst of the pandemonium, Maritza performs. Sabrina recognizes the sound of her angelic voice as the one she earlier mistook for Cassandra! Sabrina finally recognizes that all the chaos was caused by her cheating and careless use of magic. After Sabrina convinces Cassandra that they are responsible, they pool their magic to return Greendale to its peaceful status. With everyone in their right minds again, the judges declare Maritza the winner! Maritza takes Harvey to the backwards dance, but is gracious enough to let her best friend steal a couple of dances.
0 /10
Time Flies

Mon, Jan 19, 2004
Sabrina is excited when Maritza asks her to go to the Plain Brain concert, but when her aunts invite her on a trip to the hyper spa at the same time as the concert, Sabrina must make a hard choice! Sabrina finally phones the bad news to her crushed best friend and wishes she could go back in time and fix the situation. Just then, a large worm named Wiggles appears from the Netherworld to offer Sabrina a time travel watch so she can go to both the concert AND the hyper spa! Sabrina quickly buys it, and without reading the owners' manual, begins time traveling immediately. Sabrina goes to the concert - twice - and then onto the hyper-spa with her aunts. Despite Salem's warnings, Sabrina continues time traveling to fix all her problems. Exhausted from all the activity, Sabrina accidentally sleeps through the real concert and the hyper-spa trip! When she wakes up, she has aged dramatically. When she goes back in time again, Maritza is dating Harvey, and neither of them even recognizes her! She feverishly tries to time travel again, but the watch breaks in her hands. Sabrina explains everything as her aunts who quickly summon Wiggles. He explains that the owner's manual says quite clearly (in fine print) not to solve the same problem more than once. Sabrina's aunts take her to the Netherworld where she must go alone to see Father Time. She pleads with him to let her be a normal teenager again. When she explains that she's learned that avoiding a problem only makes it worse, Father Time is satisfied and sends Sabrina back to when Maritza first tells her about the concert. This time when Maritza offers her a ticket, Sabrina says she will have to ask first. A lesson has been learned!
0 /10
Here's Looking at You
Sabrina agrees to help Maritza with her science project but oversleeps and forgets. At the witches' academy, Sabrina and Cassandra meet a very frank magic mirror who insults and infuriates Cassandra. After class Maritza accidentally slams her failed project onto Cassandra's designer shirt, and as much as tells Sabrina that their friendship is over. When Cassandra hurries off to confront the mirror for its rudeness, Sabrina follows her sensing trouble. Upon seeing Sabrina, the mirror tells her what Cassandra REALLY thinks of her, and in a moment of rage Sabrina casts a spell that sends both girls through the mirror and into an alternate world- where everyone at Greendale High is a witch except for the two of them! All the students mock these former witches, especially Maritza who cruelly casts a spell that sends them flying into the swimming pool to everyone's great amusement. Cassandra is unwilling to work with Sabrina to find a solution and tries instead to reason with her old friends. Those same old friends turn her into a frog while Sabina makes her peace with Maritza, realizing that being a good friend is more important than anything. These two best friends are together again and jointly cast a spell that turns Cassandra back into a teenager. After the two misfits have learned what it's like to be without powers, the mirror allows them to go back to their own world. Sabrina rushes to apologize to the REAL Maritza and helps her make her science project better than ever!
0 /10
Cat Man Do

Mon, Jan 26, 2004
Salem is terrified to learn that the evil Toc-Toc is being released from suspended animation (a Netherworld corrections facility) for a crime Salem committed! No doubt, Toc-Toc is coming to seek revenge! Sabrina encourages Salem to talk to Toc-Toc, but the frightened cat insists on going to school with Sabrina disguised as a sporty teen. Toc-Toc arrives on earth also disguised as an adolescent, and hurries to Greendale High in search of Salem. Sabrina and Salem are convinced that Rex, a new student, is Toc-Toc in disguise, so Sabrina uses magic to land him in detention. When Rex meets the real Toc-Toc, the evil aggressor is convinced that Rex is Salem in disguise! Salem is perfectly happy to let Rex get punished instead of him, but Sabrina persuades her cat to take responsibility for his own actions. After Salem reveals himself, Sabrina convinces Toc-Toc that life with her is MUCH worse than any punishment he could give Salem, so Toc-Toc agrees to let Salem stay with the torturous Sabrina. At school, Sabrina nobly takes responsibility for her misuse of magic on Rex, and rightly takes over his detention time plus some. Despite much grumbling, Salem agrees to take on yet more learned responsibility and do Sabrina's chores for the next three months. Of course if he doesn't, Sabrina could always call Toc-Toc...
0 /10

Sun, Feb 01, 2004
Sabrina and Maritza unsuccessfully try to convince Cassandra that littering isn't cool. The trash in Greendale is so bad, that these "best friends for life" get their favorite skateboard star, Ricky Speed, to come perform and clean up the pollution. Ricky and Maritza together perform a tricky stunt until a windy gust caused by Cassandra requires a heroic rescue by Ricky (with a little help from Sabrina's magic). Ricky is so impressed with Maritza that he gives her his special skateboard necklace. Disgusted, Cassandra goes to the Netherworld to see the Hey Mogoblin skateboard show with another teen witch, Olivia. Here, throwing trash is really cool. As it turns out, Olivia and Hey Mogoblin have evil plans to conquer the Netherworld! During the show, they use chemicals to turn all the witches and warlocks to stone-including Cassandra! Sabrina's got to do something! Since Maritza is mortal and won't be turned to stone, Sabrina takes her along (Maritza thinks it's a dream) to end the duo's fiendish rule. When Hey sees Maritza's skate necklace, he tells of his deep admiration for Ricky. When the girls explain that Ricky would NOT think it was cool to use pollution and trash to take over the Netherworld, he agrees to help clean up. Olivia refuses to help and is angry because the other witches never liked her. Maritza explains that nobody is liked all the time, and that being disliked doesn't give anyone the right to act out in hostility. Olivia tries to turn everyone to stone, but Sabrina uses a reflexive spell that turns just Olivia to stone. The Netherworld gets cleaned and the three teenage girls return safely to earth, for now...
0 /10
Midsummer's Nightmare
Shakespeare's Puck leads us into this Bard-inspired story. Sabrina and Cassandra both use magic to sabotage each other's auditions to win the lead role opposite Harvey in the school play. Ms. Magrooney catches on to the supernatural antics, and casts Cassandra in the desired role and makes Sabrina the director. Sabrina's every direction is intended to prevent Cassandra from being close to Harvey, while Cassandra stops at nothing to draw him closer. After both girls separately agree to work for the good of the play and not romantic gain, Puck appears to Cassandra and promises to keep Sabrina away from Harvey. Cassandra was told by her aunt not to use magic, but she didn't say someone ELSE couldn't! Puck appears at rehearsal as Fabius, a gorgeous new student eager to be the leading man. He casts a spell that makes Sabrina fall in love with him and she immediately recasts Fabius in Harvey's role. When the spell wears off, Sabrina realizes how untalented Fabius is, and begs Harvey to come back. When Cassandra sees Sabrina's dedication to the show, she apologizes for bringing Fabius. All is well until that evening's performance when the embittered Puck tries to ruin the play. The two dedicated witches use the power of friendship to drive him away. In a fitting epilogue, Puck admits that it is much too hard to meddle in the lives of TWO witches.
0 /10
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