Qui a détroussé la grue?
Tue, Aug 14, 2012
  • S1.E34
  • Qui a détroussé la grue?
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Qui a ensablé le gorille?
Tue, Mar 20, 2012
  • S1.E33
  • Qui a ensablé le gorille?
0 /10
Qui a fait pleurer le croco?
Wed, Dec 31, 1969
  • S1.E35
  • Qui a fait pleurer le croco?
0 /10
Qui a cambriolé le Tapir?
The Anteater has had his good luck charm stolen from him during a party. Whoever committed the theft was one of the guests. Kangaroo, Crocodile or Pelican? Who is responsible? At the same time, Sherlock claims not to be superstitious. But when bad luck seems to hit him, will he feel differently?
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Qui a dézébré le zèbre?
The Zebra is a shy and discreet animal. He wakes up one morning with a plaid pattern on his flank. Someone has wanted to take revenge on him for winning the contest of best striped animal in the zoo. Who did it? The Okapi? The Snake? The Tiger? In the meantime, Hermione has the blues, she's convinced that she'll never be a good detective. Sherlock has to cheer her up.
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Qui a berné M. Hippo?
A mysterious character has called Mr. Hippo to put in an emergency order for a large wooden dresser. But when Hippo shows up at the address, there's no one there. He's been fooled and won't get paid. Who did it? In the meantime, Hermione has had enough of trying to get in touch with Sherlock and offers him a smartphone. Will he learn how to use it, considering he hates technology?
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