
Wed, Feb 10, 2010
Here's a very rare The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That pilot episode which was produced in 2010 by Silver Fox Films., The pilot episode as a whole is very different from the official The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That TV series, since it is was produced by Silver Fox Films, instead of Portfolio Entertainment., The music for this pilot episode was composed and sound designed by Tony Trippi instead of David Schweitzer.
0 /10
Show Me the Honey/Migration Vacation
The Cat takes Nick and Sally to visit a beehive where they meet a bee named Queen Priscilla Buzzoo and get some honey. The Cat helps Nick and Sally find the missing purple martin that lives in Sally's backyard.
7.8 /10
I Love the Nightlife/Oh Give Me a Home
I Love the Nightlife: Nick wants to stay awake all night. Good thing the Cat needs help finding his favorite hat that he lost in the forest of Wagamaroo! The Cat takes Nick and Sally on a nocturnal adventure, along the way meeting a variety of animals that stay up all night! Oh Give Me a Home!: Nick has a super-duper special shell and Sally wants one, too! The Cat in the Hat takes them on an adventure to the beach where they meet Tucker, a hermit crab, who is also looking for a new shell because he's grown too big for his. A seaside fashion show gives both Tucker and Sally super duper special shells!
0 /10
Many Ants Make Light Work/Nest Best Thing
Many Ants Make Light Work: Nick and Sally are trying to put up a tent in their backyard but it's not working! Nick is pulling when Sally is pushing and it's just making a giant heap! Good thing the Cat knows a million- trillion friends who are experts at teamwork! He whisks the kids off to visit an ant colony where Nick and Sally learn that team-work makes almost anything possible. Nest Best Thing: Nick and Sally have found some bird eggs in their backyard, but their nest is destroyed. Where are they going to keep them? The Cat in the Hat brings them to an expert nest builder, Mrs. Robin, who shows the children how to build a nest especially for the homeless eggs.
0 /10
A Plan for Sand/Whale Music
A Plan for Sand: Nick and Sally are playing in their sandbox, but there's not enough room for them to build their castles. The Cat arrives to take them to the biggest sandbox they'll ever see! In the desert, they meet Carmela the Camel who teaches them about how camels are adapted to live in the dry, sandy climate. Whale Music: Nick and Sally have made a song to sing to their moms, but they can't get the ending quite right. The Cat in the Hat takes them to meet the best singing teacher in the world, Humphrey the Humpback Whale! While bobbing in the ocean, Humphrey teaches the kids that whales communicate by singing, and that it's not how you sing that matters, but what you're saying in the song. The kids return home to delight their mothers with their song!
0 /10
Flower Power/Snowman's Land
Flower Power: Sally's mom has a cold, so Sally wants to pick her some colorful flowers to make her feel better. The Cat in the Hat takes Nick and Sally to the forest of Flora-Fah-Zoom where they meet three different creatures that all depend on flowers to live. Sally decides to make her mother a picture of the flowers they have encountered in Flora-Fah-Zoom instead of picking a flower that animals need in order to survive. Snowman's Land: Sally and Nick have just finished making a statue of the Cat in the Hat out of snow, but it's starting to melt! Good thing the Cat knows where to take the melting snowcat: to the cold and snowy north! In the arctic, the kids skate on a frozen lake, make snow sculptures, and learn that water can freeze and melt when it's cold or warm outside. Because it's getting warmer back home, they leave their snowcat sculpture there so they can come back and visit him!
0 /10
Dress Up Day/Bathtime
Dress Up Day: Nick and Sally are playing dress-up, but oh, no! Sally's princess dress has torn, and mom doesn't have any silk thread to fix it. The Cat takes them to his good friend Mindy, the silk caterpillar. Mindy shows them how she makes silk. Sally uses the silk thread to fix her swirly-twirly princess dress! Bathtime: Nick and Sally have been playing in the mud, and now they need to get clean! The Cat in the Hat knows some friends who have some very wonderful ways to bathe! In Bana Bana Savanah, they meet three different animals who all keep clean in very different ways. Even though it's fun to try bathing the way the animals do, Sally and Nick decide that good old soap and water works best for them!
0 /10
Tree's Company/Now You See Me
Trees Company: Sally and Nick are playing up in their tree house when Nick's mom calls them in for lunch. Nick wonders what it would be like to stay up in that tree all the time! The Cat in the Hat knows! Or at least he has friends that do. In the Jimmer-Jammer Jungle the kids learn how different animals spend their entire lives in trees. As neat as that is, there's one thing those trees don't have, and that's mom's home cooking! Now You See Me: Nick and Sally are playing hide-and-seek, but Sally keeps getting found! The Cat takes the kids to meet the best hider ever, his friend Gecko! Through a game of hide-and-go-seek in the jungle, the kids learn how Gecko not only hides, but how he runs and climbs. Now Sally knows how to camouflage herself so she won't be so easily found!
0 /10
The Rain Game/No Sssweater Is Better
The Rain Game: Sally wants to water the plants in her backyard, but it's hot and sunny outside. They need rain, and lots of it! Good thing the Cat in the Hat knows exactly where to go to get some: the rain forest! With the assistance of some toucans and the singing of howler monkeys, they explore each level of the rain forest, eventually reaching the top and the rain! No Sssweater is Better: Nick has grown out of his favorite sweater but he doesn't want to part with it. The Cat in the Hat has a friend with the exact same problem! He brings them to meet Slyde the snake who shows Nick and Sally how he sheds his skin when it gets too small for him.
0 /10
A Tale About Tails/Sticky Situation
A Tale About Tails: Nick and Sally are playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey," when they wish they had tails of their own! Well, it just so happens that the Cat knows a lot about tails! He brings them to the Jungle of Wagga-Tag-Tail where they meet a number of animals with very different tails. With the help of an ingenious machine, Nick and Sally get to test out all of these tails for themselves and they learn that different tails can do different things! A Sticky Situation: Sally and Nick are playing the drums on overturned buckets when Nick breaks his drumstick! Luckily, the Cat knows someone who is a stick expert, his friend Betty Beaver! She finds Nick the perfect drumstick, but when her dam springs a leak, Nick, Sally and the Cat help her fix it, using Nick's new stick. He doesn't have a stick anymore, but Nick learns an even better way to drum: using a home-made beaver tail!
0 /10
Night Lights/Go Snails Go!
Night Lights: Nick and Sally are making shadow puppets with the Cat in the Hat, but the batteries in the flashlight have gone out! They jump into the Thingamajigger and shrink down to visit the fireflies that live in the backyard. They learn that the fireflies communicate by flashing their lights. And when the fireflies provide the light the kids need, the shadow puppet show can continue! Go Snails, Go!: Nick, Sally and the Cat have been invited along on a snail expedition! They jump into the Thingamajigger and shrink down to meet up with Lewis and Clark, the two snails leading the way! As they travel through the forest of Slippity-Goo, having fun sliding in their own makeshift shells, the kids learn about all the different ways snails use their shells.
0 /10
Flight of the Penguin/Let's Go Fly a Kite!
Flight of the Penguin: Sally and Nick are pretending to fly in their backyard. Oh, wouldn't it be great if they really could go zooming and swooshing like a bird? The Cat in the Hat brings them to meet his good friend Percy the penguin. After a fun race with a penguin and a gull, the kids learn that not all birds fly, but that doesn't mean they can't go zooming and swooshing. Let's Go Fly a Kite: Sally, Nick and the Cat are trying to fly a kite, but there's not enough wind. The Cat in the Hat takes them to Huff-Puff-Maguff where there's so much wind, their kite gets away from them! They chase the runaway kite, using the wind to help them. When they finally reach it, the breeze helps to cool them down!
0 /10
You Should Be Dancing!/Batty for Bats
You Should Be Dancing: Nick and Sally are planning to put on a show for their moms, but they can't finish their dance without falling down! The Cat in the Hat takes them to meet one of the best dancers in the world, Tango, a bird of paradise! With a few costume-changes and a little practice, Nick and Sally are finally able to show their moms their new dance--without falling down! Batty for Bats: Sally and Nick are playing a game of blindfolded tag but they can't seem to find each other! Luckily the Cat has a friend who is always able to find his way in the dark. He takes them to meet Zapata, a bat who teaches the kids about echolocation. Now that Nick and Sally know how to listen to find their way, blindfold tag has become a lot more fun!
0 /10
Maps/Termite Towers
Maps: Nick and Sally are pretending to be pirates. The Cat takes them on a real pirate adventure by following a treasure map! They use landmarks to find their way to a real pirate treasure: parchment paper and ink pens to make pirate maps of their own! Termite Towers: Sally and Nick just can't seem to keep their block tower from toppling over. The Cat in the Hat takes them to meet some expert tower builders: the termites! After shrinking down to bug-size, they learn from Terry termite how to build a tower that won't wiggle and wobble. With some engineering tips from a termite, Sally and Nick can build their block tower higher than before!
0 /10
The Lost Egg/Hold on Tight
The Lost Egg: The kids are decorating the tree house for a party. The Cat knows the world's most fantabulous decorator: Stan the bower bird! Stan teaches the kids how to decorate with almost anything--shells, leaves, and pebbles. Now they can have a party in their own fantabulously decorated tree house! Hold On Tight: Nick is trying to hang onto the monkey bars but can't. The Cat takes him and Sally to meet the best holder-on-ever, his tiny little friend Larry the limpet. After shrinking down to limpet size, Nick and Sally learn how to hang onto the rocks with the help of natural hand- and footholds, some sticky stuff on their feet, and plain old perseverance. Now Nick knows that in order to stay on the monkey bars, he needs to keep trying!
0 /10
Jump!/Slow Down for Sloths
Jump!: Nick and Sally can't jump high enough to get their balloon that is stuck up in a tree. Good thing The Cat knows some of the best jumpers ever! Off they go to Jumpalaroo to learn how to jump from nature's masters: grasshoppers, a kangaroo, and even a flea! Slow Down for Sloths: Nick and Sally are trying to draw a picture of a butterfly but can't get close enough to see it. Cat takes the kids to meet Onslow the sloth, who teaches them that when you slow down, the world comes to you. After lots of practice (and a race to see who's the slowest!), Nick and Sally are now able to slow down enough to get closer to the butterfly and finish their picture!
0 /10
Chasing Rainbows/Follow the Prints
Chasing Rainbows: The kids are painting a picture of a rainbow but can't remember all the colors to use. Luckily for them, Cat takes them to Color-ga-lore to meet King Kaleidoscope, an expert on rainbows! A musical number teaches them the proper color order, and a silly spray of water leads them to discover how to make their very own rainbow! Follow the Prints: Nick and Sally are enjoying a backyard picnic when they discover their last strawberry has gone missing! Who could have taken it? Cat's friend Cluey Looey can help them! They are off to Muddyfeet Waterhole where they learn about how the differently shaped feet, paws, or hooves of various animals make differently shaped footprints. Back home, they follow the prints and discover their strawberry was taken by a squirrel! Luckily, the Cat has some more!
0 /10
A Long Winter's Nap/The Tree Doctor
A Long Winter's Nap: Sally and Nick are so excited to go ice skating tomorrow, that they can't fall asleep! Cat's friend Boris the bear can help! Off they go to the Gleep-sneep Woods to learn how Boris gets ready to take his long winter's nap. Back at home, Nick and Sally follow Boris' advice, and follow their own bedtime routine to get ready for bed. With the help of a bedtime story from Cat, they quickly fall asleep. The Tree Doctor: Sally's little maple sapling hasn't grown any bigger! To discover why, the Cat in the Hat takes the kids to meet Dr. Twiggles. With the help of the tree doctor and his songs, Nick and Sally discover how trees "eat" - through their leaves and roots. They also learn that trees grow verrrry slowly. A few more years and their maple sapling will grow into a maple tree!
0 /10
Incredible Journey/Bamboozled
Incredible Journey: Nick and Sally are playing in their homemade Thingamajigger, when the Cat arrives to take them on a real adventure! Off they go to meet salmon Sam, who is returning to the pool where she hatched so she can lay her eggs. With the help of the Subber-e-blubber, they follow Samantha underwater, upriver on her incredible journey! Bamboozled: Sally needs to find a gift for her stuffed panda, Pammy. Who better to ask than a real panda? The Cat takes them to meet Zhu Zhu, a giant panda who helps the kids to discover all the wonderful things you can do with her favorite food, bamboo. Bamboo turns out to be a perfect gift for Pammy!
0 /10
Thump!/Squirreled Away
Thump!: Nick is trying to make his mother a surprise lunch, but she keeps coming into the kitchen! If only there was a way for him to know when she was coming. The Cat takes Nick and Sally to meet his friend Twitch the rabbit. Twitch and her bunnies teach Nick and Sally how to stop, look and listen for danger. Now that Sally can warn Nick when his mom is coming, they're able to surprise her with lunch! Squirrelled Away: Nick can't remember where he put his yoyo. Cat offers to take the kids to meet his friend Bucky the squirrel who is good at both hiding and finding things! Nick and Sally learn how to use landmarks to help them remember where they put things. Back at home Nick, thinking like Bucky, is able to track down his yoyo!
0 /10
Pick Your Friends/Finola's Farm
Pick Your Friends: It's Valentine's Day and Nick and Sally disagree hotly on how to decorate the card they're making for the Cat. Does this mean they aren't really best friends? The Cat takes them to meet Sheldon, a tortoise who knows all about friendship. They learn that Sheldon's best friend is completely different from him and that being best friends doesn't mean you always have to agree. Finola's Farm: Nick and Sally are sitting down to breakfast but have run out of milk. The Cat arrives to take them to Finola's Farm to have breakfast with Finola. First they learn how to milk a cow, then they discover that cows' milk can be made into butter and cheese and best of all--ice cream!
0 /10
Reindeer Games/Along Came a Spider
Reindeer Games: Nick and Sally can't find their sled that's buried under the snow. Cat's friend Magnus the reindeer is great at finding things in the snow. Off they go to the Jingly Bell Forest where Magnus shows them how he digs with his feet and shovels snow with his antlers. And when Nick and Sally find Magnus' old antlers, they can shovel snow now too and find their sled! Along Came a Spider: Nick and Sally are playing soccer when their ball goes through a hole in their net. Luckily Cat's friend Mabel is a spider who knows all about weaving - maybe she can help them! Mabel, with the help of Cat and a song, teach Nick and Sally how to weave a web. Back at home, they use Mabel's advice and fix their net, and just in time for Cat to score a goal!
0 /10
A Teeny Weeny Adventure/I See Seeds
Teeny Weeny Adventure: Nick has spotted a tiny ladybug, but Sally has found an even smaller ant! And there's nothing smaller than an ant. Or is there? Cat takes Nick and Sally to meet a variety of single-celled creatures, the smallest anywhere! Nick and Sally soon learn that a drop of water holds a whole lot more than they ever realized! I See Seeds: Sally and Nick are going on an adventure, but how are they going to get there? Skateboard? Train? Rocketship? They just can't decide! Until Cat suggests they see how trees send their seeds on trips. They follow different seeds as they travel through the air, float on the water and hitch rides on animals.
0 /10
Surprise Surprise!/A Howling Good Time
Surprise, Surprise: Try as they might, Nick and Sally just can't learn to do a somersault. Luckily Cat's friend Luis the Armadillo is the king of the roly polys! But when they find Luis, they learn that he only rolls when he gets surprised. They take turns trying to surprise him, and when they finally do, they're the ones surprised when they learn that not only can Luis roll, but he can even run underwater! Back at home, they follow Luis' advice and are now able to somersault! A Howling Good Time: Nick and Sally are pretending to be lost adventurers when Sally wonders what to do if you really do get lost. The Cat in the Hat knows a wolf pup who knows all about getting lost and found! In the Hooty Howly Woods Grayson shows them how wolves howl to communicate and to find each other. Now Sally and Nick know one thing to do if they get lost - howl for mom!
0 /10
Secret Super Digger/Pucker Up and Blow
Secret Super Digger: Sally is trying to grow a flower for her mom, but it just won't grow. Time to see Finola! At Finola's Farm, she introduces Cat, Sally and Nick to her secret super digger - Diggery the earthworm. Diggery shows them how plant roots need water air and compost, which Diggery helps to make. Sally's flower is sure to grow once she gets some of her own secret super diggers to help! Pucker Up and Blow: Nick and Sally are trying to whistle but they just can't seem to get it right! The Cat takes them to visit his friend, Rocky the Winter Wren, who is an expert whistler. Rocky, and his son Ricky, offer this advice: if you want to whistle, start with one note and practice.
0 /10
Sniff and Seek/Aye Aye!
Sniff and Seek: Nick's most favourite smell is chocolate chip cookies! But what is Sally's? She's not sure. What better way to find out than by playing sniff and seek with a skunk! Cat introduces Nick and Sally to Whiffy, and in the adventure of finding Sally's favourite smell they discover how good Whiffy is at protecting himself with his very own special smell. Aye Aye!: Nick and Sally are making Halloween masks, but they want to make them really scary. Cat takes them to meet Aiya, the Aye Aye, in the forest of Spookywoowoo. Aiya shows them, that even though he may look scary - his big ears, huge eyes and long fingers help him to find food. And now Nick and Sally know just how to make their masks scary!
0 /10
Blue Feet Are Neat!/Reef Magic
Blue Feet Are Neat: Nick and Sally are trying out their new blue rubber boots but they keep getting stuck in the mud! Cat knows just who can help them - Buster, the Blue-footed Booby bird. Buster is only too happy to show them how his wide, flat blue feet help him move easily over the muddy shore. With Cat's help to make their boots wide and flat, Sally and Nick can now walk across the mud without getting stuck - just like Buster! Reef Magic: Nick has difficulty learning a "disappearing" magic trick, when who should appear but The Cat in the Hat! He takes Nick and Sally to the coral reef of Scoobamareen. There they learn that distraction is a great way for some sea creatures to hide themselves from other fish who might be looking for a bite to eat. Back at home, Nick and Sally use what they learned to make their stuffed panda disappear!
0 /10
Be Cool/Elephant Walk
Be Cool: Phew, it's hot outside! How are Sally and Nick going to stay cool? Cat suggests that they should visit some friends in the Dizzle-dazzle Desert to learn how to keep cool. They learn that some animals are light coloured, some stay out of the sun, and some, like Tommy the coolest toad around, just mooove sloooow. Nick and Sally take their advice, but Cat has an even better idea - run through a sprinkler! Elephant Walk: When building a toy construction set, Nick and Sally wonder if there's such thing as a one-thing-does-it-all tool. Well, the Cat knows just who to visit to find out - Themba the African elephant! Themba, and her daughter Efia, show the Cat and the kids all the different things their trunks can do. Nick and Sally realize that elephant trunks are just like hands, so they already have a one-thing-does-it-all tool!
0 /10
Flutter by Butterfly/Pretty in Pink
Flutter By Butterfly: Sally and Nick are pretending to be butterflies, but they're not very good at it. The Cat takes them to meet Bernadette the Monarch butterfly, who can teach them all about fluttering. Following Bernadette from Milky Weed Meadow to Prickly Pines forest they learn that butterfly wings are used for so much more than just fluttering! Pretty in Pink: Sally and Nick are having fun trying out different moves when the Cat arrives to show them some cool moves of his own. He learned them from Pinkie the flamingo. The kids want to learn too, so off they go to Gooney Goon Lagoon! There they learn all about flamingos - fun moves and all! Back at home Cat, Nick and Sally all move together... the flamingo way!
0 /10
Digging the Deep/Puddle Puzzle
Digging the Deep: Nick and Sally are exploring how deep they can dig in the sandbox. The Cat arrives to whisk them away to the deepest place he knows - the bottom of the Swirly Whirly Ocean! They meet up with Aurilia the Angler fish who guides them to the very bottom of the ocean floor. Now that they've gone as deep as deep can be, it's off to find the next adventure! Puddle Puzzle: Nick and Sally are excited to jump in the giant puddle in their backyard - but it's gone! Where did it go? With the help of Cat's Seussian camera, they see that the puddle has turned into water vapour. Off they go to the Bluey Blue Sky to follow their puddle. They discover that the water vapour rises high into the sky, then cools off and falls as rain. They go back home and are delighted to see that their puddle is back.
0 /10
Help with Kelp/Treetop Tom
Help With Kelp: It's Fish's birthday and Nick and Sally want to get him a special present, but who can they ask for ideas? Cat's friend Gary the Garibaldi fish might have an idea! Off to the Briny Blue Sea where they meet a variety of creatures in a kelp forest who use the kelp for both food and protection. Back at home they make a picture of the kelp forest for Fish. It's the best present he could ever hope for! Treetop Tom: Nick and Sally are playing when their ball gets caught up high in the branches of a tree. Oh how they wish they were tall! Being tall is something Cat's friend Treetop Tom knows all about. They meet the giraffe in the So Sunny Savannah, and with the help of Cat's "tallerizers", Nick and Sally are as tall as Tom! They soon learn that being small has its benefits, and luckily, Cat has stilts so he can get their ball out of the tree back at home.
0 /10
Trick or Treat/King Cecil the Seahorse
The Cat takes Nick and Sally around the world to go trick-or-treating, and they meet three fruit-loving creatures. The Cat takes Nick and Sally to see King Cecil the seahorse who takes all of his babies on an adventure.
0 /10
Stripy Safari/Wool
Stripy Safari: Nick and Sally set off on a safari with The Cat in the Hat to find all kinds of stripes. Along the way, Sally and Nick discover that stripes mean different things to different animals - the stripes of Jake the coral snake tells other animals to stay away, and Zelda and Zoran's zebra stripes help them to identify each other. And best of all, Cat discovers that his stripes are just right for him! Wool: Nick wants to learn how to knit a scarf like Sally, but they've run out of wool! A visit to Finola's Farm is the perfect place to get more. The Cat, Nick and Sally have fun helping Finola get the wool from Feleecia the sheep and then turning it into yarn. Now Sally can teach Nick how to knit his own scarf!
0 /10
A Sweet Deal/King of Swing
A Sweet Deal: Sally and Nick are having a hard time getting customers to come to their "café". What can they do? The Cat takes them to meet Eddy the honeyguide bird. Eddy shows them how he guides humans to bees' nests by making noise and putting on a show. Back at home, Sally and Nick follow Eddy's example and proudly serve their first customer! King of Swing: Swinging from a rope isn't so easy for Sally and Nick. Good thing the Cat knows the king of swing, Charlie the chimpanzee! In the Leafylafoo Rainforest, Charlie teaches them how to use their hands and feet to swing as they help him search for bananas, his favourite food! Back at home, Sally and Nick mimic Charlie and swing across the backyard to where Cat has a surprise snack waiting for them - bananas!
0 /10
Amazing Eyes/Water Walkers
Amazing Eyes: Sally and Nick are trying to guess which game Harvey the guinea pig might like to play with them. The Cat takes them to meet his friend Katie the Cavy, a wild guinea pig. But when they try to ask her, she playfully runs off! With the help of three different animals with very different ways of seeing, they finally find Katie and discover a guinea pig's favorite game - hide and seek! Water Walkers: Nick and Sally are waiting for Mom to come back so they can play in the pool. Cat suggests that playing on water is even more fun! But how? A trip to Splishy Splashy Pond to meet Walker the water strider will show them. Walker shows how he's able to stay on top of the water with the help of air bubbles as he journeys to the other side of the pond. Back at home, Sally and Nick are ready travel to the other side of the pool!
0 /10
Super Cleaner Uppers/Itty Bitty Water
Super Cleaner Uppers: Nick and Sally are cleaning up the backyard when they come across a yucky apple core. Who's going to pick it up? The Cat in the Hat takes them to meet the best cleaner-upper there is, Sandy the Sand Hopper! Sandy teaches them the difference between natural "garbage" and man-made trash, and how some animals use the natural garbage as food. Back at home, they put the trash in a garbage bag, and the apple core in the garden for Wriggles the worm to enjoy! Itty Bitty Water: Nick and Sally are about to dump out the water in their kiddie pool when The Cat stops them - water is too precious to waste even a drop! Off they go to the Drippety Dry Desert to meet three creatures who are experts at conserving water. Back at home, they think of other ways to use the water in the pool instead of just dumping it out - like giving Cat a bath!
0 /10
Big Cats/Fantastic Flour
Big Cats: When Sally and Nick have difficulty sneaking up on Nick's Mom to surprise her, The Cat brings them to meet some great sneaker-uppers - cats! Three big cats in particular. The kids learn to be patient from a snow leopard, speedy from a cheetah and the trick of distraction from a lion. Back in Nick's yard they sneak up on his mom and surprise her! Then Nick and Sally are surprised when the best sneaker-upper sneaks up on them - The Cat! Fantastic Flour: Nick and Sally are making their "Best Ever Yummy For Your Tummy" muffins when they realize they don't have enough flour. Cat knows just where to get more - Finola's Farm! With help from Cat, Sally, Nick, and the Things, Finola harvests the wheat then shows them how to turn it into flour. Now that they have enough flour, they can finish making their muffins!
0 /10
Minnie Meerkat/Leaves
Minnie Meerkat: Sally and Nick are planning to camp out in the backyard, but there are some scary noises out there! Not to worry, The Cat's friend Minnie Meerkat can teach them all about camping safe. Off to Peekaboo Plains where a group of meerkats show them how they make their camp safe every night. Now Sally and Nick know what to do to feel safe in the backyard. And it doesn't hurt to have the best lookout ever - The Cat in the Hat! Leaves: Nick and Sally are going to make a leaf collage of Cat, but the leaves they have aren't the right shape, they need different ones. It's off to Kaloo-Kalee for some leaf collecting! There, they learn that leaves help trees make food, and that's why it's best not to pick the leaves from the branches. They collect fallen leaves from three different trees with very different leaves. Now they have everything they need to make their picture of Cat, and even one for Fish!
0 /10
Hooray for Hair/Ice Is Nice
Hooray for Hair: Sally and Nick are getting their hair cut today; maybe they should try new hairstyles! A trip to meet three of Cat's friends (and some styling help from the Wig-o-lator) will help them decide! Should they have Yak hair? No, too hot! How about hair like a fur seal? Not quite, too short. A porcupine? No way! How will they ever get a hug from their moms with hair that spiky? They decide that the hair they have is what's perfect for them! Ice Is Nice: Nick and Sally want some nice cold lemonade, but there's no more ice cubes in Sally's fridge! A trip to Freeze-your-knees Snowland will fix that! They meet Cat's friend Polly the polar bear who introduces Sally and Nick to all the different kinds of ice that make up her home. After trying many types of ice, they find the kind that will be perfect for their lemonade!
0 /10
When I Grow Up/Doing It Differently
When I Grow Up: Sally and Nick are trying to guess what they'll be when they grow up when the Cat drops in for a visit. Cat is sure Nick and Sally will never guess what his friend Puggle will be when she grows up. When they see her, they start guessing right away! A frog? A duck? No, a beaver! They discover that, while Puggle may have some similarities to other creatures, she will grow up to be a duck billed platypus! Doing It Differently: Nick and Sally can't seem to find Harvey the guinea pig. They find the Cat in the Hat instead! Cat suggests that Sally and Nick might find Harvey by meeting three friends who always do things differently - like a bird that runs instead of flies, or a cat that swims, or a fish that walks on the mud! Nick and Sally are sure to find Harvey now - by doing it differently!
0 /10
Spring & Summer/Fall & Winter
Seasons - Spring and Summer: For Show and Tell at school, Nick and Sally must bring something from their favourite season. But how can they choose which is their favourite? The Cat in the Hat takes them to the magical Garden of Seasons, where they can visit any season they like, any time they like! They meet three young animals and journey with them as they begin to grow up. Sally decides that she has two favourite seasons, and with the pictures taken from the Snaparama camera, she now has a scrapbook of pictures to show why! Seasons - Fall and Winter: It's Nick's turn to choose a favourite season. Back to the Garden of Seasons to visit Fall and Winter! In Fall, they meet up with their friends from Spring and Summer to have a going away party for Candy the goose who's about to fly south. In Winter, they have a great time playing with Sam the hare while all his other friends hibernate. Nick can't decide on just one season, so he makes a picture of all the fun they had in both seasons!
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