Episode list

The Clinton Affair

Part 1: Handing the Sword to the Enemy
After 12 years of Republican control, the Democrats retake the White House. Scandals plague the Clinton Administration. After the death of Vince Foster, Clinton calls for an Independent Counsel to investigate.
8.2 /10
Part 2: The Blue Pass
After the midterms of 1994, the Republicans take control of the House for first time in a generation. Gingrich's uncompromising style heads the government towards shutdown. President's Clinton flirtation with Monica escalates and culminates into a sexual encounter. The Supreme Court takes up Paula Jones's sexual harassment case.
8.1 /10
Part 3: Mixed Messages
Monica confides the details of her relationship with the President with Linda Tripp, who secretly records the conversations. She shares them with Lucianne Goldberg, a conservative provocateur. The Supreme Court gives a green light to the Jones lawsuit. Ken Starr demands Hillary Clinton testify before a grand jury. Michael Isikoff, a Newsweek reporter, learns of the President's affair from Linda Tripp.
8.3 /10
Part 4: Room 1012
The Paula Jones deposition is less than a week away for President Clinton. Linda Tripp contacts Ken Starr's team to tell them that Lewinsky and Clinton plan to commit perjury.
8.1 /10
Part 5: State of the Union
Paula Jones surprise the President during his deposition with their knowledge of his affair with Monica Lewinsky. These details slowly leak to the press and then soon flood the media. A war is waged over what the truth is.
8.1 /10
Part 6: The Will of the People
President's Clinton's past statements come home to roost as the Republican Congress moves towards impeachment for perjury. House Republicans use the Starr Report as political fodder for the mid-term elections. The Republicans lose seats in the House but still vote for impeachment but Clinton's fate lies with the Senate. Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegations briefly take center stage. Bill Clinton haunts Hillary's campaign in 2016 following the #MeToo movement.
8.3 /10
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