Fan Belt

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Arj and Barj escape from scary fans by hiding inside Larj's body.
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Pizza Fight

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Arj and Barj's fight over the last piece of pizza ends up on stage.
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Pot Luck

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
The Dukes are driving in their van when they spot a 'Welcome Dukes' sign. Little do they know it's a reception for some royal Dukes, not them. They crash the party anyway.
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Moon Tour

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
The Dukes are abducted by aliens and taken by their egg-shaped spaceship to their odd planet.
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Wash Day

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
The Dukes stink - literally. It's time to visit the Laundromat. In goes Barj's underpants, Arj's Mohawk hair and Larj. But when Larj exits he's been transformed into a violin playing suit wearing classical musician.
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Wed, Dec 31, 1969
The Duke's hot new film clip is played on television.
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