Matthew Star appears to be a typical teenager, but in actuality is an alien who is a member of the ruling family of his planet, who are endowed with powers like telekinesis and telepathy. When his home planet was invaded, his parents gave him when he was a baby to one of their trusted emissaries, who went to Earth because it's almost like their home world. And they await the time when Matthew's powers are developed enough that he can return and lead his people against the invaders. His guardian, who's had to change his name several times, is using the name Walter Sheppard. And when an Air Force General shows up, Walt tells Matt that their enemies are also near. But Matt, who's become attracted to a girl named Pam, decides he won't run. So they decide to confront the assassin and discover she's a robot. Later Walt is captured by the other one and calls Matt to come, which is surely a trap.