Episode list

The Real West

The Battle of the Alamo
Sweep aside the historical hype and confront the real facts and controversies surrounding Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, William B. Travis and the Texan defenders of the Alamo.
7.8 /10
The Law From Behind the Tin Star
What would make someone want to be a lawman in the West? Here are the motivations and sometimes questionable methods of the people who wore a badge and tried to tame the wild frontier.
0 /10
Geronimo: The Last Renegade
Biography of Geronimo, the legendary Chiricahua Apache leader who refused to let his people be placed on a reservation and fought the US Army and local Arizona residents for many years in the late 1800s. He even raided into Mexico, terrorizing the population and battling Mexican troops.
0 /10
Wild, Wild Women
As most history leans to the males, here at least the folklore heroines of the Old American West get their just rewards. They were not prissy little fillies.
0 /10

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