Chapter 1: World War Two
The Untold History of the United States examines World War II. It offers special attention to the Spanish Civil War, Roosevelt's desire to enter the war on the side of the allies, the strategic Japanese decisions that led up to Pearl Harbor Attack, and the often overlooked role that the Soviet Union had in winning the war.
8.4 /10
Chapter 2: Roosevelt, Truman and Wallace
The Untold History of the United States examines the end of and the period immediately after World War II. It looks at Stalin's efforts to seize control of Poland and Eastern Europe, Democratic party bosses efforts to drop Henry Wallace from the 1944 presidential ticket, and British efforts to maintain their colonial holdings after the war.
8.3 /10
Chapter 3: The Bomb
This chapter examines the end of World War II, mainly the events leading to the dropping of the atomic bombs and the surrender of Japan. Focuses on the Truman period of American history and the frequently forgotten Henry A. Wallace.
8.5 /10
Chapter 4: The Cold War 1945-1950
Who started the Cold War? In a month-by-month analysis, the initial aggressors are less apparent. Yet, the relationship between the Soviets and the West are none-the-less solidified with Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech. The US enters the "Red Scare" and creates The House Un-American Activities Committee in an attempt to place the "right" ideology as a bedrock for US culture. The rise of Joseph McCarthy , with the aid of the FBI, turns into a near witch hunt for Communists in America.
8.3 /10
Prologue: Chapter A - World War I, the Russian Revolution & Woodrow Wilson
The world political and colonial empires at the beginning of the 20th century. The USA resuming control of most of the former Spanish empire around the globe plus Great Britain and Germany's ideology at that time. It continues on into the Russian revolution when Lenin became leader. This is a bonus episode that precedes the other 8 episodes of the series.
8 /10
Prologue: Chapter B - 1920-1940, Franklin D.Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin
Many events from the 1920s that led up to the establishment of the leaders prior to and during world war II. Most everyone knows about prohibition but few know about the US bankers profiteering extensively by loaning money to post world war I Germany who then paid its war reparation to Britain and France who in turn paid their war debts to the US. USMC general Smedley Butler speaks out against these acts of profiteering. He is suspiciously left out of modern US history.
8 /10
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