Lip Prints
Mon, Aug 19, 2002
  • S1.E12
  • Lip Prints
0 /10
Kennedy Family Story
Fri, Sep 13, 2002
  • S1.E14
  • Kennedy Family Story
0 /10
The Number in the Palm
Wed, Dec 31, 1969
  • S1.E4
  • The Number in the Palm
0 /10

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Dramatic rendering of the true story of Audrey Marie Hilley, murderer who used small doses of arsenic over a long period of time.
0 /10
Andrew Cunanan: Versace's Killer
The story of Andrew Cunanan and his killing spree that included the murder of Gianni Versace, the world famous fashion designer, and ended with him taking his own life on a boat in Florida.
0 /10
Sting Operation by Make-Up Artist
A young Nicuaraguan single-mother, Esmarcia Navarro, marries a wealthy and much older American man. Once married she begins 'living the high life' with her husband's wealth. He decides to hire someone to kill her, but police are on to his plans. They create an elaborate sting operation, which requires a makeup artist to fake a realistic 'death', in order to catch the architect of this murder for hire scheme.
0 /10

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