Episode list

Tonari no kaibutsu-kun

Sitting Next to Yoshida-kun
Shizuku is tasked with delivering the class printouts to Haru Yoshida's home. Haru sees this as something only a friend will do and declares that they both are friends. When Shizuku asks Haru's friends to be honest with him if they are his true friends,and they say they just use him, Shizuku ends up defending Haru. He then confesses of loving her. Shizuku is seen worried about her studies but eventually gets first in the class. In the end Haru casually kisses Shizuku, leaving her red faced.
8.3 /10

Mon, Oct 08, 2012
Shizuku and Haru end up going to the restaurant Haru has been rambling about for the past few days. But when Shizuku can't escape the thought of Haru kissing her, she decides to forget about it by eating more than she would have. Later, a girl named Natsume asks her a favor and Shizuku immediately rejects it, however, she is later convinced to help her out because she feels like the girl has the same experiences as she has. In the end of the story, Haru and Natsume attend the off-line meeting to make more friends as a reward for helping her study but both come back with no gain. The episode ends with Haru and Shizuku sitting on the roof causing the latter to miss class for the first time. As Shizuku thinks about how Haru has changed her for the better, she confesses that she loves Haru.
8 /10

Fri, Oct 12, 2012
Still on the rooftop Shizuku comes to her senses and says that she didn't really have feelings for Haru, who claims that he is happy with just that. Haru, Asako and Sasayan get permission from the school to keep the rooster in school after Sasayan's pet cat makes it impossible for him to take care of the rooster at home. The three of them including Shizuku decide to build a chicken coop with help from Haru's punk friends. Afterwards Haru and Shizuku walk home together. Haru expresses that only good things have happened to him ever since he met Shizuku. Shizuku being unable to contain her emotions confesses that she has really fallen in love with him, to which Haru counters that his love for her may be different. Haru receives a text from Mitsuyoshi that Yuzan is coming to see him to which he asks Shizuku to spend the night at her home.
7.7 /10
Summer Break

Mon, Oct 22, 2012
Shizuku explains to Haru that he should stop constantly glaring at people, which is the reason others are constantly afraid of and avoid him so he changes his personality by smiling and even offering help to people. The girls at school realize that he isn't a bad person and become infatuated with him to the point where he becomes popular, making Shizuku jealous. Haru's popularity is short lived when he beats up an upperclassman after he picked on a timid looking girl from Class A, Oshima. Later on he begins to doubt whether he is doing the right thing to which Shizuku says that people will eventually see him as a kind person. Following the start of summer, the group goes for a trip in the mountains and upon returning they meet Haru's brother Yuzan. Shizuku realizes she has a lot to learn about Haru. Haru wonders if there is anything he can do for Shizuku since she is always there to save him, to which she says he can repay her with a date.
7.7 /10
Yoshida Family Matters
Shizuku begins to show an interest in learning more about Haru's past and when Yuzan shows up after school to meet with her she takes the opportunity. Yuzan explains that their father had kicked Haru out of their home around the time he started middle school but had changed his mind now and wants Haru to come home. Haru intervenes and Yuzan tells him that he wants Haru to stay in school even if its only because of Shizuku. Afterwards Haru and Shizuku walk home together and Haru opens up to her about his past. Shizuku stops and tells Haru that if he wants to be somewhere else he should go, but she would be sad if he left. Haru tells her that he chooses to be with her. Back at school Shizuku reflects on how much her life has changed since she met Haru. The class representative from Class A, Oshima (who Haru had beat up the upperclassman for) timidly approaches Haru at the lockers and thanks him for standing up for her as Shizuku notices her blushing when speaking to Haru.
7.7 /10
Girls Feeling Melancholy
Shizuku realizes that the more she spends thinking about things pertaining to Haru, the more her grades suffer, to the extent where she places 29th in the mock exams. At the same time, Oshima struggles with her feelings over Haru and her troubles of being an introvert. Haru encounters Oshima at lunch where they talk about her not having any friends therefore the group meets at the library to plan strategies on how she can more sociable. Haru and Shizuku then have a fight which results in Shizuku ignoring him for awhile. Oshima reflects on how she has never truly interacted with anyone because she is afraid and notes how Shizuku doesn't mind being alone. Afterwards Shizuku explains her reasons for avoiding Haru which are then translated by Oshima in an outburst, surprising everyone. Haru eventually takes Shizuku out on their date to the library where she explains that she no longer feels attracted to him. Natsume becomes upset because of Shizuku's unwillingness to share her experiences.
7.7 /10
The Distance Between Us
Haru and Shizuku's relationship keeps flipping back and forth. Haru is now determined to win her over and is getting advice from his new friends.
7.6 /10
Come Down to Shoyo Festival
It's the day of the festival and tension runs high between Haru and Shizuku. With Yamaken causing trouble, Natsume trying to help her friends, and Shizuku pushing everybody away, the group might be a verge of a breakdown.
7.6 /10
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