Episode list

Toward the Terra

Mezame no hi

Fri, Apr 06, 2007
At the human colony of Ataraxia, Jomy prepares to leave his parents' house and take the adulthood exam. However, just as Jomy's memories are about to be wiped by the mother computer, Soldier Blue interferes.
7.2 /10
Myû no fune

Fri, Apr 13, 2007
Jomy reaches the Mu mother ship and learns of the true nature of the Mu. But the truth is too hard to handle for one who still believes himself to be human. Blaming the disruption of the adulthood exam on Soldier Blue, Jomy demands to be sent back.
7.4 /10

Fri, Apr 20, 2007
Still unwilling to face the truth, Jomy returns to Ataraxia with the help of Leo. However, only a cold house devoid of signs of life awaits him. Soon both Jomy and Leo are captured and interrogated.
0 /10
Chû kara no kikan
Having just awakened to his Mu powers, Jomy is going wild. As Soldier Blue goes out to help him, the Mu ship surfaces to draw away the human forces' attention. However, the battle does not look good.
0 /10
Shi no chôyaku

Fri, May 04, 2007
Jomy has come to terms with his powers and undergoes training to control them. But time is running out as Atraxia's forces discover the location of the Mu ship. In a desperate move, the Mu warp the ship from the planet's surface and start on their long journey towards Terra.
0 /10
Sutâshon E-1077
At Educational Station E-1077, an academy for students who have passed the adulthood exam, Keith and Sam meet. When a transport ship collides with a military vessel in dock and becomes isolated, Keith and Sam stage a rescue mission. However, with the station's mother computer preparing a purge of the affected region, they are running out of time.
0 /10
Hangyaku no Shiroei
Four years after Sam enters E-1077, Shiroe, a top student with a rebellious attitude, arrives at the station. Shiroei, who is the same child whom Jomy tried to save previously, tries his best to challenge Keith. His verbal provocations eventually lead to Keith hitting him. Meanwhile Swena, tired of trying to win cold Keith's heart, decides to marry and leaves the station.
0 /10
Furueru kokoro

Fri, May 25, 2007
Keith is troubled by his own nature and Shiroe's words, and questions Sam's statement that he is different from others after all. Shiroe, while investigating Keith's origins, uncovers the secret of Mother Ilaiza's genetic breeding program. Jomy, as the leader of the Mu telepathically broadcasts a diplomatic message.
0 /10
Todokanu omoi

Fri, Jun 01, 2007
Keith finds and shelters Shiroe, who is fleeing from a psychic exam. Shiroe is arrested while in Keith's care, but manages to stir doubts in Keith. The next day, much to Keith's surprise, everyone's memories of Shiroe and Jomy are erased. However, as Jomy attempts to communicate yet again, Shiroe flees the station and is shot down by Keith.
0 /10
Nogare no hoshi
Eight years after Shiroe is killed by Keith, the Mu are still drifting through space in search of Terra. Karina brings up the topic of natural childbirth in conversation with Jomy and her friends, and Jomy decides that this is the future path for the Mu. When the ship comes across an abandoned human outpost in the Silvester system, Jomy proposes to stay there, renaming the planet to Nazca. Meanwhile, Swena is investigating the existence of Moby Dick, the rumored space whale, as well as the events that took place on Station E-1077 eight years ago.
0 /10
Nasuka no ko

Fri, Jun 15, 2007
The Mu have adapted to life on Nazca. The younger generation treat it as their home, but the elders are still bent on finding Terra. Karina gives birth to Tony, her and Yui's natural child. Meanwhile Sam, brainwashed by the computers, arrives on Nazca and attempts to assassinate Jomy. With all the recent events surrounding Nazca, Keith is sent out to investigate.
0 /10
Kodoku naru Mu

Fri, Jun 22, 2007
Three years after settling on Nazca, Yui is killed in an accident. The old and the new generation are split more than ever about the future of Nazca and the quest to return to Terra, with the young Mu refusing to work on the ship. Meanwhile, Keith begins his journey to Silvester 7 to investigate the possible appearance of the Mu.
0 /10
Hoshi ni hisomu mono
Jomy is optimistic about the future of the Mu on Nazca, but Physis feels the "winds of misfortune" coming to the planet. Keith arrives and is shot down, captured, and interrogated by the Mu while his inexperienced crew abandons him and runs away. To Physis' surprise, Keith has the same vision of Terra that she does, although his mental block is strong.
0 /10
Onaji kioku

Fri, Jul 06, 2007
Jomy continues to interrogate Keith but ultimately fails. Tony attempts to take Keith's life using his power but Keith manages to throw a broken shard at Tony and immobilize him. Meanwhile Soldier Blue awakens from his long sleep while Matsuka flies to rescue Keith from capture. Episode ends with Keith meeting with Physis.
0 /10
Hendou no yochou
Tony, along with Physis, is taken hostage by Keith. Karina goes berserk believing her son is dead and unleashes powers that damage sections of the ship. She is calmed by Jomy but in the end dies. Keith uses the two hostages to slip by Soldier Blue and is taken home by Matsuka. Keith then contacts the military base and plans to return to eliminate the Mu.
0 /10
Akai hitomi, aoi hoshi
Tony and other children on Nazca are in a state of hibernation now and the doctor is unable to bring them out of it. Keith assembles a crew and heads back to Nazca. A massive planetary scale weapon called the Meggido is introduced and the Members elite plan to use this to eradicate the Mu's planet. The Meggido fires at the Mu's planet and Soldier Blue teleports out of the ship to put up a powerful shield to stop it.
0 /10
Eien to kagerou to
Soldier Blue's shield isn't enough to stop the Meggido. Immediately Soldier Shin and the seven other hibernation children teleport to the scene and reinforce the shield. The beam from the Meggido is deflected but still manages to damage the planet and kill the Mu taking shelter there. Soldier blue uses his last ounce of strength and destroys the Meggido while Jomy gathers other Mu and warps out in the Shangri-la. Soldier Blue dies and Jomy takes his place as the leader of the Mu. Jomy orders the Mu to return to Artemisia to destroy the system that controls humans and to liberate all that reside in it.
0 /10
Saikai no Artemeshia
The seven blue-type children, including Tony, are now fully grown and are used as deadly weapons against the humans that get in the Mu's way. Due to their power and ruthless antics, the new blue-types are feared and a generation clash emerges. Jomy recognizes this but chooses to ignore it to reach the goal ahead, Artemisia. Keith, Swena and Sam are reunited and Swena hands over Shiroe's Peter Pan book. Inside the book Keith discovers a chip with a visual recording of his own birthplace. Keith decides to return to Educational Station E-1077 while Jomy and the Mu obliterate human defenses and reach Artemisia.
0 /10
Sorezore no basho
Keith and Physis discover the shocking truth that they both were artificially created through a process of genetic manipulation and a product of many failed experiments. It becomes evident that Physis is not Mu, but an artificially created human given powers by Soldier Blue in the past. Jomy returns to the amusement park where he was attacked by Terra's #5 and completely destroys it this time. Keith puts Mother Iliza and Educational Station E-1077 on a self-destruct sequence and a new computer system called Grandmother is reinstated. With Terra's #5 computer system destroyed and the path to Terra cleared, Jomy decides venture there along with the other Mu.
0 /10
Kechaku zenya

Fri, Aug 17, 2007
With the help of Grandmother, Keith quickly rises to become the leader of the human race and announces his plan to exterminate the Mu. A plan to ambush the Mu spaceship with a vast army before they reach Terra is immediately put in place.
0 /10
Hoshikuzu no kioku
On the way to Terra the Mu encounter a large human army near Jupiter. War and bloodshed ensues with lives lost of both sides. The human army is equipped with special spacecrafts immune to Mu psionic powers and as a result three of the blue-type Mu are killed. Tony struck with grief unleashes a large psionic wave that pulverizes a large section of the human army. Keith then decides to use Mu captured on Artemisia as hostages and this angers Tony even further.
0 /10
Kureru inochi

Fri, Sep 07, 2007
Tony decides to take matters into his own hands and tries to assassinate Keith. He uses telekinesis to choke Keith but it ends prematurely when Matsuka jumps to the scene. Tony tries to put in the finishing blow but instead kills Matsuka who acts as a human shield to protect Keith.
0 /10
Chikyuu eh

Fri, Sep 14, 2007
Keith requests a meeting between the higher ups of both sides. Jomy and the Mu warp close to Earth only to find a planet that is completely ruined and does not support life. What was awaiting the Mu was an ambush consisting of 6 Meggido units ready to fire. Firing was stopped by Keith himself who decides to have talks with the Mu. The humans and Mu argue and bicker in a conference until Keith offers to take Jomy to Grandmother. They both go down toward the center of the planet where Grandmother awaits.
0 /10
Chikyuu no midori no oka
Swena broadcasts Keith's message to humanity about the truth behind Grandmother's ideals. The shocking truth is that Grandmother has been aware of humanity's destructive nature all along and has been secretely altering the genome of humans to see if something superior than humanity can be created. The Spacial domination (SD) plan was a large scale experiment solely intended to see if humans could evolve into something more advanced that would not destroy the environment like humans did with Terra. The only problem being that the Grandmother system is flawed at the programming level and cannot accept Mu because they too are human and just as fallible themselves. Keith & Jomy decide to fight Grandmother and are fatally wounded. Tony is chosen by Jomy to destroy the Meggido's pointed at Terra and to stand up as the next Soldier. Keith messages his subordinates to also destroy the Meggido units along with the Mu. The Meggido units are detroyed with the help of general Marduk and Terra is saved from obliteration. Humans everywhere are shown rebelling against the SD system and Tony stands up as the next leader of the Mu to bring humans and Mu together.
7.2 /10
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