
Fri, Jan 07, 2005
A black hole forces the Transformers to evacuate Cybertron and take refuge on Earth. But an ancient Transformer named Vector Prime discovers a clue to sealing the vortex...
6.8 /10

Fri, Jan 14, 2005
The Autobots build a base on Earth, with an added complication from the Decepticons' attack.
6.9 /10

Fri, Jan 21, 2005
The Autobots have difficulties in adjusting to their life on Earth as robots in disguise.
6.6 /10

Fri, Jan 28, 2005
As Landmine returns to duty, the Autobots begin to investigate the Omega Lock Meanwhile, two new Transformers join the Decepticons.
6.6 /10

Fri, Feb 04, 2005
Scattorshot and Bud use the space bridge to travel beyond Earth's atmosphere. It doesn't take long before they attract a Decepticon attack.
7.1 /10

Fri, Feb 11, 2005
Hot Shot and Red Alert meet the locals of planet Velocitron.
6.6 /10

Fri, Feb 18, 2005
While Autobots and Decepticons carry on their quest for the Cyber Planet Kets, Megatron's lieutenant Starscream is making his own plans.
6.6 /10

Fri, Feb 25, 2005
A newly opened gold mine causes a mountain to collapse, putting the kids' hometown in danger.
6.5 /10

Fri, Mar 04, 2005
The quest for the Omega Lock forces Vector Prime to risk his own life to save his friends.
6.6 /10

Fri, Aug 19, 2005
The search for the Omega Lock escalates, and across the galaxy the Jungle Planet and its denizens start to get involved.
7 /10

Fri, Aug 26, 2005
In the depths of the Atlantic, the city of Atlantis holds a grand Transformer secret.
7.1 /10

Fri, Sep 02, 2005
The Autobots track the starship Atlantis to the moon... and so do the Decepticons, leading to a grand battle.
7.3 /10

Fri, Sep 09, 2005
The Autobots and Decepticons head to Velocitron, and prepare for the big race that holds the Planet Key as its prize.
7.2 /10

Fri, Sep 23, 2005
The race for Velocitron continues, but on Jungle Planet the Autobot Overhaul undergoes a stunning transformation.
7.3 /10

Sun, Oct 09, 2005
Hot Shot continues training on Velocitron. Summoned to Jungle Planet by a fake distress call, Optimus and Vector Prime are rescued by Leobraker, then forced to fight the Decepticons. Optimus discovers a new power.
7.8 /10

Mon, Oct 10, 2005
On Velocitron Hot Shot passes the third stage of the grand prix, while on Jungle Planet Sideways engineers a fight between the Autobots and the Decepticons.
7.6 /10

Tue, Oct 11, 2005
Override and Hot Shot, with Coby riding along to make adjustments to the Autobot's systems, compete in the final race - but Megatron arrives to steal the Cyber Planet Key. The Omega Lock reveals surprise coordinates.
7.8 /10

Mon, Oct 24, 2005
The kids and Scattershot head to the Arctic to investigate atmospheric disturbances.
7.1 /10

Thu, Oct 13, 2005
Leobreaker finds a kindred spirit in Scourge, hearing of his violent and dark past.
7.3 /10

Sun, Oct 16, 2005
Despite Decepticon treachery, Optimus battles Scourge with the power of teamwork, and Scourge learns a valuable lesson in taking all options into consideration, not just fighting.
7.5 /10

Mon, Oct 17, 2005
The Autobots head off in different directions with boxed decoys of Jungle Planet's Cyber Key, in order to split up the Decepticon forces. On earth, a new transformer is discovered encased in Arctic ice.
7.8 /10

Tue, Oct 18, 2005
The monster-hunting Autobot Crosswise imprisoned an army of Decepticons on Earth... an army Starscream is determined to make his own!
7.3 /10

Thu, Oct 20, 2005
The kids are in government custody and Starscream's army is gaining ground. What are the Autobots to do?
7.1 /10

Fri, Mar 10, 2006
Enraged by the damage done to his friends, Optimus battles Megatron while Vector Prime transports Hot Shot, Red Alert and Scattorshot to a human military base. But will even the power of Primus be enough to save them?
8 /10

Fri, Mar 17, 2006
As Starscream continues to gain power, Optimus and Megatron fight to reach the Omega Lock while the Autobot and Decepticon forces continue to battle. Wing Saber arrives, but which side is he on?
8 /10

Fri, Mar 24, 2006
The battle continues. Starcsream, grown to immense size and power, crowns himself ruler of the universe. Vector Prime retrieves the Omega Lock. Hot Shot, Scattorshot and Red Alert reach Cybertron, to find it being eaten by bugs.
8.1 /10

Fri, Mar 31, 2006
The battle continues. Optimus combines with Wing Saber to reveal a new power.
7.7 /10

Fri, Apr 07, 2006
Optimus' Sonic Wing Mode and Megatron's Armour of Unicron make them almost equally matched. Vector Prime tips the balance, but has Megatron really been destroyed? The Omega Lock, restored to its rightful place, awakens Primus.
8 /10

Fri, Apr 14, 2006
Speaking through Jolt, Primus gives everyone a history lesson and reveals the location of the final Key. In his failed attack on Primus, Starscream loses the Map to Vector Prime. Sideways, followed by the kids, abducts the minicons.
7.7 /10

Fri, Aug 19, 2005
Megatron is back, and his mysterious dark powers give birth to two new threats!
6.4 /10

Fri, Apr 21, 2006
Separated from the Autobots and their Mini-Con friends, Coby, Bud and Lori fight alone against Sideways.
6.8 /10

Wed, Sep 06, 2006
While the Autobots and Decepticons fight on Cybertron, Vector Prime searches for traces of the kids and minicons. As they race to leave the Atlantis, Bud's escape pod hits Sideways - and warps out with the main ship.
7.5 /10

Fri, Sep 16, 2005
As the Autobots make preparations to travel to Gigantion, the kids confront their parents with the truth.
6.2 /10

Sun, Sep 10, 2006
Primus emits a massive power beam to stabilise the black hole - until Starscream absorbs the power, grows to planet size and attacks Primus. Can the Autobots wake Primus in time to fight back?
7.3 /10

Mon, Sep 11, 2006
The Autobots head for the warp-hole leading to the alternate universe where Gigantion rests.
7 /10

Tue, Sep 12, 2006
The Autobots reach Gigantion, and discover the odd laws that make gaining the Cyber Key impossible. The inhabitants change their minds when Megatron, guided by Soundwave, arrives.
7.4 /10

Fri, Oct 14, 2005
Megatron is upgraded and given new power thanks to the Giant Planet's cyber key. In the process of finding an adversary worthy of fighting he beats up the Autobots that have been nothing short of problematic to him one by one.
6.1 /10

Thu, Sep 14, 2006
The Autobots split up to head for the inner layers of Gigantion, and Coby reveals his latest creation.
7 /10

Sun, Sep 17, 2006
The Autobots split up to search the lower levels of Gigantion for its Cyber Planet Key, while the Decepticons do the same.
7.6 /10

Mon, Sep 18, 2006
The Autobot search teams continue to explore the depths of Gigantion, the Jungle Planet is in danger, and the mystery of Planet X is revealed.
6.8 /10

Wed, Sep 20, 2006
The final Planet Cyber Key lies in the Lemuria at the original, earth-like core of Gigantion. As everyone fights to gain possession of it, Vector Prime gives Optimus a harsh lesson in leadership.
7.5 /10

Thu, Sep 21, 2006
The Omega Lock is primed and ready to save the universe - if everyone can survive Starscream and Megatron's titanic energies as they battle to steal it.
7.5 /10

Sun, Sep 24, 2006
To return the Autobots to their home safely, Vector Prime makes the ultimate sacrifice.
7.2 /10

Mon, Sep 25, 2006
With the black hole causing chaos across the universe, it is time for the children of Primus to unite or be destroyed.
6.9 /10

Sat, Sep 16, 2006
In the dark heart of the black hole, the five planet leaders battle Galvatron for the fate of the universe.
6.9 /10

Mon, Sep 25, 2006
As the Autobots race to save Jungle Planet, Optimus Prime and Galvatron have one final battle.
7.2 /10

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