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Ukraine on Fire 2

Reborn in Fire

Mon, Feb 28, 2022
On the day of the Russian invasion death and life walk hand in hand. The East Ukraine town of Starobilsk is shelled, killing and injuring civilians, and a new life is about to come into this world.
9.7 /10
Angel over Demons
A civilian on car reportedly "meets" a Russian sabotage group (disguised as Ukrainian soldiers), entering the Ukraine's capital. What happens next is also a metaphor of Ukraine's resistance and good luck.
10 /10
Snake's Reply

Wed, Mar 02, 2022
On the first day of invasion, 13 Ukrainian soldiers on the Black Sea's Snake Island are approached by a Russian warship. What they reply to the warship inspires the world.
9.7 /10
Uman Hague Letter
24 February 2022, early morning in Uman, Ukraine. A 39-year-old is riding a bicycle as Russia is invading Ukraine. He is to become one of the first civilian victims, and this is his last letter to the Hague (International Criminal Court).
9.7 /10
6-Time Chernobyl on Fire
Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is the Europe's Largest Nuclear Plant on Fire . It's 6-time larger by number of blocks than Chernobyl, so if it explodes, it might be the end of Europe or even the world.
9.5 /10
Cinema on Fire

Sat, Mar 05, 2022
On 27 February 2022 Russian forces bombed the 285K city of Chernihiv, North Ukraine. Dovzhenko shot in this area his film "Shchors", premiering in 1939. Watch to learn happened to the city Shchors Cinema during WWII and in 2022?
9.6 /10
Lobanovskyi on Fire
Valeriy Lobanovskyi was a great 'Dynamo Kyiv' coach and football player. Watch what happens one Saturday morning at the avenue named after him in Kyiv.
9.7 /10
Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, has been under attack by Russia from 24 February 2022. One morning Russians try to enter the city, receiving a warm "welcome".
9.7 /10
Death Corridor

Wed, Mar 09, 2022
Irpin area, near Kyiv, was heavily bombed out. Russia agreed on 6 March 2022 that people can evacuate via so-called "green corridor". What a passageway it became for the Perebyinis family.
10 /10
Kharkiv University on Fire
Russia systematically targets civilian infrastructure. It is Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city of 1.4M, hosting second oldest University: Karazin Kharkiv University used to have some 18K students and 2K personnel.
9.8 /10
Makariv Couple Last Spring
One afternoon, an elderly couple was driving a car in Makariv, near Kyiv. On the way, they were 'met' by Russian armed forces - this is their last spring together.
9.6 /10
Kadyrovtsy Last Trip to Ukraine
Pro-Putin Chechen leader Kadyrov sent his "Kadyrov men" to Ukraine, also to kill Ukraine's President. Some of them, as Magomed Tushaev, were reportedly eliminated. On the other side, two Chechen volunteer battalions fight for Ukraine.
9.7 /10
Russian Army in Town: Looting & Pillaging
International Law obliges military forces to avoid destruction of enemy property and provide for its protection. Pillaging a town or place, even when taken by assault, is a war crime. Russian armed forces in Ukraine practice otherwise.
9.6 /10
Hero City Mariupol on Fire
The ancient, multicultural and industrial 430K Ukrainian city of Mariupol from 24 February 2022 is daily bombed by Russia, to force its surrender under the siege.
9.8 /10
Hero City Mariupol 3: Theater Inferno
Civilians are sheltered in a theater in the heart of the besieged Mariupol as Russians continue bombarding the city. Will the inscription "Children" in front of the theater save them from Russian bombs?
9.6 /10
Love Her... in Times of Rage
Borodianka, near Ukraine's capital, is in ruins in March 2022. Here Hitler burned over 100 estates during WWII. Its ruined monument of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko reminds us: Love your Ukraine. Love her - in times of rage.
9.6 /10
Ukrainian Pianist
Last sounds of piano music in the ruins as over 10 million Ukrainians already forced to leave their beloved homes due to the 2022 Russian invasion.
9.8 /10
Soul and Body We'll Lay Down...
Human life is the Ukraine's price for freedom. Ukrainian warriors, as in glorious past, "lay down their soul and body" as manifested in their anthem. Civilians - on knees - meet their fallen out of respect to the sacrifice.
9.7 /10
Enchanted Earth: You Reap What You Sow
Despite the ongoing war, Ukrainians start spring sowing. Shots of the famous "Earth" (1930) by Dovzhenko blend with those of reality nowadays, proving the course and laws of nature in this enchanted Ukrainian land.
9.1 /10
Lviv under Russian Attack
Ukrainians used to say, "Never Again!" But, again, and for the first time since Nazi and Soviet attacks on Lviv in 1939 and 1944, this UNESCO World Heritage gem city is air attacked by Russia in March 2022.
9.4 /10
Last Shooting: Pavlo Li
Popular actor, singer and TV presenter Pavlo Li (Pasha Lee) was killed in Irpin, near Kyiv, while evacuating civilians (children) attacked by Russia. He was born in Crimea in the family of Ukrainian Hutsul and Korean parents.
9.6 /10
Last Call: Indian Son
There are some 77K foreign students in Ukraine. Naveen S G of India is one of them, studying in Kharkiv and hiding in a shelter. On 1 March, as he goes to buy some food, he becomes the first foreign student killed by Russia in this war.
8.9 /10

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