The Age of Magic Begins
When planet Prysmos' three suns shift, they cancel out the power of all electronic and battery-powered devices, forcing inhabitants to restart society as archaic. A mysterious old wizard named Merklyn approaches many knights including Darkstorm, a lord who has been trying to seize control of the land of New Valaric, and Leoric, the prince (ruler) defending it, offering them the chance to receive vast magical powers if they can survive the climb up Iron Mountain and its perils to his shrine. After those who have remained and survived the tests succeed, Merklynn dubs Leoirc and his six followers and Darkstorm and six whom he already had or has just forced into his service the Visionaries, and endows them ability to transform into animal totems based on their characteristics and skills demonstrated. Eight of them are also granted additional power abilities through their staffs and the rest are assured other gifts which remain to be seen.
6.8 /10
The Dark Hand of Treachery
Arzon is captured and has his power staff stolen by the Darkling Lords. While scrounging for metal so the rest of New Valaric's knights can be bound later, Mortredd and Reekon discover their gift is to repower Prysmos' vehicles. Between this and their other abilities, the Darkling Lords seize Witterquick and Cryotek and take their staffs. Cryotek gives Galadria a chance to escape and she warns the others, but the advice of what to do from the Owl of Wisdom of Leoric's staff is enigmatic. The Darkling Lords attack Leoric's castle and capture the other knights, steal their staffs, and strip Feryl of his wolf totem. And Darkstorm blackmails the New Valaricans into serving him after aging one who defies him.
7.1 /10
Quest for the Dragon's Eye
Arzon and Leoric free the other Spectral Knights while the Darkling Lords are fighting, and restore Feryl's totem. The resulting fight confirms that Ectar and Feryl share Reekon's and Mortredd's power. Just before starting forced labor in a factory, the Darkling Lords, who have their power staffs taken, are given a magical key by Merklynn. While most of the Spectral Knights approach Merklynn for assistance for the barren land while they recharge their staffs, the Darkling Lords escape and try to kill them on Iron Mountain. Ectar warns them, but Merklynn refuses to let them continue their confrontation around him. He lets them repower their staffs but demands that in return they retrieve the Dragon's Eye for him. The Spectral Knights agree but the Darkling Lords go only after an attack on him fails, and at an abandoned building, both are attacked by a mechanical dragon controlled by the wizard wielding the Eye, Falkama.
6.9 /10
Feryl Steps Out

Sat, Oct 17, 1987
Feryl is almost captured when the Capture Chariot crashes while he is trying to help Leoric stop a pirate raid. Feeling overshadowed by the other Spectral Knights, he chooses to leave their ranks. When one of his spies hears this, Darkstorm goes with Mortredd to seek his services. Feryl refuses and fights them off before they can capture and force him, but Darkstorm has Cravex have the Spider of Fear of his staff bite Leoric to make him suffer a nightmare he takes as an omen that the Darkling Lords have seized Feryl. Leoric runs into a trap and is captured, has his lion totem removed and staff stolen, and is placed in a device which will stretch him until his muscles break. Feryl follows, but has no time to get the other Spectral Knights to help him fight.
6.5 /10
Lion Hunt

Sat, Oct 24, 1987
Rather than do another favor for Merklyn in exchange for a power-staff recharge, Darkstorm seeks out the ancient witch Heskedor for a curse to place on Leoric. He is given a potion that will prevent Leoric from turning from a lion back into a man - permanently, if it isn't reversed by third sunset on the same day. The Darkling Lords run the Dagger Assault disguised as an animal through a village whose inhabitants are superstitious against all magic and, when Leoric is called to help, spray him. It also turns him from blue to red and Darkstorm convinces the people that this is what Leoric was killed by so must be destroyed. Fletchen, a young woman from the village, gives the Spectral Knights word, but they don't know the truth about what they're looking to take down either...
6.4 /10
The Overthrow of Merklynn
Reluctant as always to see Merklynn to recharge his power staff and be ordered to do something in return, Mortredd asks Falkama how to defeat him. Reekon succeeds in getting the magic book the Omnitopogram and the Darkling Lords collect a plant which will subdue Merklynn after getting him away from his shrine which protects him. They allow the Spectral Knights to capture them and, when Merklynn appears to free them from the factory again, Darkstorm strips him of his power, steals the orb, and subdues Falkama. After banishing the wizards to a prison they cannot escape, he frees himself, immobilizes the Spectral Knights so the other Darkling Lords can follow, and curses Virulina, Reekon, and Lexor for pressing for more pay. But his plans for world domination with the others are interrupted when he dares to cast the mysterious, never-before-done Sacred Secret Spell, which causes a series of natural disasters destined to destroy Prismos.
7.4 /10
The Power of the Wise
Reekon spies on the Spectral Knights in lizard form so hears which of the Darkling Lords' power-staffs they consider the worst challenges. After the Spectral Knights unsuccessfully request Merklynn to give them something to use against Darkstorm's decay and the Bearer of Knowledge tells Arzon of the Eternal Spring which would do just this, Reekon goes back to the Darkling Lords and tells them that this is their weapon that most troubles Leoric, among others. As the Spectral Knights travel to the spring, the Darkling Lords attack and force the others away from Leoric, whom Darkstorm ages into an old man. Then they advance toward the water, intending to stop him from being rejuvenated, and, after Cindarr's attempt to help an infant scorpion-monster brings the wrath of its mother, Cravex manipulates it into panicking and attacking the Spectral Knights as they approach.
6.5 /10
The Price of Freedom
Reekon and Mortredd are seen in the Dagger Assault by a man of Khemir, a ruined city that relied on robot slaves and whose people have never worked for themselves and are not eager to start. Arzon and Feryl see this but Reekon tricks the Khemirites into attacking them, so on their way to tell the other Spectral Knights the Capture Chariot is damaged and Arzon injured. The Darkling Lords promise to supply the Khemirites with slaves in exchange for their allegiance, and Darkstorm has a group disguised as poor wanderers enter the Spectral Knights' castle to let them in. They steal Leoric's and Witterquick's power-staffs for the Darkling Lords, who best the Spectral Knights, remove their totems, and force them into slavery as an alternative to torturing the New Valaricans. When Feryl and Arzon finally make it back, Feryl is captured to protect Arzon, who escapes - but Darkstorm orders that he must surrender, or the other Spectral Knights will be forced to work the dangerous vanadium mines.
6.5 /10
Horn of Unicorn, Claw of Dragon
Cryotek abruptly suffers a disease Fletchen can't heal. When they try to leave to seek Merklynn's help, Ectar and Feryl's vehicles don't respond to them then Feryl sickens, Galadria catches it, and Leoric's power staff won't work. Fletchen tells Leoric that those without magical powers are immune, so he warns Witterquick and Arzon away and has them go to Merklynn. Lexor is already there with Cindarr since the Darkling Lords are also suffering, and blames him. Merklynn reveals that the illness will eventually kill all who use magic, and finding a dragon's claw and unicorn's horn for the antidote was the last task the Darkling Lords refused to go on for him. Lexor and Cindarr go after the unicorn since it's the gentler creature, but have a difficult time against the wood nymphs guarding their island. Arzon and Witterquick seek a dragon called Gregsgamar, and find themselves fighting him as well as time while the plague worsens for the others and threatens to strike them...
7 /10
The Trail of Three Wizards
Merklynn persuades the Spectral Knights to capture three of the wizards who escaped the Wizards' Jail after Darkstorm's betrayal - Falkama, Wizasquizar, and the possibly-good Bogavus - before one of them stumbles upon the Lost Shrine and gains extreme power. They scour the Anarchy Zone as recommended, and Ectar uses his police-officer skills to interrogate a former criminal dwarf into telling him how to find the trio. They succeed in locating each, but Reekon sees them on their return and the Darkling Lords sabotage their vehicles and attack. They release Wizasquizar since he is under a spell to always lie, guessing the Darkling Lords may capture though not find much use for him. But when he acts uncharacteristically self-defacing for a wizard, Lexor realizes who they're dealing with and they learn through him where the Lost Shrine is, and decide to take him there so they can be empowered. When the Spectral Knights go after them, they're swallowed by a liquid monster.
8 /10
Honor Among Thieves
Though the Spectral Knights have insisted they don't want pay for returning the wizards, Merklynn gives them a crystal which will alert them to any foe's approach. But, after leading an attack which fails because of it, Darkstorm discovers that it can't detect anyone wearing the Cloak of Concealment. After getting it from a carnivorous plant in exchange for a shipment of meat, the Darkling Lords have Reekon don the jacket and enter on a tour of the Spectral Knights' council chamber where it is kept, and he is able to steal it. Ectar, who as a detective caught Reekon once, prepares with Arzon's help to act as a robber to reclaim it while Reekon will be the one waiting to thwart him.
7.6 /10
Dawn of the Sun Imps
Two knights and two lords stumble upon the long buried tomb of the Sun Imps. Merklynn warns the Visionaries not to open it but Lexor tricks Cindarr into unleashing the Destruction spell. After their escape, the Imps wreak havoc all across Prysmos, but only during daylight. The Spectral Knights and Darkling Lords are forced to work together to catch each Imp in a different way.
6.8 /10
Sorcery Squared
After an accident dancing with Galadria and misunderstanding some well-meaning remarks from her, Ectar, and Witterquick at a feast, Cryotek jumps at the chance to help Arzon and Feryl remove some debris from an eagle's nest. The Darkling Lords, responsible for the slabs' falling in target practice, attack on return, and capture Cryotek and start to remove his polar-bear totem. He manages to drag Cravex into the Magical Dungeon with him partway through, and the Darkling Lords try to undo the process. When Cryotek escapes, he steals Cindarr's staff - and, as Galadria and Witterquick discover when he starts acting boisterous then aggressive and steals Witterquick's staff of light-speed, has actually kept Cravex's phylot as well as his own totem. It is altering his personality enough so he wants to expand his home city of Northalia. Neither the Spectral Knights nor the Darkling Lords want him to keep it so they unite to subdue him, but the Darkling Lords' worse tempers and selfish motives may not result in him being returned to normal in one piece. And Cryotek proves a major danger to both with the more sinister influence controlling him.
8.1 /10
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