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Ze Frank

True Facts About Baby Echidnas
A puggle, baby echidna, could easily pass for a Pokemon but it's a real, if odd, animal. No. Echidna is not the name of a Pokemon either. Niether is Andihce.
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True Facts about the Angler Fish
The female angler fish is an ugly creature but that's camouflage for you. The male angler fish is a little tiny create that mates by attaching itself to the female for the rest of its life.
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True Facts about the Chameleon
Chameleons are clever animals. They tricked humans into believing they can change color to blend into their surroundings. But that's not its clever tricks.
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True Facts about the Duck
Like a lot of ladies female ducks are particular about their mates. But male ducks are particularly aggressive. Which lead to a anatomical evolutionary war between their peculiar genitals.
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True Facts about the Aye Aye
The aye aye is such a curiously cute little animal that you'd probably be surprised to learn that its middle finger is its oddest feature. But it's great for hunting and eating so he probably doesn't mind.
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True Facts About Sloths
This two and a half minute video is about sloths. Which is quite quick for a sloth video. So watch it slowly.
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True Facts About the Mantis Shrimp
The Mantis Shrimp is a tough little critter with a knock out punch or a spear so fast you'll feel it before you see it. So don't get in its way even though it's pretty to look at.
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True Facts about the Owl
Owls have big eyes but also have special adaptations to hunt by sound. Maybe I should mention they like to hunt at night.
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True Facts about the Frog
Male frogs mate by climbing on the female and squeezing her for days until her eggs pop out. Then he fertilizes them.
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True Facts About the Armadillo
Armadillos harkin back to the day when predatory animals were more badass so they grew badass armor. Actually they don't "harkin." That's just an expression. But some scream pretty good.
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True Facts about the Octopus
The octopus is smart. In fact it's so smart its brain is too big for its head(?) so most of its brain is in its arms and it has lots of them. That's convenient because its arms are where the action is anyway especially during mating.
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True Facts: Frog Fish
Frogfish are a type of angler fish and aren't so pretty. OK, they're downright ugly. But they're usually disguised or camouflaged or hiding so you don't have to see them even if you're looking at them.
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True Facts: Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorus plants supplement their diet with bugs, and the occasional little animals, because they grow in nitrogen poor soil. Bugs are chock full of nitrogen.
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True Facts: Pangolins Posse
Given there are a thousand, or so, trillion ants and termites wandering about the planet you have to expect there's be a plethora of critters that want to eat them even if they have to resort to convergent evolution to figure out how.
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True Facts: Carnivorous Dragonflies
Dragonfly nymphs are carnivorous as soon as they hatch and, get this, breathe through their butt. Really take a look. Molting over and over as they grow they quickly become omnivorous carnivores So all you little critters best stay away. Dragonfly sex is complicated. Sure. Take a look at that too.
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True Facts: The Lemur
Lemurs are cute. and they do cute things. They live in a nice isolated place called Madagascar. But humans go everywhere causing lemurs to face extinction. So now humans have to save them.
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True Facts: The Ogre Faced Spider
Ogre faced spiders may look terrifying and so he be. Fortunely if you're his target for lunch you'll probably won't see him. You'll just see his cleverly constructed net. From the inside. While he's digesting you.
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Cats in Therapy

Thu, Oct 03, 2019
Surley you've wondered what cats are thinking. This is as good a guess as any. Well, maybe not.
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True Facts: The Sand Bubbler Crab
The Sand Bubbler Crab's job is to clean all the little sand grains on the beach and to shape the clean sand into little balls. It's a big job and it has to be done quick because the crab also has to seal up its burrow before the tide comes in.
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True Facts: Leafhoppers and Friends
Plant hoppers are itsy bitty critters that jump around on, yes, plants. The nymphs flaunt myriads of tail hairdos while the adults flash haute couture color schemes as you'll see once you join this pageant.
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True Facts: Stinkhorns
Stinkhorns are like the flowers of fungi which you probably know as mushrooms. But stinkhorns are disgusting. They smell like rotting flesh because of the spore laden gleba that oozes out of them. Still, flies love the stinky gleba which is good for the stinkhorn because the flies spread the spores.
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True Facts: Mudskippers
Mudskippers are fish which, as you probably know, live, breath and eat in the water. So what are mudskippers doing scampering around on land with no legs. Ok, scampering around in mud. They still like wet.
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True Facts: The Ostrich
The ostrich is one of the five ratite birds that took advantage of the dinosaur extinction to give up flying and get big and strong to run really fast and show how ugly birds can be.
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True Facts: Macaques
Macaques are smart. They figured out that sitting in hot springs in the winter is nice. To much of a stretch? Well one really innovative Macaque started washing his food. Then seasoning it with salty ocean water. And learned to separate wheat from sand in a puddle. And crack open nuts with a rock. Now they all do it.
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True Facts: The Skeleton Shrimp
Skeleton shrimp are amphipods making them crustaceans, like shrimp, but they aren't shrimp. They don't even really look like shrimp or any other creatures you're ever likely to see. But they do like to grab things and eat them like shrimp do.
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True Facts: Freaky Nudibranchs
Nudibranchs aren't much like people, or any other creature you're ever likely to see even in a bad science fiction film. So it stands to reason they don't have much in common with people except for an anus.
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True Facts: The Wacky Giraffe
Giraffes have many curious features and behaviors. Just look. But you really want to know how it manages to take a drink on a hot afternoon. I'll tell you.
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True Facts: Killer Surfing Snails
Sea snails have amazing feet, or rather foot. Whenever a snail bumps into something it's foot wraps around it until it is slowly digested. It can walk and even gallop on it's one foot. Let's see a horse try that. And then there's that favorite California pass time; surfing.
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True Facts: BatFishes
The batfish is a type of anglerfish that uses a lure to catch dinner. It also is a walking fish, mostly, but on the bottom of the ocean where walking is easier. There it's cleverly disguised as ocean bottom debris, but the natural kind, not that synthetic stuff humans keep dumping down there.
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True Facts: Cats' Killer Senses
Cat's have a substantial collection of adaptations that make them better, well, cats. Some were so surprising to scientists that for a long time the didn't bother to notice them.
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True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior
Let's take a close look at hummingbirds. Really, really close. They're tiny so we have to get in close. And they're fast. Really, really fast. So don't blink.
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True Facts: Army Ant Riders
Army ants are a nomadic breed. When the hive's queen finds a nice maternal place for a nursery they all settle down and grab on to each other to build a shelter while the queen lays a couple hundred thousand eggs. After the eggs hatch the rest of the ants fan out in a giant swarm devouring any little critter that can't run away fast enough. But some of those critters are sneaky little mimics that feel right at home with the ants.
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True Facts: The Incredible Tardigrade
Moss piglets and water bears are tardigrades which are just about the most popular little creatures on the planet becuase they are so cute. So you've seen their pictures everywhere but now you can see them in action. Yes, we'll talk about why just about the only way to kill one is to get her, or him, pregnant.
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True Facts: Deception in the Rainforest
Today we feature the photography of David Weiller and Thomas Marent who make video of critters you can't see even when you're looking at them. No, they're not invisible. You just don't know they're there. I'm wondering how David and Thomas found them too. They also take pictures of colorful critters that are easy to find but you don't really want to find those. Trust me.
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