Future Boy Conan

Summary Long after a devastating war almost destroyed the entire world, a boy with superhuman strength fights to save his friends from those who seek to conquer what is left of civilization. View more details

Future Boy Conan

Directed : Unknown

Written : Unknown

Stars : Masatô Ibu Noriko Ohara Sabrina Pitre Erin Mathews



Genres : Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Drama Animation Family

Release date : Apr 3, 1978

Countries of origin : Japan

Language : Japanese

Production companies : Nippon Animation Co.

Summary Long after a devastating war almost destroyed the entire world, a boy with superhuman strength fights to save his friends from those who seek to conquer what is left of civilization. View more details


Genres : Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Drama Animation Family

Release date : Apr 3, 1978

Countries of origin : Japan

Language : Japanese

Production companies : Nippon Animation Co.

Episode 3 • Dec 31, 1969
Hajimete no nakama
Conan has made his own sail boat for his journey in finding Lana. He's been out in sea for many days now. Catching fish and rain water to survive. Finally he found an island. He sailed to shore to look for something to eat and drink. As he explored the island, he couldn't help but thinking that there's someone around. He spotted someone spying on him and chased after him. Conan couldn't keep up with him so he played opossum so that the spy will think he's in pain. When the spy came closer Conan surprised him and got up. And it's clear to Conan that the one spying on him was just a boy(who's no more older than Conan) with shaggy hair, ragged pants, with buck teeth. The boy told Conan that he's eating all the fruit and water that's on his turf. Conan told the boy that he wrecked his sail boat and is using his sail for a cape. They both argue continuously, and eventually tried to compete with one another's strength. But it turns out that they're both fit to be tied. They called it a draw and ended up becoming friends. Conan has finally found a new companion to be with. The boy's name is Jimsy, and he lives alone on MY Island(The name of the island they're on). Jimsy use to live with the locals of the island but couldn't stand them for trying to steal his food and what not. Conan spent the night at Jimsy's hut, the next day Jimsy gathered up some goods to trade for a ship that comes by to MY Island every now and then. The ship is called the Barracuda, lead by Captain Dyce. The locals of the island receive goods in exchange of plastic. Which is a valuable recycling element in 2028. The Barracuda is in fact from Industria. Which is the place Lana is right now. Conan has found his chance in saving Lana.
Episode 5 • May 08, 1978
Conan and Jimsy finally arrive at Industria. Only to find it a rusty, and grim looking city with waste and wreckage. Conan spotted the Falco Hydroplane, and knows that Lana is here for sure. Conan plans to sneak out while all the plastic was shipped out of the cargo cell. But was caught and thrown in the ship's brig. Meanwhile at the capital building of Industria, the Captain Dyce went to report himself to the committee members who are tried to commence Lana in revealing where her grandfather is. Her grandfather is Dr. Briac Lao, who knows the secrets of solar energy. Which was the reason why they kidnapped her was because she has connections with her grandfather by ESP. The solar energy will be a great help for Industria's way of living. Because with a few years the nuclear reactor of Industria will be used up. And humanity will suffer with no energy. Lana tells them that she has no clue where her grandfather is. The committee members found no use of her so they dismissed the meeting. Lana was taken to her cell, and was later met by Lepka the chief of Industria's community. He believes that Lana does know where her Grandfather is, and demands that she fesses up. But she didn't so he threatens her with a mark gun that is placed on those who are no use to the committee. Once the mark is placed on the forehead it'll remain permanent. He gave Lana 24 hours to think about, or wise she'll receive the mark. Lana is scared and depressed, but knows that Conan is alive. And that he is, when he finds a way to break out of the ship's brig, he'll go straight to her location and rescue her.
Episode 9 • Dec 31, 1969
Conan and Lana have traveled the desert for many days and nights. Conan had to carry Lana because he has more energy that she does. When Conan finally found the other side of the ocean he passed out and fell into the sand drench. Then a tall stern man with a scar and eye patch found both Conan and Lana laying unconscious. He carried them both to his Salvage group. The stern man threw bucket fulls of water at Conan and Lana, but they're still exhausted from the walking in the desert. So the stern man put them in a storage room for rest. The man's name is Patch and he's the boss of the Salvaging group for Industria. Which turns out that Industria is located several miles from where they are. His group of men salvage the sunken ships and report anything useful to Industria. Later Patch got Conan and Lana to get up from resting. He asked both of them for their names and where they came from. Conan told him his and Lana's name and claimed that they're lost. An employee named Territ believes that Conan is lying and presumes that he's an escapee from Industria. Patch how ever doesn't care where they're from, he states to them that if they want to stay here at the salvage company, they must work and be useful. Conan and Lana can already tell that Patch is very strict. While Territ knows that something is up, because Industria members are suppose to report any escapees. Conan showed off his diving skills to Patch and brought back a suit case of items from 2008. Patch finds Conan useful but is still strict in orders. The next day both Lana and Conan worked as hard as they could. They find it to be very difficult. Especially when Patch is bossing them around and Territ tries to figure out what their real story is. Lana isn't sure if her own grandfather would be anyway near by. But there's something about Patch that makes her ponder even more.
Episode 12 • Dec 31, 1969
Lana and her grandfather are searching for an IC chip in lower Industria which has a maze of tunnels. Lepka and his men have detected them on computer and sealing off any possible exits for them. They soon ended up at an enormous pit which leads to the Core Block. The lowest part of Industria. That's where they'll find an IC chip. Meanwhile Conan and Dyce try to fight off the Industrian members right till they retreated and head for Triangle Tower. Dyce is confused but is relieved that they retreated. Conan can tell that Lana & Dr. Lao have been detected so he heads on over there to save them. But he heard a voice from the prison, asking him if he could release them. He went inside and released all the prisoners, a man named Luke(a friend of Dr. Lao) tells Conan that he and the others were imprisoned because they were against Lepka. In return he'll guide Conan to where Dr. Lao is. On the way Jimsy joined up with Conan to help out. It was a long ways down but Lana and her grandfather made it to the Block Core. The place is dim, ruined, and old. The trees were rotted and the buildings were all damaged. Dr. Lao explained that this place was made as an underground shelter during the war. Everything was made to make it look like a city even an artificial sun to make it look like it's outside. Unfortunatly those who thought they be safe down here didn't last very long. 50,000 civilians died. 1,000 survived and those are the Industrians themselves. Lepka ordered his squad of men to infiltrate the Core Block. The committee didn't approve on Lepka not getting permission to use fire arms, but he ignored their warnings and told them it's the only way to get Dr. Lao by force. Luke lead Conan and jimsy through secret pathways that the Industrians don't know about. Conan and Jimsy discovered that there are a whole bunch of people who were against Lepka living in these secret hideaways. Conan was greeted and thanked by Luke's father(who resembles Conan's grandfather) for rescuing his own son. Conan gave thanks and couldn't help but addressing him as "Grandpa". Dr. Lao and Lana searched the old aircrafts for an IC chip. Lana finally found one, which will give the flying machine more power. Dr. Lao discovered that Lepka's squad team is here and tells Lana to go insert the Ic chip to the flying machine while he distracts them. He did and Lana went straight to the flying machine but was soon followed by 2 men. She was cornered and helpless right till Jimsy and Conan drop in to knock them out. Lana is relieved to see them both. Now they must get the flying machine ready and save Dr. Lao.
Episode 13 • Jul 03, 1978
Dr. Lao, Conan, Jimsy, and Lana successfully escaped from Industria special thanks from Luke and the anti-Industrians. Captain Dyce and what's left of his crew are sailing on the Barracuda once more. Dongorth asked Dyce where their next destination is. Dyce doesn't know, without Lana they won't have a fighting chance to go to High Harbor(because they were the ones who kidnapped Lana in the first place). But then Dr. Lao's flying machine catch up to the Barracuda and landed. Dyce and his crew is relieve to see Lana and Conan a-OK. He welcomed them on board and has announced that their destination will be High Harbor. Dyce was about to escort them to their rooms, but Dr. Lao told him it won't be necessary because he's returning to Industria alone. Everyone was surprised at this. The doctor explained that that the Industrians don't know about the fate it awaits soon. He wants the Industrians to know about the chaos that'll occur within a matter of days so they can flee and start a new life. Conan demanded that he and the rest would accompany him too. He admired their request but it's something he must do by himself. Lao tells Dyce that he'll trust him in taking the kids straight to High Harbor. He tells both Conan and Jimsy to watch over Lana, and he promises he'll be back as soon as he could. So before sunset he went on his flying machine and flew back to Industria. The next day near the shoreline of High Harbor, a fisherman spotted the Barracuda. And he believes it's up to no good. So he got some custom made bombs and use them to blow the ship up. Then the whole ship is falling apart, and Dyce tries to tell the fisherman to stop. But the fisherman refused to hear what Dyce had to say, because he thinks Dyce is still part of Industria. Lana recognized the fisherman as her uncle and told hi mot stop. The fisherman thinks Dyce is using Lana as a hostage, but Lana convinced her uncle that Dyce is no longer part of Industria. The fisherman took her word and brought the ship in. But he was still mad at Dyce for kidnapping Lana and won't repair his ship that's now half sank into the ocean. They went to shore while Dyce and his crew had to leave the Barracuda behind. Lana couldn't believe that she's back home in High Harbor. It's nothing like Industria it self. They went through the main town of Moto Village. This is the first time Jimsy and Conan have seen an actual village. Jimsy couldn't keep his eyes off the frogs and as well as animals he's never seen before(such as pigs, squirrels, and chickens). Conan liked the sites as well as nature itself. Then they were greeted by Orlo who lives in the mountain side of high Harbor. He's glad to see Lana back and well but Lana wasn't interested in talking to him. He tells Conan and Jimsy to come by his place if they want to be friends. He left and Lana told them not to get involved with Orlo because he's not as nice as he seems to be. Later they went to Lana's home where her Aunt Meizel is glad to see her niece alive and back in one piece. They also met Lana's other uncle and the Village Cheif. Lana told them what had happen. And learned that Dr. Lao is still alive and won't be back any time soon. Her uncle thanked Conan and jimsy for helping her escape from Industria, and as a gratitude he offers them to stay at Lana's home as guests of honor. And the village chief decided to put up a welcome party for Conan and Jimsy in regards of being Lana's friends and heroes. That night they ate, they drink, and celebrated with the locals of Moto Village. Jimsy was full afterwords and Conan really liked the hospitality they're getting.
Episode 14 • Jul 10, 1978
Shima no ichinichi
Conan woke up to find that he's wearing nothing but a long sleeve pants. He went out side and was met by Jimsy and Lana who are both wearing new clothes. Their old clothes are being hung to dry. Conan was giving a pair of clothes which almost fit him. Conan and Jimsy had breakfast and learned that everyone in High Harbor works. Even Lana has a job(which isn't anything like child labor). After breakfast Lana lead the way to Windmil Village which is the factory side of High Harbor. Lana was met by her friends at a sewing factory. Conan and Jimsy feel embarrassed because they're all girls. Then Pasco(the head of the factories) gives Conan and Jimsy a tour around the place while Lana goes to the Sewing factory. The other factories involve smiting and bakery. Windmill town is where all the bread is made from. There they found Bosco and Gutch helping out making bread. Gutch likes the way bread is naturally made and not artificially made like in Industria. Dyce and Dongoroth got a job in Black Smithing. Pasco mentioned that they let the Barracuda crew work here because they were short on employees. He asked Conan and Jimsy if they've decided what to do for jobs. They don't know yet, and left while Pasco was showing Dyce how to hammer the correct way without getting hurt. Conan and Jimsy have no skills in any of the jobs offered at windmill village. Till they realized that they both do have specific talents. Conan is able to fish and Jimsy is able to hunt. Now that they know what to do for jobs, they went back to Lana's home to get their regular cloths and weapons. They split up and wished each other luck. Conan went to the shoreline to hunt for fish. He swam along till he found a fish net that's holding hundreds of fish. He carefully went inside it and discovered it was inside a cavern which also has an old flying machine floating. Conan observed it and was spotted by the fisherman he met yesterday, Uncle Garu. Conan told him that he swam along till he found this place. Uncle Garu reminded him not to catch any of the fish in this cavern. It's a fish saqcuary in case there weren't any fish to find in the ocean. Conan asked if the flying machine still works. Garu told him it hasn't run since Dr. Lao last used it. He explained that Dr. Lao saved many people with that flying machine. Conan told Garu that he's really good at fishing. Garu accepts his request and tests Conan if he is really good. Meanwhile Jimsy was wandering around the mountain side to find something to hunt. He tries to strike a kangaroo rat with his arrow but it was rather difficult to get a good aim. It left as well as the rest of it's pack. Jimsy didn't know what was up till he realized that something big is behind him. It was a giant boar(Thrice the size of Jimsy). The board chased him around, it was ferocious and invincible. Jimsy's arrows were useless against it. He came across a cliff, and jumped over the boar which fell straight down along with Jimsy. The boar broke his fall, he got away from it, but then realized it was already dead. Jimsy felt victorious and turned the boar into a large roasted boar. But he doesn't know that he made a big mistake.
Episode 15 • Jul 17, 1978
After Jimsy found out that the boar he killed was owned by Orlo the guy he saw the other day who blames the villagers for this attempt. Uncle Sean and Aunt Meizel told him and Conan that they'll settle the matter themselves. But both Conan and Jimsy don't think it's right for the villagers to get the blame. So they head towards the barren land at the mountain range of High Harbor to negotiate with Orlo about the boar. It was vast, rocky , and filled with warnings to those who trespass. Conan and Jimsy enter the territory and were soon encountered by a group of masked horsemen. They drove Conan and Jimsy straight to the trap. Conan tells them that they're not here to fight, they just wanted to see Orlo about the boar. So the horsemen took them to a ruins of a freeway where Orlo and his gang live. They told him they've come to apologize for the boar that was killed. Orlo thinks that the villagers are using them to hide their guilt about the boar. But they told him that they're not lying. Orlo doesn't believe that either one of them was able to take down a large boar. So he gives them a test to determine if they were telling the truth. The next morning they were sent to a field which has a boar that's are ferocious as the other one. If Conan and Jimsy take it down then Orlo will forget about the boar that was killed. The boar charged at them, Conan and Jimsy used their rope to lasso the boar and make it get tangled around a bolder. They then tied it to the bolder and the boar was captured with ease. Orlo and his gang were impressed that they managed to accomplish a task so hard to achieve. Later Orlo tell Conan and jimsy that he and the others live in the Barren Land for more excitement and more freedom from nagging adults. Orlo raises horses and pigs alike. He offers Conan and Jimsy an opportunity to live here as executives, where they can eat as much meat as they want, and own a horse. Conan denied the offer, but Jimsy is interested. Jimsy is excited to be able to ride a horse for the first time. While Conan knows that Orlo is bad news according to Lana.
Episode 24 • Oct 16, 1978
The committee members are taking care of the solar energy for the use of fuel for escaping Industira. Luke and the other Industrians are suppling food for the trip. An earthquake recently occurred and made the land shifted even more. They must be quick about leaving Industria before it sinks into the ocean according to Dr. Lao. One of the members noticed that energy is being used in an unflooded hanger. They turned it off because no one is operating down there. Meanwhile in the unflooded hanger which holds Giganto(the WW3 aircraft from episode 6), several of Lepka's trusted men have gathered up to meet none other than Lepka himself. He's still alive and is planning to use Giganto to take over the world. Once Giganto is fueled with solar energy then Lepka will have a flying fortress that can rule the skies. He got his men dressed in Giganto suits and armed with guns. They went back up to take control of the control center. The Committee Members were surrounded and surprised that Lepka is still alive. He actives the energy for the unflooded hanger again which soon fueled the Giganto. Lana saw what was happening and went to see her Grandfather to tell him that Lepkai s still alive. Monsley who is mostly recovered told Lana they need to escape and let Luke and Conan know that Lepka is going to use Giganto. Lana didn't want to leave her grandfather behind, but Dr. Lao told her not to worry about him. They sneaked out and told the Industrians to warn Luke about Lepka. Then they head towards the Falco to go to the Salvage Ship Area where Conan, Jimsy, and Dyce are. At the Salvage Ship Area, Conan helps the Luca, the Industrians, and the other Salvage employees in reeling up a sunken ship that'll be used to escape from Industria. The Falco came by, and Lana told Conan that Lepka is alive and is planning to use Giganto. Conan, Jimsy, and Dyce went with Monsley and Lana. While they leave the others to finish preparing the ship. The Giganto finished fueling and is now fully functional. Lepka is rather pleased that he now holds the the power in wiping out the earth. The hanger was opened and the Giganto flew from Industria. The Falco saw the Giganto depart from Industria, so Monsley piloted the Falco to stop it from achieving world domination. They must destroy it otherwise Lepka will use Giganto to destroy High Harbor.
Episode 25 • Dec 31, 1969
Indasutoria no saigo
Monsley and Lana glide down on the Falco and landed at Industria. They were met with Luke and said that everyone including Dr. Lao is fine. They told Luke that Conan, Jimsy, and Dyce are fighting on board Giganto before it arrives anywhere near High Harbor. Lana knows they will come back safe and sound. Meanwhile, Conan, Jimsy, and Dyce wreak havoc on the Giganto. Lepka orders all his men at all costs to stop them but they just keep damaging the wing and engines. Conan, Jimsy and Dyce found their way inside and started to salvaged the controls, engines, and power supply. Soon the Giganto's main engine was in flames. Lepka gave orders to cut off the main engine, they did which caused Jimsy and Dyce to slip up from Conan. So Conan goes to the lower part to continue damaging the controls while Jimsy and Dyce destroy the Giganto from a cockpit located on the top. Lepka finds his Giganto to be in no condition to destroy the world, so he plans an escape from an escape pod. But Conan won't let him get away for what he's done. In Industria, preparations for the escape ship are almost done. An earthquake occurred and a bright light appeared from the horizon. Dr. Lao explained that the fault line of the crust is acting up and the Diastrophism will occur momentarily. They must depart as soon as possible. The Industrians are worried that they might miss Conan, Dyce, and Jimsy from coming back from destroying Giganto. But Lana has faith that they're still out in the ocean waiting for them to come.
Episode 26 • Oct 30, 1978
Industria is now at the depths of the Ocean, Giganto has been destroyed, & Lepka is gone for good. Now the escape Ship sails to find our heroes. Dyce and Jimsy are stranded on the cockpit that Lepka cut off. They were worried that they'll never make it back to dry land. Hope seems lost till they saw the ship coming towards them, and were brought on board. They were thrilled to be saved. Lana asked where Conan is, but they didn't know because he was left on the Giganto. But is bound to be somewhere near by. Lana gave Jimsy and Dyce a meal, and then went to her Grandfather for help. She doesn't know how to find Conan out in the ocean and tried her best to use her ESP powers but she can't hear his voice. Dr. Lao told her in order to find Conan, she must fly. She didn't know what that meant, till she realize that the birds can help her. She went up board and found Tikki flying along with the other birds. She used her ESP powers to fly with Tikki(telepathically). Tikki flew across the ocean with Lana's ESP, and with Hope, Conan was found alive and on board a hollow tank to float. Lana snapped out of her ESP, and inform Dyce on where Conan is. And soon Conan was reunited with Lana, Dyce, Monsley, and the Industrians. They all went to Dr. Lao who is pleased with how things are turning out. He thanks Conan for all he's done for him. And told him to take care of Lana from now on. As Conan and Lana will be living in a better and brighter future. The days of the old and dark world have ended and now mankind will enter the new world at peace.

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