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Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Unknown
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Genres : Thriller Fantasy Horror
Release date : Feb 22, 1992
Language : English
A boy haunted by visions of a dark tower from a parallel reality teams up with the tower's disillusioned guardian to stop an evil warlock known as the Man in Black who plans to use the boy to destroy the tower and open the gates of Hell.
Harry Potter is tasked with the dangerous and seemingly impossible task of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Harry must rely on Ron and Hermione more than ever, but dark forces threaten to tear them apart.
In a reimagined history of the French Revolution, the guillotine's future inventor uncovers a disease that drives the aristocracy to murder commoners.
Wendy Darling strikes out in an attempt to rescue her brother Michael from 'the clutches of the evil Peter Pan.' Along the way she meets Tinkerbell, who will be seen taking heroin, believing that it's pixie dust.
A powerful warrior seeks to avenge the genocide of his people and the murder of his parents at the hands of a snake cult.
As the battle between the forces of good and evil in the wizarding world escalates, Harry Potter draws ever closer to his final confrontation with Voldemort.