Episode list

1000 Ways to Die

Life Will Kill You
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#208 Semi-cide" a man is run over by a semi and cut in half, "#422 Construction Accident" a man buried alive in three tons of sand, "#92 Fang Banged" a man who fell on a poisonous rattlesnake and was bit on the chest, "#832 Lesbocution" a woman who is electrocuted by walking barefoot into an electrified puddle, "#125 Love Bugged" a reptile and insect collector who was bit by a black widow spider, and "#640 Tumble Die" a hospital repairman is caught in a industrial strength dryer. It also looks at the case of a paramedic who survived after he was hit by a runaway car at the Dayton Speedway.
7 /10
Hard Lives, Easy Deaths
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#293 Freeze Died" a man is locked in a freezing meat locker, "#713 Dive Bombed" three men who die after flying a private plane after scuba diving, "#91 De-Coffinated" a Haitan man is buried alive while by a paralyzing by a Voodoo toxin, "#606 Wet Dream" a man who died of heat stroke in a homemade diving suit, and "#112 Fur Burger" an ancient method of execution that involved rapping a man in an animal skin, tying him to a tree, and letting him be eaten alive by vultures. It also looks at the story of Shayna Richardson who survived a skydiving accident.
6.8 /10
Death Over Easy

Sat, Feb 07, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#316 Butt F***ed" a hospital patient suffering from burns accidentally sets his bandages on fire when having a cigarette, "#818 Frightmare" a woman with recurring nightmares dies of sudden unexpected death syndrome, "#97 Oprah Winfried" a death row inmate accidentally electrocutes himself when sitting on a metal toilet, "#412 Em-Bear-Assed" a man tripping on mushrooms encounters a furry orgy and gets mauled a bear, "#625 Midnight Choker" a man who chokes when he accidentally swallows a billiard ball, and "#269 Window Pained" a pepping tom who accidentally breaks his neck after he sticks his head into a window. It also looks at the crash of helicopter pilot Benjamin H. Moore and interviews him on how he survived.
6.3 /10
Unforced Errors

Sat, Feb 07, 2009
Sex-crazed beauty works out a fantasy with some fresh-produce. Attorney jumps out of the conference room window on the 40th floor! Young couple has their last "quickie" in a helium-filled deathtrap.
6.3 /10
Dead and Deader

Sat, Feb 14, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#504 Wel-Dead" an adrenal junkie is accidentally electrocuted by a welding machine, "#230 Trailer Trashed" a man poisons himself when he pours bleach in his mobile home's toilet, "#171 Nite Capped" a man is shot and killed by a bullet shot into the air on New Years, "#385 Sh*t Faced" a man with a throat operation dies after an alcohol enema, "#197 Dead Eye" a gym instructor accidentally impales himself through the eye, and "#319 Domin-a-Dead" a 32-year old virgin dies of an allergic reaction when he is put in a latex suit by a dominatrix.
6.2 /10
Death Gets Busy

Sat, Feb 21, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#610 Deep Fried" a man with anger issues falls into a vat of hydrochloric acid after attacking his former boss, "#892 Gorgeous Gorge" a supermodel with bulimia dies after an eating binge, "#347 Re-Tired" a pornography addict impales himself after overfilling a tire until it explodes, "#652 Botoxicated" a woman worried about wrinkles dies after a bad Botox injection, "#498 Choke-A-Lot" two kitchen workers die after inhaling coco powder, and "#629 Sex Ray" a patient dies after being left in an X-ray machine by his over sexed doctor. It also looks at how a stock car racer was almost burned alive during an explosion after an accident.
6.6 /10
The Lighter Side of Death
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#314 Dung For" a man sleeping with a farmer's daughter dies after being buried in manure, "#622 Brain Worms" a couple gets infected by parasites after eating a dinner of live snails, "#401 Abracadaver" a magician dies after his assistant shoots him during a bullet catch, "#429 Weed Whacked" two stoners die after smoking poison sumac, "#221 Rebel Without a Pulse" a Civil War deserter dies of a heart attack after a firing squad misses him, and "#510 Kill Basa" a man dies of a blood clot after hiding a sausage in his disco pants. It also looks at how a drag boat racer survive a gruesome crash.
6.1 /10
The Good, the Bad and the Dead
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#770 Face Offed" a showgirl dies of flesh-eating bacteria after she cuts herself when shaving her legs, "#47 Re-Coiled" a survivalist is shot in the heart when a snake accidentally wraps around the trigger of his rifle, "#301 Sucked Offed" an escaped prisoner is killed by leeches after hiding in a river, "#312 Re-Formed" a burglar is crushed to death after hiding in a dumpster that is emptied into a garbage truck, "#963 Fin-ished" a woman chokes to death on a fish after she pulls her fishing line in too hard, and "#552 Butt Plugged" a man dies after hiding pepper spray in his rectum. It also looks at the case of a Navy sailor who survived being sucked into the intake of a jet engine.
6.5 /10
Death Be Not Stupid
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#502 Gas-Hole" a biker dies after drinking the gasoline in his motorcycle and throwing up in a fire, "#1 Ichiboned" a repressed Japanese couple dies from heart attacks when they first make love, #518 Jake N' Baked" a narcoleptic dies after falling asleep in an industrial oven, "#734 Die It" a woman dies after using tapeworms as a diet aid, "#499 Pained Gun" a boy is killed when a paint ball gun explode into his throat, and "#283 Deadliest Catch" an electrician fishing with a power line electrocutes himself. It also talks to a survivor of the ocean crash of a hijacked Ethiopian airliner.
6.6 /10
Cure for the Common Death
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#77 Red, White and Blew" a man accidentally shoots himself in the face with a homemade firecracker on the fourth of July, "#756 Bank Ruptured" a man with pica disorder dies when he eats too many metal objects, "#66 Guitar Zeros" two heavy metal fans in China fall out of a window while head banging, "#196 Radium Girls" a woman dies of cancer after painting herself with glow-in-the-dark radium paint, "#638 Oz Holed" two Ozzy Osborn fans die after trying to snort fire ants, and "#710 Tanked Girl" a deep sea diver dies when someone accidentally opens a decompression chamber. It also looks at the case of a skydiver who survived a mid-air collision with another skydiver.
6.5 /10
Death: A User's Manual
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#117 Gut Busted" a man with serious gas dies after his girlfriend bursts his stomach with a punch, "#417 DestRoid" an amateur bodybuilder dies of a heart attack at the gym while using steroids, "#78 Text Dead" a woman who is texting is run over by a car driven by the man who is texting her, "#210 Pissed Off" a golfer is bitten by a rat that crawled up his pants leg and dies of Weil's syndrome, "#222 Car Jacked" a car thief gets caught hanging upside down on a rope and dies of a stroke, and "#201 Blown Job" an intoxicated clown is accidentally smothered to death when an enormous balloon inflates inside a car he is driving. It also looks at a horrific multiple motorcycle accident in Mexico City.
6.4 /10
I See Dead People (And They're Cracking Me Up)
#72 Bowed Out" a Japanese man dies of an aneurysm after hitting another man on the head during a bow, "#277 You're So Vein" a death row inmate survives a lethal injection but dies shortly after being unbuckled from the gurney,
7.1 /10
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