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20 y más por el arte

Hacia la cima del Izta
Tania Ximena Ruiz Santos climbs the Iztaccihuatl to register ice formations and then reproduce them in ceramic.
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Neza York

Mon, Sep 02, 2013
"Ciudad Neza" is one of Mexico City's most peculiar neighborhoods. That is where Fershow Escárcega is from and where most of his photo shoots take place.
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Miradas genealógicas
Tania Bohórquez's father is also her mother's uncle. Incest has always been a part of her life and her art. Her most recent project "Genealogical glances" is a series of portraits of families that have incestuous blood ties.
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Un oficio de hombres
Luis Enrique García Reyes' father was a truck driver until his death. Now Luis Enrique travels along photographing not only the profession, but the interaction amongst men as well.
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El gesto revolucionario
Nuria Montiel constructed a mobile printing press to record people's words during demonstrations. Now she is directing a play that evokes with shadows, the gestures of a revolution.
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Retrato de una identificación oficial
Samara Guzmán Fernández collects the official identifications of strangers. She then draws their portrait based on the photo that appears on the ID and sends it to the address there specified.
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La tautología del miedo
In northern Mexico violence has become all too common. José Jiménez Ortiz analyzes the effect of fear and the questions that arise after the death of a loved one due to organized crime.
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Mon, Oct 28, 2013
Leika Mochán music interacts with its surroundings. She composes songs that use atmospheric sounds and she takes her music to the streets on her pimped bike.
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El arte de ser un ama de casa
Ruvalcaba & Partners is a company that buys ideas for art pieces. Its founder, Daniel Ruvalcaba, is currently working with housewives in order to form an art collection inspired on domestic work.
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La matraca

Mon, Nov 18, 2013
Esthel Vera Vogrig designed an interface that detects movement and assigns a note to each one. This way, by dancing one creates music - and with a choreography one composes a song-.
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Lo efímero

Mon, Nov 25, 2013
Marcos Castro does interventions in buildings about to be demolished. His work then becomes archaeological ruins.
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Ópera de salsa
Gabriel Briones designed a special kind of guitar with eleven strings in order to introduce this instrument in his salsa compositions. Now, he's composing the first ever opera in the salsa genre.
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El arte es político
Renato Garza Cervera's pieces touch sensitive subjects such as religion and politics. They do so with a sense of humor that doesn't undermine the seriousness of the message.
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Poemas en Tzotzil
Angelina Suyul writes poetry, María Arias makes documentary films. The work of both artists serves as a glimpse of the tzotzil language and culture.
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Mon, Dec 30, 2013
Diego Vázquez, choreographer, and Erick Meyenberg, multi-disciplinary artist, revise their projects in the meetings of the FONCA grant for young Mexican artists.
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