Jake James thinks he has a chance to finally get out of the friendzone with his dream girl, Scarlett Ray, when his date is interrupted by a rampaging Minotaur and loquacious superhero Cal Carr.
Green lawyer Megan Sullivan discovers that her adorable, crushworthy roommate, Jake James, is a demigod and meets the quirkeriffic superhero Cal Carr. Billionaire Matchmaker Sebastian Eros reveals a certain fondness for The Golden Fleece.
Superhero at large Cal Carr takes Jake James to Mount Olympus to meet his father Zeus, or as he prefers in the current circumstances: Pablo. Fellow Gods and step siblings Aphrodite & Hermes make life more interesting for the duo as Pablo requests the brothers retrieve the Golden Fleece together.
2 weeks after being charged with a quest to find the Golden Fleece by their father Greek God Zeus (now going by the name Pablo), Cal decides to test Jake's powers mostly for his own amusement. Sebastian Eros, peeved as a recent magazine cover chastises his attorney, Megan Sullivan, and tries to seduce her to the darkside with the help of a certain neighborhood Minotaur.
Jake and Cal head to see Scarlett (now played by Virginia Welch, replacing Elizabeth Holcomb in a Don Cheadle-Terrence Howard-esque exchange) to find Cal an apartment. Jake mentions that Billy will be helping the duo find the fleece, setting off an argument between Cal and Scarlett. Pablo seeks solace from missing his wife Hera by taking up with a couple of Aphrodite's nymphs. Hermes pleads to be transferred away from The White Room and thus Olympus doorman duty. Scarlett introduces Jake & Cal to Lucy, who proves to be not just a capable realtor, but a pediatric resident at Cedar Sinai.
Cal decides to rent an apartment from Lucy and after a little IKEA apparating stirs some fond and not so fond memories of his relationship with Scarlett. Lucy and Jake do a little bonding of their own over shared interests. Sebastian, Megan and Tori the Minotaur pay a visit to everyone's favorite immortal and now slightly destitute Elizabethan author, William Shakespeare.
Cal and Jake journey to see if William Shakespeare can help them find the Fleece. They are unfortunately greeted by Sebastian Eros, Megan and Tori the Minotaur holding Billy on the ledge of the roof.
Cal finds himself confronting a long lost friend(over a girl potentially named Scarlett) to secure the fleece while Jake satiates the Sphinx' riddle to enter Medusa's Lair through a portal in Hollywood's famed Renaissance Hotel. Lucy and Scarlett have the mostly distinct pleasure of meeting Aphrodite as they wait for the dynamic duo to return with the Golden Fleece.
Cal and Jake enter Medusa's Lair and find themselves in an unpredictable battle with Medusa's Stone Men. Medusa's victims don't die, they just turn into incredible powerful men made of stone who really don't like visitors soliciting for their favorite Fleece. Pablo ruminates on the good old days with an Orb encased Cronos before he and Aphrodite put together a backup plan to acquire the much sought after golden garment of the Gods. Scarlett and Lucy anxiously await Cal and Jake's return and Hermes forgets his original objective and instead focuses seducing The Sphinx.
Megan and Tori stakeout Cal's House before they are summoned to Medusa's Lair by Sebastian Eros. Jake returns to Lucy and Scarlett with a very drunk Sphinx & Hermes and a very badly beaten, unconscious Cal. Lingering in the dreamscape of his first date with Scarlett, the Talking Whiskey reiterates his claim to Cal that his mother is indeed alive.
Sebastian Eros, Megs and Tori venture into Medusa's Alternate Dimension in search of the Fleece and find themselves less than welcome visitors. No longer under the guise of a talking whiskey, Poseidon finally speaks with Cal. Poseidon confirms that Cal's actual mother is not only alive, but actually Queen Goddess Hera and she is trapped in the mortal form of Lucy.
Cal, Jake and Stoneman Marc Antony venture into Medusa's Living Room to find Sebastian Eros, Megs and Tori just moments away from the Stone Stare. Things take a dark turn as the brothers find themselves at odds over the Golden Fleece. Mount Olympus will never be the same.