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Perihelion (Perihelion)
Fri, Dec 01, 2023
  • S1.E5
  • Perihelion (Perihelion)
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The Trade Off (Pertukaran)
Fri, Nov 24, 2023
  • S1.E4
  • The Trade Off (Pertukaran)
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The Broken Hero (Pahlawan Yang Hancur)
Bara is a member of Byron Sigmaforce and is the chosen one who can transform into BARDION. The BARDION suit is battle armor created by the BSF to counter Syndrome resistance. Planet Byron is in trouble because the planet has been damaged and many of its inhabitants have evolved become extremest radicals which due to climate the habitans mutated into monsters. The BSF team led by Professor Kirina succeeded in creating 2 powerfields. An expedition team from the planet Byron went and discovered Earth. On Earth, the planet is still relatively good for replicating ozone with both power fields. General Zirifus, one of Syndrome's top officials, was sent by King Maker to intercept the BSF's intentions. They managed to take 1 powerfield. Syndrome's plan to seize the powerfield is to destroy the earth's ozone and make the earth a habitat for syndrome. Just one more powerfield hidden by professor Kirina. Has Bara succeeded in fighting Syndrome?
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