Episode list

Block 13

The Rivet

Fri, Oct 06, 2023
The Boys were informed of an upcoming test. everyone tried to study for the test so they can achieve a high score. Azzouz and Hammoud studied for the test but Saloom had to change his dad's tires, but Abboud had other plans, He stole the test answer from the teacher's bag after school, puts it in his pocket, and then waited till the test starts. Was he caught or not see the answers in the next episode.
6.5 /10
Caught Red Handed/Fell On Him
Mr. Saleh found out someone stole the test answers. He thought it was Tawfik but he said he didn't do anything and he was the star of the class, Mr. Saleh didn't listen and threatened him with an automatic fail if he didn't admit his action, The class still did the test anyways and Abboud got his answer sheet and copied down the answers, While in the middle of the test, Mr. Saleh caught him red-handed When the teacher caught him, Abboud, immediately denied it and said it was Saloom's cheat sheet, Mr. Saleh didn't believe him and gave him a detention, Fortunately, everyone in the class passed even Abboud.
7.8 /10
Oh God I'm Fasting
It's time for fasting during Ramadan, but Abood decides to break his fast, and nobody is happy about it.
0 /10

Mon, Dec 04, 2000
The boys at Abood's house are watching a TV show. Farooha calls her mom over to ask if they can go to the Internet cafe, and she is allowed to go with them to the cafe. At the cafe, Tawfik is on what appears to be a chat-room, spamming it and laughing.
0 /10
Free Travel

Thu, Dec 07, 2000
Freddy chica cartoon cat foxy bendy siren head icaro duduytgamer chara. And Adam and alessia
0 /10
Friday The 13th
Abboud is having a string of bad luck on Friday the 13th, which may be related to something out of the ordinary.
6.8 /10
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